The buffer for the current read row from each partition
(m_ordered_rec_buffer) used for sorted reads was
allocated on open and freed when the ha_partition handler
was closed or destroyed.
For tables with many partitions and big records this could
take up too much valuable memory.
Solution is to only allocate the memory when it is needed
and free it when nolonger needed. I.e. allocate it in
index_init and free it in index_end (and to handle failures
also free it on reset, close etc.)
Also only allocating needed memory, according to
partitioning pruning.
Manually tested that it does not use as much memory and
releases it after queries.
Problem description:
mysqlhotcopy fails if a view presents in the database.
Before 5.5 'FLUSH TABLES <tbl_name> ... WITH READ LOCK' will able
to get lock for all tables (i.e. base tables and view tables).
In 5.5 onwards 'FLUSH TABLES <tbl_name> ... WITH READ LOCK' for
'view tables' will not work, because taking flush locks on view
tables is not valid.
Take flush lock for 'base tables' and read lock for 'view table'
Note: most of the patch has been backported from bug#13006947's patch
In a master-master set-up, a master can show a wrong
- master-master
- log_slave_updates
This is caused when using SET user-variables and then using
it to perform writes. From then on the master that performed
the insert will have a SHOW SLAVE STATUS that is wrong and
it will never get updated until a write happens on the other
master. On"Master A" the "exec_master_log_pos" is not
getting updated.
Slave receives a "User_var" event from the master and after
applying the event, when "log_slave_updates" option is
enabled the slave tries to write this applied event into
its own binary log. At the time of writing this event the
slave should use the "originating server-id". But in the
above case the sever always logs the "user var events"
by using its global server-id. Due to this in a
"master-master" replication when the event comes back to the
originating server the "User_var_event" doesn't get skipped.
"User_var_events" are context based events and they always
follow with a query event which marks their end of group.
Due to the above mentioned problem with "User_var_event"
logging the "User_var_event" never gets skipped where as
its corresponding "query_event" gets skipped. Hence the
"User_var" event always waits for the next "query event"
and the "Exec_master_log_position" does not get updated
`MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write' function is used to write events
into binary log. Within this function a new object for
"User_var_log_event" is created and this new object is used
to write the "User_var" event in the binlog. "User var"
event is inherited from "Log_event". This "Log_event" has
different overloaded constructors. When a "THD" object
is present "Log_event(thd,...)" constructor should be used
to initialise the objects and in the absence of a valid
"THD" object "Log_event()" minimal constructor should be
used. In the above mentioned problem always default minimal
constructor was used which is incorrect. This minimal
constructor is replaced with "Log_event(thd,...)".
Replaced the default constructor with another constructor
which takes "THD" object as an argument.
Problem description: -ssl-key value is not validated, you can assign any bogus
text to --ssl-key and it is not verified that it exists, and more importantly,
it allows the client to connect to mysqld.
Fix: Added proper validations checks for --ssl-key.
1) Documentation changes require for 5.1, 5.5, 5.6 and trunk in the sections
listed below and the details are :
REQUIRE SSL section of
2) Client having with option '--ssl', should able to get ssl connection. This
will be implemented as part of separate fix in 5.6 and trunk.
When resolving outer fields, Item_field::fix_outer_fields()
creates new Item_refs for each execution of a prepared statement, so
these must be allocated in the runtime memroot. The memroot switching
before resolving JOIN::having causes these to be allocated in the
statement root, leaking memory for each PS execution.
addon, fix for 11829691, item could be created in
runtime memroot, so we need to use real_item instead.
For non range/list partitioned tables (i.e. HASH/KEY):
When prune_partitions finds a multi-range list
(or in this test '<>') for a field of the partition index,
even if it cannot make any use of the multi-range,
it will continue with the next field of the partition index
and use that for pruning (even if it the previous
field could not be used). This results in partitions is
pruned away, leaving partitions that only matches
the last field in the partition index, and will exclude
partitions which might match any previous fields.
Fixed by skipping rest of partitioning key fields/parts
if current key field/part could not be used.
Also notice it is the order of the fields in the CREATE TABLE
statement that triggers this bug, not the order of fields in
primary/unique key or PARTITION BY KEY ().
It must not be the last field in the partitioning expression that
is not equal (or have a non single point range).
I.e. the partitioning index is created with the same field order
as in the CREATE TABLE. And for the bug to appear
the last field must be a single point and some previous field
must be a multi-point range.
This bug was caused by an incorrect fix of
There was nothing wrong with btr_pcur_restore_position(), but with the
use of it in the table scan during index creation.
rb:1206 approved by Jimmy Yang
Problem: Mysqlbinlog does not accept the input from STDIN when
STDIN is a pipe. This prevents the users from passing the input file
through a shell pipe.
Background: The my_seek() function does not check if the file descriptor
passed to it is regular (seekable) file. The check_header() function in
mysqlbinlog calls the my_b_seek() unconditionally and it fails when
the underlying file is a PIPE.
Resolution: We resolve this problem by checking if the underlying file
is a regular file by using my_fstat() before calling my_b_seek().
If the underlying file is not seekable we skip the call to my_b_seek()
in check_header().
Added a check to avoid the my_b_seek() call if the
underlying file is a PIPE.
* Added a new macro to hold the current year :
to take the initial year as parameter and pick
current year from the above mentioned macro.
Problem: libmysqlclient_r exports symbols from yaSSL library which
conflict with openSSL symbols. This issue is related to symbols
used by CURL library and are defined in taocrypt. Taocrypt has
dummy implementation of these functions. Due to this when a
program which uses libcurl library functions is compiled using
libmysqlclient_r and libcurl, it hits segmentation fault in
execution phase.
Solution: MySQL should not be exporting such symbols. However, these
functions are not used by MySQL code at all. So avoid compiling
them in the first place.
While granting MDL lock for the lock requests in wait queue,
first the lock is granted to the high priority lock types
and then to the low priority lock types.
MDL Priority Matrix,
| Locks | | | | | | |
| has Priority| | | | | | |
| over ---> | S | SR| SW| SU| SNW| SNRW|
| X | + | + | + | + | + | + |
| SNRW | - | + | + | - | - | - |
| SNW | - | - | + | - | - | - |
Here '+' means, Lock priority is higher.
'-' means, Has same priority
In the scenario where,
*. Lock wait queue has requests of type S/SR/SW/SU.
*. And locks of high priority X/SNRW/SNW are requested
In this case, while granting lock, always first high priority
lock requests(X/SNRW/SNW) are considered. Low priority
locks(S/SR/SW/SU) will not get chance and they will
wait forever.
In the scenario for which this bug is reported, application
executed many LOCK TABLES ... WRITE statements concurrently.
These statements request SNRW lock. Also there were some
connections trying to execute DML statements requesting SR
lock. Since SNRW lock request has higher priority (and as
they were too many waiting SNRW requests) lock is always
granted to it. So, lock request SR will wait forever, resulting
in DML starvation.
How is this handled in 5.1?
Even in 5.1 we have low priority lock starvation issue.
But, in 5.1 thread locking, system variable
"max_write_lock_count" can be configured to grant
some pending read lock requests. After
"max_write_lock_count" of write lock grants all the low
priority locks are granted.
Why this issue is seen in 5.5/trunk?
In 5.5/trunk MDL locking, "max_write_lock_count" system
variable exists but not used in MDL, only thread lock uses
it. So no effect of "max_write_lock_count" in MDL locking.
This means that starvation of metadata locks is possible
even if max_write_lock_count is used.
Looks like, customer was using "max_write_lock_count" in
5.1 and when upgraded to 5.5, starvation is seen because
of not having effect of "max_write_lock_count" in MDL.
As a fix, support for max_write_lock_count is added to MDL.
To maintain write lock counter per MDL_lock object, new
member "m_hog_lock_count" is added in MDL_lock.
And following logic is added to increment the counter in
function reschedule_waiters,
(reschedule_waiters function is called while thread is
releasing the lock)
- After granting lock request from the wait queue.
- Check if there are any S/SR/SU/SW exists in the wait queue
- If yes then increment the "m_hog_lock_count"
And following logic is added in the same function to
handle pending S/SU/SR/SW locks
- Before granting locks
- Check if max_write_lock_count <= m_hog_lock_count
- If Yes, then try to grant S/SR/SW/SU locks.
(Since all of these has same priority, all locks are
granted together. But some lock grant may fail because
of grant incompatibility)
- Reset m_hog_lock_count if there no low priority lock
requests in wait queue.
- return
In the lock priority matrix explained above,
though X has priority over the SNW and SNRW. X locks is
taken mostly for RENAME, TRUNCATE, CREATE ... operations.
So lock type X may not be requested in loop continuously
in real world applications, as compared to other lock
request types. So, lock request of type SNW and SNRW are
not starved. So, we can grant all S/SR/SU/SW in one shot,
without considering SNW & SNRW lock request starvation.
ALTER table operations take SU lock first and then
upgrade to SNW if required. All S, SR, SW, SU have same
lock priority. So while granting SU, request of types
SR, SW, S are also granted in one shot. So, lock request
of type SU->SNW in loop will not make other low priority
lock request to starve.
But, when there is request for lock of type SNRW, lock
requests of lower priority types are not granted. And if
SNRW is requested in loop continuously then all
S, SR, SW, SU are starved.
This patch addresses the latter scenario.
When we have S/SR/SW/SU in wait queue and if
there are
- Continuous SNRW lock requests
- OR one or more X and Continuous SNRW lock requests.
- OR one SNW and Continuous SNRW lock requests.
- OR one SNW, one or more X and continuous SNRW lock
in wait queue then, S/SR/SW/SU lock request are starved.
Backport the fix from 5.6 to 5.1
Base bug number : 11765562
In Item_func_export_set::val_str, verify that the size of the end
result is within reasonable bounds.
LIMIT always takes nonnegative integer constant values.
So parsing of value '5' for LIMIT in SELECT fails.
But, within prepared statement, LIMIT parameters can be
specified using '?' markers. Value for the parameter can
be supplied while executing the prepared statement.
Passing string values, float or double value for LIMIT
works well from CLI. Because, while setting the value
for the parameters from the variable list (added using
SET), if the value is for parameter LIMIT then its
converted to integer value.
But, when prepared statement is executed from the other
interfaces as J connectors, or C applications etc.
The value for the parameters are sent to the server
with execute command. Each item in log has value and
the data TYPE. So, While setting parameter value
from this log, value is set to all the parameters
with the same data type as passed.
But here logic to convert value to integer type
if its for LIMIT parameter is missing.
Because of this,string '5' is set to LIMIT.
And the same is logged into the binlog file too.
When executing prepared statement having parameter for
CLI it worked fine, as the value set for the parameter
is converted to integer. And this failed in other
interfaces as J connector,C Applications etc as this
conversion is missing.
So, as a fix added check while setting value for the
parameters. If the parameter is for LIMIT value then
its converted to integer value.
The secure installation scripts connect to the
server by storing the password in a temporary
option file. Now, if the script gets killed or
fails for some reason, the removal of the option
file may not take place.
This patch introduces following enhancements :
* (.sh) Made sure that cleanup happens at every
call to 'exit 1'. This is performed implicitly
by END{} in
* ( Added a warning in case unlink fails
to delete the option/query files.
* (.sh/ Added more signals to the signal
handler list. SIG# 1, 3, 6, 15
Problem description:
Table 't' created with two colums having compound index on both the
columns under innodb/myisam engine at remote machine. In the local
machine same table is created undet the federated engine.
A select having where clause with along 'AND' operation gives wrong
results on local machine.
The given query at federated engine is wrongly transformed by
federated::create_where_from_key() function and the same was sent to
the remote machine. Hence the local machine is showing wrong results.
Given query "select c1 from t where c1 <= 2 and c2 = 1;"
Query transformed, after ha_federated::create_where_from_key() function is:
SELECT `c1`, `c2` FROM `t` WHERE (`c1` IS NOT NULL ) AND
( (`c1` >= 2) AND (`c2` <= 1) ) and the same sent to real_query().
In the above the '<=' and '=' conditions were transformed to '>=' and
'<=' respectively.
ha_federated::create_where_from_key() function behaving as below:
The key_range is having both the start_key and end_key. The start_key
is used to get "(`c1` IS NOT NULL )" part of the where clause, this
transformation is correct. The end_key is used to get "( (`c1` >= 2)
AND (`c2` <= 1) )", which is wrong, here the given conditions('<=' and '=')
are changed as wrong conditions('>=' and '<=').
The end_key is having {key = 0x39fa6d0 "", length = 10, keypart_map = 3,
The store_length is having value '5'. Based on store_length and length
values the condition values is applied in HA_READ_AFTER_KEY switch case.
The switch case 'HA_READ_AFTER_KEY' is applicable to only the last part of
the end_key and for previous parts it is going to 'HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT' case,
here the '>=' is getting added as a condition instead of '<='.
Updated the 'if' condition in 'HA_READ_AFTER_KEY' case to affect for all
parts of the end_key. i.e 'i > 0' will used for end_key, Hence added it in
the if condition.
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
modified the file location
moved the file from federated suite to federated/include folder
moved the file from federated suite to federated/include folder
moved the file from federated suite to federated/include folder
updated the 'if condition' in ha_federated::create_where_from_key()
mysql provides a feature where in a session which is
idle for a period specified by the wait_timeout variable
(whose value is in seconds), the session is closed
This feature is not present when we use thread pool.
This patch implements the interface functions which is
required to implement the wait_timeout functionality
in the thread pool plugin.
Backporting the WL#5716, "Information schema table for InnoDB
buffer pool information". Backporting revisions 2876.244.113,
2876.244.102 from mysql-trunk.
rb://1175 approved by Jimmy Yang.
Backporting the WL#5716, "Information schema table for InnoDB
buffer pool information". Backporting revisions 2876.244.113,
2876.244.102 from mysql-trunk.
rb://1177 approved by Jimmy Yang.