This commit contains a large set of further bug fixes and
improvements to SST scripts for Galera, continuing the work
that was started in MDEV-24962 to make SST scripts work smoothly
in different network configurations (especially using ipv6) and
with different environment settings:
1) The ipv6 addresses were incorrectly handled in the SST script
for rsync (incorrect address substitution for establishing a
connection, incorrect address substitution for bind, and so on);
2) Checking the locality of the ip-address in SST scripts did not
support ipv6 addresses (such as "[::1]"), which were falsely
identified as non-local ip, which further did not allow running
two SSTs on different local addresses on the same machine.
On the other hand, this bug masked some other errors (related
to handling ipv6 addresses);
3) The code for checking the locality of the ip address was different
in the SST scripts for rsync and for mysqldump, with individual
flaws. This code is now made common and moved to wsrep_sst_common;
4) Waiting for the start of the transport channel (socat, nc, rsync,
stunnel) in the wait_for_listen() and check_pid_and_port() functions
did not process ipv6 addresses correctly in all cases (not for all
5) Waiting for the start of the transport channel (socat, nc, rsync,
stunnel) in the wait_for_listen() and check_pid_and_port() functions
for some code branches could give a false positive result due to
the textual match of prefixes in the port number and/or PID of
the process;
6) Waiting for the start of the transport channel (socat, nc, rsync,
stunnel) was supported through different utilities in SST scripts
for mariabackup and for rsync, and with various minor flaws in
the code. Now the code is still different in these scripts, but
it supports a common set of utilities (lsof, ss, sockstat) and
is synchronized across patterns that used to check the output
of these utilities;
7) In SST via mariabackup, the signal about readiness to receive data
is sometimes sent too early - immediately after listen(), and not
after accept() (which are called by socat or netcat utility).
8) Checking availability of the some options of some utilities was
done using the grep pattern, which easily gives false positives;
9) Common name (CN) for local addresses, if not explicitly specified,
is now always replaced to "localhost" to avoid the need to generate
many separate certificates for local addresses of one machine and
not to depend on which the local address is currently used in test
(ipv4 or ipv6, etc.);
10) In tests galera_sst_mariabackup_encrypt_with_key_server and
galera_sst_rsync_encrypt_with_key_server the correct certificate
is selected to avoid commonname (CN) mismatch problems;
11) Further refactoring to protect against spaces in file names.
12) Further general refactoring to eliminate bash-specific constructs
or to improve code readability;
13) The code for setting options for the nc (netcat) utility was
different in different scripts for SST - now it is made identical.
14) Fixed long-time broken encryption via xbcrypt in combination with
mariabackup and added support for key-based encryption via openssl
utility, which is now enabled by default for encrypt=1 mode (this
default mode can be changed using a new configuration file option
"encypt-format=openssl|xbcrypt", which can be placed in the [mysqld],
[sst] or in the [xtrabackup] section) - this change will allow us
to use and to test the encypt=1 encryption without installing
non-standard third-party utilities.
This is incosistent with other single config generators, where
the default type has always been RelWithDebInfo.
Fixed by moving setting of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE right before PROJECT.
XA transaction only allows to access data in specific states,
in ACTIVE, but not in IDLE or PREPARE.
But even then one should be able to run SHOW STATUS.
This reverts commit 72fa9dabad
but doesn't recover deleted jars - they still exist in
mysql-test/connect/std_data, no need to have them twice.
Also it removes a redundant copy on JavaWrappers.jar
and configuration.
1. Pass joiner's authentication information to donor together with address
in State Transfer Request. This allows joiner to authenticate donor on
connection. Previously joiner would accept data from anywhere.
2. Deprecate custom SSL configuration variables tca, tcert and tkey in favor
of more familiar ssl-ca, ssl-cert and ssl-key. For backward compatibility
tca, tcert and tkey are still supported.
3. Allow falling back to server-wide SSL configuration in [mysqld] if no SSL
configuration is found in [sst] section of the config file.
4. Introduce ssl-mode variable in [sst] section that takes standard values
and has following effects:
- old-style SSL configuration present in [sst]: no effect
- ssl-mode=DISABLED or absent: retains old, backward compatible behavior
and ignores any other SSL configuration
- ssl-mode=VERIFY*: verify joiner's certificate and CN on donor,
verify donor's secret on joiner
(passed to donor via State Transfer Request)
- anything else enables new SSL configuration convetions but does not
require verification
ssl-mode should be set to VERIFY only in a fully upgraded cluster.
-- server-wide SSL configuration is ignored, SST does not use SSL
-- use server-wide SSL configuration for SST but don't attempt to
verify the peer identity
-- use SST-specific SSL configuration for SST and require verification
on both sides
Signed-off-by: Julius Goryavsky <>
1. Fix eval command line to correctly pass stunnel option to rsync on donor.
2. Deprecate `tkey`, `tcert` and `tca` options in [sst] section in favor of
conventional `ssl-key`, `ssl-cert` and `ssl-ca`, but keep their precedence
for backward compatibility.
3. Default to require SSL encryption if at least SSL key and cert files are
specified in configuration, either in [sst] or [mysqld] sections.
4. Enable `verify*` option for stunnel on donor only if
a. CA file is specified somewhere in the configuration
b. it is explicitly requested in [sst] section by either specifying
ssl-mode or CA file there. In this case if ssl-mode is not explicitly
given, it defaults to VERIFY_CA.
ssl-mode maps to stunnel options as follows:
VERIFY_CA -> verifyChain = yes
VERIFY_IDENTITY -> verifyPeer = yes
Example to require donor to verify joiner identity:
5. If SSL verification is requested, joiner verifies donor by checking the
secret passed to donor via SST request.
Signed-off-by: Julius Goryavsky <>
When you only need view structure, don't call handle_derived with
DT_CREATE and rely on its internal hackish check to skip DT_CREATE.
Because handle_derived is called from many different places,
and this internal hackish check is indiscriminative.
Instead, just don't ask handle_derived to do DT_CREATE
if you don't want it to do DT_CREATE.
When you only need view structure, don't call handle_derived with
DT_CREATE and rely on its internal hackish check to skip DT_CREATE.
Because handle_derived is called from many different places,
and this internal hackish check is indiscriminative.
Instead, just don't ask handle_derived to do DT_CREATE
if you don't want it to do DT_CREATE.
After switching to the new mariabackup interface (instead of
the outdated innobackupex interface, which is supported for
compatibility), we need to explicitly pass a path to the datadir
directory as a parameter, since in the new interface the value
of this option is not automatically set in such a way that it
always matches the SST/IST logic. This commit adds passing this
option as an explicit parameter to mariabackup. This commit also
removed unnecessary options that are not used and not supported
by mariabackup.
Also, numerous flaws in the common wsrep_sst_common script have
been fixed:
1) There are many bash-specific constructs in the script that
may not be supported by other interpreters, which can lead
to the most unexpected errors during SST, because failures
in the interpretation of bash-specific constructs lead to
incorrect parsing of arguments;
2) There is parse_cnf() function which is often called by other
scripts for the "mysqld" or "--mysqld" group, but it does not
take into account the default group suffix, which leads to
reading values only from the default group, which then leads
to errors due to reading the default values instead of the
values for a specific group;
3) Some options such as --user, --innodb-data-home-dir or --datadir
are not removed from the --mysqld-args list, although they are
processed inside scripts (and passing of these options funther
may cause problems for mariabackup);
4) If an argument that the script understands is present in
the --mysqld-args list twice, then this causes SST to fail,
instead of reading the most recent value;
5) The "--host" parameter is technically still supported among
the arguments of the SST scripts, but in reality scripts do not
work with it as expected, especially if it has an IPv6 address;
6) If the port number is absent in the --address parameter value,
but the port number is explicitly passed through the --port
argument, then the scripts for mariabackup and xtrabackup-v2
7) If a new address interface is used (with the --address parameter),
then automatic default port substitution is not performed, although
it is supported for the legacy --host/--port interface.
8) If there are spaces in the parameter values after --mysqld_args,
then their further transfer does not occur correctly, which
causes mariabackup to fail during SST - the space splits
the argument in such a way that it breaks the parsing of the
following parameters;
9) If most of the parameters that are names or paths to the files
or directories contain spaces, then SST scripts fail in an
unpredictable way due to incorrect variable substitutions;
10) If the --log-bin option is passed among the arguments of myqlds
(--mysqld-args) without a parameter, and the --binlog option
is not specified, then the script cannot substitute the default
name for binlog and cannot construct binlog name using the
--log-basename argument (which is against server specifications);
11) Tail slashes are not removed from the directory names, which,
upon further substitution, leads to the appearance of a double
slash in the file paths;
12) The explicit --binlog parameter (which is now always transmitted
from the server side) and the "hidden" --log-bin parameter in the
list of arguments after --mysqld-args are perceived as two different
parameters in different parts of the scripts, and if they are do not
match for some reason, this will lead to failures during SST;
Also, all new changes from the 10.6 branch have been migrated here,
including the latest pull requests for authentication (only the part
that concerns SST scripts).
It also fixes dozens of other bugs in all SST scripts.
Removed numerous extra blank lines and spaces that interfere with
reading and understanding program code, making it more difficult to
find errors in scripts. I also removed all extra trailing spaces at
the ends of lines, which lead to marking extra lines as changes
(in subsequent changes). The amount of indentation in some parts
of the code has also been normalized.
Fix a race condition in the testcase. The testcase assumed that
State='Sending data' means that the thread is already in an
InnoDB lock wait. This is not case, there is a gap between the
state changing to Sending data and execution reaching the point
where it is waiting for a lock.
Use a more precise check instead, through I_S.INNODB_TRX.
The problem was caused by the following scenario:
Subquery's table has two indexes, KEY a(a), KEY a_b(a,b)
- LATERAL DERIVED optimization decides to use index a.
= The subquery uses ref access over key a.
- test_if_skip_sort_order() sees that KEY a_b satisfies the
subquery's GROUP BY clause, and attempts to switch to it.
= It fails to do so, because KEYUSE objects for index a_b
are switched off.
Fixed by disallowing to change the ref access key if it uses KEYUSE
objects injected by LATERAL DERIVED optimization.
180511 11:07:58 [ERROR] Slave I/O: Unexpected master's heartbeat data:
heartbeat is not compatible with local info;the event's data: log_file_name
mysql-bin.000009 log_pos 1054262041, Error_code: 1623
In replication setup when master server doesn't have any events to send to
slave server it sends an 'Heartbeat_log_event'. This event carries the
current binary log filename and offset details. The offset values is stored
within 4 bytes of event header. When the size of binary log is higher than
UINT32_MAX the log_pos values will not fit in 4 bytes memory. It overflows
and hence slave stops with an error.
Since we cannot extend the common_header of Log_event class, a greater than
4GB value of Log_event::log_pos is made to be transported with a HeartBeat
event's sub-header. Log_event::log_pos in such case is set to zero to
indicate that the 8 byte sub-header is allocated in the event.
In case of cross version replication following behaviour is expected
OLD - Server without fix
NEW - Server with fix
OLD<->NEW : works bidirectionally as long as the binlog offset is
(normally) within 4GB.
When log_pos > UINT32_MAX
OLD->NEW : The 'log_pos' is bound to overflow and NEW slave may report
an invalid event/incompatible heart beat event error.
NEW->OLD : Since patched server sets log_pos=0 on overflow, OLD slave will
report invalid event error.
InnoDB tries to fetch the deleted doc ids for discarded
tablespace. In i_s_fts_deleted_generic_fill(), InnoDB needs
to check whether the table is discarded or not before fetching
deleted doc ids.
fil_ibd_load(): Remove a message that is basically saying that
everything works as expected. The other "Ignoring data file" message
about the presence of an extraneous file will be retained
(and expected by the test innodb.log_file_name).
This commits replaces the call of the function setup_tables() with
a call of the function setup_tables_and_check_access() in the method
There is no known bug that would require this change. However the change
aligns this piece of code with the code existed before the patch for
remove code duplication in Lex_input_stream::scan_ident_middle(),
make sure identifiers are always use the same code path whether
they start form an underscore or not.
Attempt to build MariaDB server on MacOS could result in
compilation errors like the following one:
In file included from server-10.2/storage/perfschema/
In file included from server-10.2/include/my_global.h:287:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
server-10.2/version:1:1: error: expected unqualified-id
server-10.2/build.dir/include/my_config.h:529:29: note: expanded from macro 'MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR'
This kind of compiler errors occur by the reson that compiler's system headers
contain the directive '#include <version>' and a compiler is invoked
The MariaDB source code root directory contains the file VERSION that is handled
by the compiler during processing the directive #include <version>
since file names on MacOS are case insensetive, so version and VERSION is treated as
the same file name.
To fix the issue the source code root directory should be removed from a list
of directories used by the compiler for include search path.
The problem is that sharing default expression among set instruction
leads to attempt access result field of function created in
other instruction runtime MEM_ROOT and already freed
(a bit different then MySQL problem).
Fix is the same as in MySQL (but no optimisation for constant), turn
DECLARE a, b, c type DEFAULT expr;
DECLARE a type DEFAULT expr, b type DEFAULT a, c type DEFAULT a;