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Instructions and a script to help speed up language translations for MariaDB are provided. The README.md provides instructions of a recommended workflow that involves: - Extracting the English language entries in the file errmsg-utf8.txt - Using online tools to do automatic translation. - Proof-reading the automatic translations. - Running the script insert_translations_into_errmsg.py that will take the original errmsg-utf8.txt file, the extracted english translations file and the new language translations file and generate a new file errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt that is a copy of errmsg-utf8.txt but with the new language entries inserted into it at the correct positions. All new code of the whole pull request, including one or several files that are either new files or modified ones, are contributed under the BSD-new license. I am contributing on behalf of my employer Amazon Web Services, Inc.
279 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
279 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
import pdb
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
import bisect
import argparse
# How this script works
# The script is mainly driven by a state machine that consumes input
# and produces output "record-by-record"in an iterator-like fashion. Coroutines,
# are used to consume each of the inputs only when they are needed for each
# state, assuring proper rate-matching as 3 input sources are utilized to
# determine the insertion point of the new language, and not all
# 3 inputs are consumed at the same rate.
# The following steps are performed by the script to insert translations
# of the new language into a copy of the errmsg-utf8.txt file:
# 1. Load the source file and map out the lines in a data structure
# 2. Start reading the source file line by line.
# 2.1 For each line you can be in
# - In this state, we continually search the incoming
# lines from the source file for a string starting
# with a series of capital letters (^[A-Z]+).
# - Write each line to the output file, which is a copy
# of 'errmsg-utf8.txt'.
# - Change the state to CALCULATE_INSERT_POINT if a string matching
# the previous criteria is found
# - Take the string starting with capitals and save it in
# the current_header variable"
# - Go to the data structure for the source file and
# using te current_header as a key, read out the
# value part of the structure. The value part should be
# a list .
# - Find the insert point for the new language
# error message based on the list from the previous step.
# - Change state to PERFORM_INSERT
# 2.1.3 PERFORM_INSERT state
# - Read the source file and copy out each line to the output
# file (the copy of 'errmsg-utf8.txt').
# - Continue reading the source file and checking if the
# insert point has been reached. Once it has been reached
# insert the new language in the output file.
class SectionList(list):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.comment_locations = []
def read_file(filename):
''' A function that reads a file in one go '''
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
return data
def obtain_key_value_from_translation_line(translation_match, line):
if translation_match :
return translation_match.groups()
return '#', line # Here we assume some other line type
#that is not a language type and its translation. Return as is with hash character as key
def map_out_source_data(data):
Load the source error message file into a navigable data structure (a lists of lists
has been chosen to ensure the source order is not disrupted)
# use a regex to split the data into sections
sections = re.split(r'\n(?=[A-Z])', data)
# create a dictionary to store the processed data
data_dict = {}
# process each section
for section in sections:
if not re.match(r'^[A-Z]+', section):
# split the section into lines
lines = section.split('\n')
# the title of the section is the first line
title = lines[0].strip()
# create a list for the key-value pairs in this section
section_list = []
comment_list = []
prev_key = ''
current_line_loc = 0
# process each line (except the first one)
for line in lines[1:]:
# split the line into a key and a value
translation_match = re.match(r'\s*([a-z\-]+) \"(.*)\"', line)
key, value = obtain_key_value_from_translation_line(translation_match,line)
# add the key-value pair to the section list
if key != '#':
section_list.append([key, value])
prev_key = key
elif '#' in value:
# Current line in file is a comment, we want to keep
# track of its location in the original file
current_line_loc += 1
section_list_with_attributes = SectionList(section_list)
section_list_with_attributes.comment_locations = comment_list.copy()
# add the section list to the main list
data_dict[title] = section_list_with_attributes
return data_dict
def single_file_reader(input_file_name):
with open(input_file_name, 'r') as input_file:
for line in input_file:
yield line
def single_file_writer(output_file_name):
with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output_file:
while True:
line = yield
def double_file_reader(file1, file2):
with open(file1, 'r') as f1, open(file2, 'r') as f2:
for line1, line2 in zip(f1, f2):
yield (line1, line2)
def detect_language(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
first_line = f.readline()
lang = first_line.split()[0]
return lang
def detect_leading_whitespace_from_source_lang_file(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
first_line = f.readline()
whitespace = first_line[:len(first_line) - len(first_line.lstrip())]
return whitespace
class StateControlData:
""" Class for keeping track of state machine information"""
current_state: str = ''
current_header: str = ''
detected_dest_lang: str = ''
whitespace: str = ''
insert_point_index: int = 0
stop_state_machine: bool = False
mapped_input_data: any = None
input_reader: any = None
output_writer: any = None
eng_to_new_lang_translation_mapper: any = None
def searching_for_next_header_action(state_machine_data):
for input_line in state_machine_data.input_reader:
if re.match(r'^[A-Z]+', input_line):
state_machine_data.current_header = input_line.strip()
state_machine_data.current_state = "CALCULATE_INSERT_POINT"
state_machine_data.stop_state_machine = True
return state_machine_data
def calculate_insert_point_action(state_machine_data):
detected_dest_lang = state_machine_data.detected_dest_lang
current_header = state_machine_data.current_header
old_lang_list = state_machine_data.mapped_input_data[current_header]
# Determine the spot where the new translation should fit in
# the list of translations
index = bisect.bisect([lang for lang, _ in old_lang_list], detected_dest_lang)
state_machine_data.insert_point_index = index
state_machine_data.current_state = "PERFORM_INSERT"
return state_machine_data
def finding_insert_point_action(state_machine_data):
def adjust_for_comments_occuring_before_insert_point(insert_point_index, comment_locations):
for comment_loc in comment_locations:
if comment_loc <= insert_point_index:
insert_point_index += 1
return insert_point_index
eng_to_new_lang_tuple = next(state_machine_data.eng_to_new_lang_translation_mapper)
current_header = state_machine_data.current_header
old_lang_list = state_machine_data.mapped_input_data[current_header]
index = adjust_for_comments_occuring_before_insert_point(state_machine_data.insert_point_index, old_lang_list.comment_locations)
detected_whitespace = state_machine_data.whitespace
for i,elem in enumerate(old_lang_list):
if index == i:
state_machine_data.output_writer.send(detected_whitespace + eng_to_new_lang_tuple[1])
input_line = next(state_machine_data.input_reader, None)
if input_line is None:
# New lang should be placed last
if index >= len(old_lang_list):
state_machine_data.output_writer.send(detected_whitespace + eng_to_new_lang_tuple[1])
#state_machine_data.output_writer.send("\n") # The lines are stripped so we add a carriage-return
state_machine_data.current_state = "SEARCHING_FOR_NEXT_HEADER"
return state_machine_data
def language_inserter(data_dict, english_lang_translations_file, new_lang_translations_file):
Inserts the new language into a copy of errmsg-utf8.txt, using a state machine to
keep track of what step it is to take. Coroutines are used to keep control flow
tractable when dealing with 4 separate files
state_machine = {
"SEARCHING_FOR_NEXT_HEADER" : searching_for_next_header_action,
"CALCULATE_INSERT_POINT" : calculate_insert_point_action,
"PERFORM_INSERT" : finding_insert_point_action
state_machine_data = StateControlData()
state_machine_data.output_writer = single_file_writer('errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt')
state_machine_data.input_reader = single_file_reader('errmsg-utf8.txt')
state_machine_data.eng_to_new_lang_translation_mapper = double_file_reader(english_lang_translations_file, new_lang_translations_file)
state_machine_data.detected_dest_lang = detect_language(new_lang_translations_file)
state_machine_data.whitespace = detect_leading_whitespace_from_source_lang_file(english_lang_translations_file)
state_machine_data.current_header =''
state_machine_data.current_state = "SEARCHING_FOR_NEXT_HEADER"
state_machine_data.mapped_input_data = data_dict
while not state_machine_data.stop_state_machine:
current_state = state_machine_data.current_state
state_machine_data = state_machine[current_state](state_machine_data)
def main():
''' main function '''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Given errmsg-utf8.txt,
an english language file extracted from errmsg-utf8.txt and another
file with translations into a new language from the english language
file, reinsert the new language translations into their correct
positions in a copy of errmsg-utf8.txt.''')
parser.add_argument('errmsg_file', type=str, help='Path to errmsg-utf8.txt')
parser.add_argument('english_lang_translations_file', type=str, help='Path to English lang translations file')
parser.add_argument('new_lang_translations_file', type=str, help='Path to new lang translations file')
args = parser.parse_args()
errmsg_file = args.errmsg_file
english_lang_translations_file = args.english_lang_translations_file
new_lang_translations_file = args.new_lang_translations_file
data = read_file(errmsg_file)
data_dict = map_out_source_data(data)
print('Original file errmsg-utf8.txt has been successfully mapped into memory.')
print('''Now starting insertion process into errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt which is
a copy of errmsg-utf8.txt''')
# In case you want to hard code the language source files, uncomment
# the below two lines, set the new language file name and disable
# argument parsing.
#english_lang_translations_file = 'all_english_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt'
#new_lang_translations_file = 'all_swahili_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt'
language_inserter(data_dict, english_lang_translations_file, new_lang_translations_file)
print("Insertion of new language translations into errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt is done")
# call the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":