Bug #6479 ALTER TABLE ... changing charset fails for TEXT columns
Fix: use do_conv_blob rather than do_copy_blob
if the column's character sets are different.
Included header fnmatch.h on Unix
Changed C++ comments to C comments
Corrected indentation of code written on Windows
Split up lines to fit into 80 columns
Initiated some variables to avoid warnings
Added __attribute__((unused)) to unused function parameters
Replace tab characters with space
Put space after 'for', 'while' etc
Added value to 'return' from non void function removef()
On Unix strlwr() was incorrectly declared and a no op,
replaced it with a macro that does nothing
Split several statements on the same line
Other minor changes to conform to coding standard
Added cases for bugs #6307 and #6460.
Fixed the problem of bug reports #6307 and #6460.
The reported wrong result sets were due to the fact that
the added call of the fix_fields method for the built
AND condition that joined WHERE and ON conditions
broke ON expression, as it removed extra AND levels
in the built condition.
It looks like that no attributes of the built condition
are needed, so we don't have to call fix_fields here.
of client equals to character set of connection, possibly required
conversion to character set of column is not performed
(prepared statements, data is supplied using placeholders).
My previous change that "set @a=NULL" doesn't change charset
fixed 'Bug #6321' as well. Prove with a new test that
FIELD(<uservariable content NULL>, ...) now works fine too.
_all_ versions. It tries to remove "Docs/Images/Makefile*" as part of the actions to
correct bug number 6350. If the source tree does not contain a dummy file matching
that pattern, this "rm" will fail, and so "Bootstrap" will fail.
The "Makefile.am" introduced with this changeset is identical to the one that will
arrive here when "joerg:1.2057" is propagated from 4.0,
so this separate introduction here is just to allow "Bootstraps" in the meantime.
character set with NULL, @a should be latin2
after this query sequence:
SET @a=_latin2'string';
I.e. the second query should not change the charset
to the current default value, but should keep the
original value assigned during the first query.
In order to do it, we don't copy charset
from the argument if the argument is NULL
and the variable has previously been initialized.
- 'mysqldump --help' comment that --xeh-blob
doesn't work with --extended-inserts was removed.
It does work now. Thanks to Lachlan
who noticed this wrong help message.
- Switched to use the recently introduced
mysql_hex_string() instead of slow sprintf().
Thanks to Sinisa for the idea.
- 'mysqldump --hex-blob' dumps in HEX not only
BLOBs but also BINARY(x) columns.
Thanks to Paul.
Added a case for bug #6365.
Fixed bug #6365 : Server crashed when list of values
in IN predicate contains NULL while the tested field is
of the character type and not of the default set;
e.g. when f in 'f IN (NULL,'aa') belongs to binary
character set, while the default character set is latin1.
"SHOW CREATE TABLE" mysql-4.0 and mysql-3.23
compatibiliry mode change:
Check that a binary collation adds 'binary'
suffix into a char() column definition in
mysql40 and mysql2323 modes. This allows
not to lose the column's case sensitivity
when loading the dump in pre-4.1 servers.
The idea of the fix is that the administrative statements
generate binlog errors if there is no errors on the master.