Changes in SQL parser:
* Change default mode of SELECT from "lock in share mode"
to "consistent read".
* Remove support from SELECT for specifying "consistent read".
* Add support in SELECT for specifying "lock in share mode".
* Change all uses of SQL parser to specify "lock in share mode".
* Modify syntax so that the only valid top-level statement is
a procedure definition, since it's the only one that actually
* Add support for lock waits.
We now reset the THD members related to auto_increment+binlog in
MYSQL_LOG::write(). This is better than in THD::cleanup_after_query(),
which was not able to distinguish between SELECT myfunc1(),myfunc2()
and INSERT INTO t SELECT myfunc1(),myfunc2() from a binlogging point
of view.
Rows_log_event::exec_event() now calls lex_start() instead of
mysql_init_query() because the latter now does too much (it resets
the binlog format).
closing temp tables through end_thread
had a flaw in binlog-off branch of close_temporary_tables where
next table to close was reset via table->next
for (table= thd->temporary_tables; table; table= table->next)
which was wrong since the current table instance got destoyed at
close_temporary(table, 1);
The fix adapts binlog-on branch method to engage the loop's internal 'next' variable which holds table->next prior table's destoying.
this is a cleanup patch for our current auto_increment handling:
new names for auto_increment variables in THD, new methods to manipulate them
(see sql_class.h), some move into handler::, causing less backup/restore
work when executing substatements.
This makes the logic hopefully clearer, less work is is needed in
By cleaning up, using different variables for different purposes (instead
of one for 3 things...), we fix those bugs, which someone may want to fix
in 5.0 too:
BUG#20339 "stored procedure using LAST_INSERT_ID() does not replicate
BUG#20341 "stored function inserting into one auto_increment puts bad
data in slave"
(now if a row is updated, LAST_INSERT_ID() will return its id)
and re-fixes:
BUG#6880 "LAST_INSERT_ID() value changes during multi-row INSERT"
(already fixed differently by Ramil in 4.1)
Test of documented behaviour of mysql_insert_id() (there was no test).
The behaviour changes introduced are:
- LAST_INSERT_ID() now returns "the first autogenerated auto_increment value
successfully inserted", instead of "the first autogenerated auto_increment
value if any row was successfully inserted", see auto_increment.test.
Same for mysql_insert_id(), see mysql_client_test.c.
- LAST_INSERT_ID() returns the id of the updated row if ON DUPLICATE KEY
UPDATE, see auto_increment.test. Same for mysql_insert_id(), see
- LAST_INSERT_ID() does not change if no autogenerated value was successfully
inserted (it used to then be 0), see auto_increment.test.
- if in INSERT SELECT no autogenerated value was successfully inserted,
mysql_insert_id() now returns the id of the last inserted row (it already
did this for INSERT VALUES), see mysql_client_test.c.
- if INSERT SELECT uses LAST_INSERT_ID(X), mysql_insert_id() now returns X
(it already did this for INSERT VALUES), see mysql_client_test.c.
- NDB now behaves like other engines wrt SET INSERT_ID: with INSERT IGNORE,
the id passed in SET INSERT_ID is re-used until a row succeeds; SET INSERT_ID
influences not only the first row now.
Additionally, when unlocking a table we check that the thread is not keeping
a next_insert_id (as the table is unlocked that id is potentially out-of-date);
forgetting about this next_insert_id is done in a new
Finally we prepare for engines capable of reserving finite-length intervals
of auto_increment values: we store such intervals in THD. The next step
(to be done by the replication team in 5.1) is to read those intervals from
THD and actually store them in the statement-based binary log. NDB
will be a good engine to test that.
1) Fix for BUG#19630 "stored function inserting into two auto_increment breaks
statement-based binlog":
a stored function inserting into two such tables may fail to replicate
(inserting wrong data in the slave's copy of the second table) if the slave's
second table had an internal auto_increment counter different from master's.
Because the auto_increment value autogenerated by master for the 2nd table
does not go into binlog, only the first does, so the slave lacks information.
To fix this, if running in mixed binlogging mode, if the stored function or
trigger plans to update two different tables both having auto_increment
columns, we switch to row-based for the whole function.
We don't have a simple solution for statement-based binlogging mode, there
the bug remains and will be documented as a known problem.
Re-enabling rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed.
2) Fix for BUG#20630 "Mixed binlogging mode does not work with stored
functions, triggers, views", which was a documented limitation (in mixed
mode, we didn't detect that a stored function's execution needed row-based
binlogging (due to some UUID() call for example); same for
triggers, same for views (a view created from a SELECT UUID(), and doing
INSERT INTO sometable SELECT theview; would not replicate row-based).
This is implemented by, after parsing a routine's body, remembering in sp_head
that this routine needs row-based binlogging. Then when this routine is used,
the caller is marked to require row-based binlogging too.
Same for views: when we parse a view and detect that its SELECT needs
row-based binary logging, we mark the calling LEX as such.
3) Fix for BUG#20499 "mixed mode with temporary table breaks binlog":
a temporary table containing e.g. UUID has its changes not binlogged,
so any query updating a permanent table with data from the temporary table
will run wrongly on slave. Solution: in mixed mode we don't switch back
from row-based to statement-based when there exists temporary tables.
4) Attempt to test mysqlbinlog on a binlog generated by mysqlbinlog;
impossible due to BUG#11312 and BUG#20329, but test is in place for when
they are fixed.
manual merge of 5.0 patch and fixing an issue with closing temp tables when no binlog or RBR.
Note, that despite temporary_tables is indeed double-linked list in 5.1 (patch for bug #19881) it is still enough to use only 'next' reference, as it was done for 5.0, when the list is sorted and
destoyed after.