Alexander Barkov e6961ea311 MDEV-20034 Add support for the pre-defined weak SYS_REFCURSOR
This patch adds support for SYS_REFCURSOR (a weakly typed cursor)
for both sql_mode=ORACLE and sql_mode=DEFAULT.

Works as a regular stored routine variable, parameter and return value:

- can be passed as an IN parameter to stored functions and procedures
- can be passed as an INOUT and OUT parameter to stored procedures
- can be returned from a stored function

Note, strongly typed REF CURSOR will be added separately.

Note, to maintain dependencies easier, some parts of sql_class.h
and item.h were moved to new header files:

- select_results.h:
  class select_result_sink
  class select_result
  class select_result_interceptor

- sp_cursor.h:
  class sp_cursor_statistics
  class sp_cursor

- sp_rcontext_handler.h
  class Sp_rcontext_handler and its descendants

The implementation consists of the following parts:
- A new class sp_cursor_array deriving from Dynamic_array

- A new class Statement_rcontext which contains data shared
  between sub-statements of a compound statement.
  It has a member m_statement_cursors of the sp_cursor_array data type,
  as well as open cursor counter. THD inherits from Statement_rcontext.

- A new data type handler Type_handler_sys_refcursor in plugins/type_cursor/
  It is designed to store uint16 references -
  positions of the cursor in THD::m_statement_cursors.

- Type_handler_sys_refcursor suppresses some derived numeric features.
  When a SYS_REFCURSOR variable is used as an integer an error is raised.

- A new abstract class sp_instr_fetch_cursor. It's needed to share
  the common code between "OPEN cur" (for static cursors) and
  "OPER cur FOR stmt" (for SYS_REFCURSORs).

- New sp_instr classes:
  * sp_instr_copen_by_ref      - OPEN sys_ref_curor FOR stmt;
  * sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref     - FETCH sys_ref_cursor INTO targets;
  * sp_instr_cclose_by_ref     - CLOSE sys_ref_cursor;
  * sp_instr_destruct_variable - to destruct SYS_REFCURSOR variables when
                                 the execution goes out of the BEGIN..END block
                                 where SYS_REFCURSOR variables are declared.
- New methods in LEX:
  * sp_open_cursor_for_stmt   - handles "OPEN sys_ref_cursor FOR stmt".
  * sp_add_instr_fetch_cursor - "FETCH cur INTO targets" for both
                                static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.
  * sp_close - handles "CLOSE cur" both for static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.

- Changes in cursor functions to handle both static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs:
  * Item_func_cursor_isopen
  * Item_func_cursor_found
  * Item_func_cursor_notfound
  * Item_func_cursor_rowcount

- A new system variable @@max_open_cursors - to limit the number
  of cursors (static and SYS_REFCURSORs) opened at the same time.
  Its allowed range is [0-65536], with 50 by default.

- A new virtual method Type_handler::can_return_bool() telling
  if calling item->val_bool() is allowed for Items of this data type,
  or if otherwise the "Illegal parameter for operation" error should be raised
  at fix_fields() time.

- New methods in Sp_rcontext_handler:
  * get_cursor()
  * get_cursor_by_ref()

- A new class Sp_rcontext_handler_statement to handle top level statement
  wide cursors which are shared by all substatements.

- A new virtual method expr_event_handler() in classes Item and Field.
  It's needed to close (and make available for a new OPEN)
  unused THD::m_statement_cursors elements which do not have any references
  any more. It can happen in various moments in time, e.g.
  * after evaluation parameters of an SQL routine
  * after assigning a cursor expression into a SYS_REFCURSOR variable
  * when leaving a BEGIN..END block with SYS_REFCURSOR variables
  * after setting OUT/INOUT routine actual parameters from formal
2025-03-18 18:31:28 +01:00
charsets MDEV-8334: Rename utf8 to utf8mb3 2021-05-19 06:48:36 +02:00
CMakeLists.txt MDEV-32923: drop errmsg-utf8.txt from packaging 2023-12-18 14:15:15 +11:00
errmsg-utf8.txt MDEV-20034 Add support for the pre-defined weak SYS_REFCURSOR 2025-03-18 18:31:28 +01:00 A procedure and script to speed up translation of MariaDB error messages to a new language 2023-07-20 11:16:21 +01:00 Update errmsg-utf8.txt re my_snprintf suffixes 2025-02-12 10:17:44 +01:00

A quicker way for adding new language translations to the errmsg-utf8.txt file


To generate a new language translation of MariaDB use the following pull request (PR) as a template for your work:

You will notice as part of your translation work, you will have to add your language translations to the file sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt which is found in the current directory. This file is long with many sections which can make the translation work tedious. In this README, we explain a procedure and provide a script that cuts down the amount of tedium in accomplishing the task.


  1. Start by grepping out all the english translations from errmsg-utf8.txt using the following grep command, and redirecting the output to a file:

    grep -P "^\s*eng\s" errmsg-utf8.txt > all_english_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt

  2. Next use Google translate to obtain a translation of this file. Google translate provides the ability to upload whole files for translation. For example, this technique was used to obtain Swahili translations which yielded a file with output similar to the below (output is truncated for clarity):

    sw "hashchk" sw "isamchk" sw "LA" sw "NDIYO" sw "Haiwezi kuunda faili '% -.200s' (kosa: %iE)" sw "Haiwezi kuunda jedwali %s.%s (kosa: %iE)" sw "Haiwezi kuunda hifadhidata '% -.192s' (kosa: %iE)" sw "Haiwezi kuunda hifadhidata '% -.192s'; hifadhidata ipo"

Note that Google translate removes the leading whitespace in the translation file it generates. DO NOT add that leading whitespace back!

  1. Give the translated file an appropriate name (e.g. all_swahili_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt) and store it in the same directory with errmsg-utf8.txt and all_english_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt. These 3 files will be used by the script

  2. Proof check the auto-translations in the file you downloaded from Google translate. Note that Google might ommit formating information that will cause the compilation of MariaDB to fail, so pay attention to these.

  3. Reintegrate these translations into the errmsg-utf8.txt by running the script as follows:

    chmod ugo+x # Make the script executable if it is not.

    ./ <errmsg-utf8.txt file>

    For example, for the swahili translation, we ran the following:

    ./ errmsg-utf8.txt all_english_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt all_swahili_text_in_errmsg-utf8.txt

    The script uses the errmsg-utf8.txt file and the grepped english file to keep track of each new translation. It then creates a file in the same directory as errmsg-utf8.txt with the name errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt.

  4. Check that the reintegration of the new translations into errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt went OK, and if it did, rename errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt to errmsg-utf8.txt:

    mv errmsg-utf8-with-new-language.txt errmsg-utf8.txt

  5. In the header of errmsg-utf8.txt make sure to add your language long form to short form mapping. E.g. for Swahili, add:
