path: root/sentinel.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'sentinel.tcl')
1 files changed, 1442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sentinel.tcl b/sentinel.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b764e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentinel.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1442 @@
+# sentinel.tcl v2.70 (15 April 2002)
+# Copyright 1998-2002 by slennox
+# slennox's eggdrop page -
+# Flood protection system for eggdrop, with integrated BitchX CTCP
+# simulation. This script is designed to provide strong protection for your
+# bot and channels against large floodnets and proxy floods.
+# Note that this script was developed on the eggdrop 1.3, 1.4, and 1.6
+# series and may not work properly on other versions.
+# v2.00 - New standalone release. Contains refinements and features from
+# the netbots.tcl version of sentinel.tcl.
+# v2.50 - Locktimes of less than 30 were erroneously allowed.
+# putquick -next is now supported (eggdrop 1.5+) for faster channel
+# lock.
+# - Ban mechanism now checks if flooders are coming from the same
+# domain or ident and performs wildcard bans instead of banning
+# each IP/host individually.
+# - Added tsunami detection to the avalanche flood detection system.
+# - Variables are now cleared after removing a channel.
+# - Removed unnecessary botonchan checks throughout components where
+# botisop already checks for that.
+# - Removed all unnecessary use of parentheses.
+# v2.60 - Modified putquick compatibility proc.
+# - Added sl_wideban option to make domain/ident bans optional.
+# - Fixed typos in various ban-related functions.
+# - Unused procs are now unloaded.
+# - Wildcard bans covering domains/idents were not doing proper
+# checks on join-part flooders.
+# v2.70 - Fixed "allbans" error which could occur when sl_wideban is
+# disabled.
+# - Added sl_masktype option, currently offering three different
+# ban/ignore mask types.
+# - Merged unsets in sl_unsetarray.
+# - Changed use of "split" in timers to the less ugly "list".
+# sentinel.tcl is centered around its channel lock mechanism. It sets the
+# channel +mi (moderated and invite-only) whenever a substantial flood on
+# the channel is detected. This ensures channel stability when flooded,
+# allowing the bots to deal with the flood as smoothly as possible.
+# sentinel.tcl detects the following types of floods:
+# * Channel CTCP floods. This is the most common type of flood, and will
+# often make users quit from the channel with 'Excess Flood'. A quick
+# channel lock can prevent this.
+# * Channel join-part floods. A common type of channel flood in which many
+# floodbots cycle the channel.
+# * Channel nick floods. Nick floods are unique in that they can occur even
+# after a channel is locked. sentinel has special mechanisms to deal with
+# this as effectively as possible.
+# * Channel avalanche/tsunami floods. While the avalanche flood is quite
+# uncommon these days, tsunami floods are often used to seriously lag
+# mIRC and other clients using control codes (colour, bold, underline,
+# etc.)
+# * Channel text floods. Not small text floods - but when hundreds of
+# messages are sent to the channel within a short period. Detected to
+# stop really aggressive text floods and reduce the possibility of the
+# bot crashing or consuming excessive CPU.
+# sentinel also has additional protection features for the bot and channel:
+# * Bogus username detection. Users with annoying bogus characters in their
+# ident are banned. A channel lock is applied if multiple join in a short
+# period.
+# * Full ban list detection. During a serious flood, the ban list may
+# become full. If this happens, the bots may start kick flooding since
+# they cannot ban. If the ban list is full, the channel will be set +i.
+# * Bot CTCP flood protection. Protects the bot if it is CTCP flooded.
+# * Bot MSG flood protection. Protects the bot if it's flooded with MSGs or
+# MSG commands.
+# * Automatic bans and ignores. During a flood, sentinel will compile a
+# list of the flooders, then kick-ban them after the channel has been
+# locked.
+# * BitchX simulation. This has been built-in mainly because you cannot use
+# a third-party BitchX simulator with sentinel (only one script at a time
+# can have control of CTCPs). sentinel provides accurate simulation of
+# BitchX 75p1+ and 75p3+ CTCP replies and AWAY mode.
+# * Public commands (lc and uc) and DCC commands (.lock and .unlock) for
+# locking/unlocking channels.
+# * DCC command .sentinel displays current settings.
+# Important Notes:
+# - Make sure no bots are enforcing channel mode -i and/or -m.
+# - Bans are added to the bot's internal ban list, and expire after 24
+# hours by default. If you have +dynamicbans set, the bans may be removed
+# from the channel much sooner than this, but the ban will remain in the
+# bot's internal ban list until it expires.
+# - For greater protection against large channel floods, I recommend you
+# also use a channel limiter script, such as chanlimit.tcl.
+# - There is a trade-off between convenience and security. The more
+# automation you enable, the more stress the bot will be under during a
+# flood and the more stuff it will be sending to the server.
+# - Where security is paramount, have one or two bots that aren't running
+# sentinel.tcl. Since sentinel.tcl is a complex script with many
+# automated and convenience features, there is a potential for
+# vulnerabilities.
+# The following flood settings are in number:seconds format, 0:0 to
+# disable.
+# Bot CTCP flood.
+set sl_bcflood 5:30
+# Bot MSG flood.
+set sl_bmflood 6:20
+# Channel CTCP flood.
+set sl_ccflood 5:20
+# Channel avalanche/tsunami flood.
+set sl_avflood 6:20
+# Channel text flood.
+set sl_txflood 80:30
+# Channel bogus username join flood.
+set sl_boflood 4:20
+# Channel join-part flood.
+set sl_jflood 6:20
+# Channel nick flood.
+set sl_nkflood 6:20
+# Flood setting notes:
+# - Don't fiddle too much with the seconds field in the flood settings, as
+# it can reduce the effectiveness of the script. The seconds field should
+# set in the 20-60 seconds range.
+# - Avalanche/tsunmami flood detection may be CPU intensive on a busy
+# channel, although I don't think it's a big deal on most systems. If
+# you're concerned about CPU usage you may wish to disable it, perhaps
+# leaving it enabled on one bot. Disabling text flood protection can
+# further reduce CPU usage.
+# - On bots with avalanche/tsunami flood detection enabled, it's
+# recommended that you also enable text flood detection to cap CPU usage
+# during a flood.
+# - If you enable nick flood detection, it's strongly recommended that it
+# be enabled on all bots that have sentinel.tcl loaded. This is required
+# for effective nick flood handling.
+# Specify the number of control characters that must be in a line before
+# it's counted by the tsunami flood detector. For efficiency reasons,
+# tsunami detection is implemented with avalanche detection, so sl_avflood
+# must be enabled for tsunami detection to be active. Setting this to 0
+# will disable tsunami detection.
+set sl_tsunami 10
+# Valid settings: 0 to disable, otherwise 1 or higher.
+# Length of time in minutes to ban channel flooders. This makes the bot
+# perform kicks and bans on flooders after the channel lock. Because of the
+# reactive nature of automatic bans, you should disable this on at least
+# one bot for the most effective protection.
+set sl_ban 1440
+# Valid settings: 0 to disable, otherwise 1 or higher.
+# Length of time in minutes of on-join bans for bogus usernames. For the
+# most effective protection, you should disable this on at least one bot.
+set sl_boban 1440
+# Valid settings: 0 to disable, otherwise 1 or higher.
+# Set global bans on channel flooders and bogus usernames?
+set sl_globalban 0
+# Valid settings: 1 for global bans, 0 for channel-specific bans.
+# When processing a list of flooders, sentinel.tcl compares the hosts to
+# see if multiple flooders are coming from a particular domain/IP or using
+# the same ident (e.g. different vhosts on a single user account). If
+# multiple flooders come from the same domain/IP, or if multiple flooders
+# have the same ident, then the whole domain/IP (i.e. *!*@* or
+# *!*@555.555.555.*) or ident (i.e. *!*username@*) is banned. If you
+# disable this option, all bans will be in *!* and
+# *!*@555.555.555.555 format.
+set sl_wideban 1
+# Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
+# Maximum number of bans allowed in the bot's ban list before sentinel will
+# stop adding new bans. This prevents the bot from adding hundreds of bans
+# on really large floods. Note that this has nothing to do with the channel
+# ban list.
+set sl_banmax 100
+# Valid settings: 1 or higher.
+# Length of time in minutes to ignore bot flooders. On bots with sl_ban
+# active, channel flooders are also added to the ignore list.
+set sl_igtime 240
+# Valid settings: 1 or higher.
+# Select the type of hostmask to use when banning and/or ignoring flooders.
+# There are three to choose from:
+# 0 - *!* / *!*@555.555.555.555
+# 1 - *!* / *!*ident@555.555.555.555
+# 2 - *!*ident@* / *!*ident@555.555.555.*
+# The default option, 0, is strongly recommended for most situations, and
+# provides the best level of protection. The other two options are provided
+# mainly for special cases.
+set sl_masktype 0
+# Valid settings: 0, 1, or 2, depending on the hostmask type you wish to use.
+# Length of time in seconds to set channel +i if flooded. If set to 0, +i
+# will not be removed automatically.
+set sl_ilocktime 120
+# Valid settings: 0 to prevent +i being removed automatically, otherwise 30
+# or higher.
+# Length of time in seconds to set channel +m if flooded. If set to 0, +m
+# will not be removed automatically.
+set sl_mlocktime 60
+# Valid settings: 0 to prevent +m being removed automatically, otherwise 30
+# or higher.
+# On small floods (two flooders or less), remove the +mi shortly after bans
+# have been set, instead of waiting for the locktimes to expire? This
+# prevents unnecessary extended locks on small floods. This setting is only
+# used by bots with sl_ban enabled.
+set sl_shortlock 0
+# Valid settings: 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
+# Number of bans to allow in the channel ban list before setting the
+# channel +i. If enabled, this should preferably be set to just below the
+# maximum number of bans allowed.
+set sl_bfmaxbans 19
+# Valid settings: 0 to disable +i on full ban list, otherwise 1 or higher.
+# List of users to send a note to when channel is flooded, bot is flooded,
+# or ban list becomes full.
+set sl_note "YourNick"
+# Valid settings: one user like "Tom", a list of users like
+# "Tom Dick Harry", or "" to specify that no notes are sent.
+# Notice to send to channel when locked due to flood.
+set sl_cfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to flood, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)"
+# Valid settings: a text string, or set it to "" to disable.
+# Notice to send to channel when locked due to full ban list.
+set sl_bfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to full ban list, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)"
+# Valid settings: a text string, or set it to "" to disable.
+# Enable 'lc' and 'uc' public commands for locking/unlocking channel?
+set sl_lockcmds 2
+# Valid settings: 0 to disable, 1 to enable, 2 to require user to be opped
+# on the channel to use the command.
+# Users with these flags are allowed to use lc/uc public commands, and
+# .lock/.unlock DCC commands.
+set sl_lockflags "o"
+# Valid settings: one flag like "n", or a list of flags like "fo" (means
+# 'f OR o').
+# Enable BitchX CTCP and AWAY simulation?
+set sl_bxsimul 0
+# Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
+# Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.
+if {$numversion < 1032400} {
+ proc botonchan {chan} {
+ global botnick
+ if {![validchan $chan]} {
+ error "illegal channel: $chan"
+ } elseif {![onchan $botnick $chan]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ proc putquick {text args} {
+ putserv $text
+ }
+proc sl_ctcp {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
+ global botnet-nick botnick realname sl_ban sl_bflooded sl_bcflood sl_bcqueue sl_bxjointime sl_bxmachine sl_bxonestack sl_bxsimul sl_bxsystem sl_bxversion sl_bxwhoami sl_ccbanhost sl_ccbannick sl_ccflood sl_ccqueue sl_flooded sl_locked sl_note
+ set chan [string tolower $dest]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_ccflood 0] == -1 && [validchan $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan]} {
+ if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
+ if {$sl_ban && !$sl_locked($chan) && ![matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {
+ lappend sl_ccbannick($chan) $nick ; lappend sl_ccbanhost($chan) [string tolower $uhost]
+ utimer [lindex $sl_ccflood 1] [list sl_ccbanqueue $chan]
+ }
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {return 1}
+ incr sl_ccqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_ccflood 1] [list sl_ccqueuereset $chan]
+ if {$sl_ccqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_ccflood 0]} {
+ sl_lock $chan "CTCP flood" ${botnet-nick} ; return 1
+ }
+ if {$sl_bflooded} {return 1}
+ } elseif {[lindex $sl_bcflood 0] && $dest == $botnick} {
+ if {$sl_bflooded} {
+ sl_ignore [string tolower $uhost] $hand "CTCP flooder" ; return 1
+ }
+ incr sl_bcqueue
+ utimer [lindex $sl_bcflood 1] {incr sl_bcqueue -1}
+ if {$sl_bcqueue >= [lindex $sl_bcflood 0]} {
+ putlog "sentinel: CTCP flood detected on me! Stopped answering CTCPs temporarily."
+ set sl_bflooded 1
+ utimer [lindex $sl_bcflood 1] {set sl_bflooded 0}
+ if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
+ foreach recipient $sl_note {
+ if {[validuser $recipient]} {
+ sendnote SENTINEL $recipient "Bot was CTCP flooded."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$sl_bxsimul} {return 0}
+ if {$sl_bxonestack} {return 1}
+ set sl_bxonestack 1 ; utimer 2 {set sl_bxonestack 0}
+ switch -exact -- $key {
+ set bxcmd [string toupper $arg]
+ switch -exact -- $bxcmd {
+ "SED" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO SED contains simple_encrypted_data\001"}
+ "UTC" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO UTC substitutes the local timezone\001"}
+ "ACTION" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO ACTION contains action descriptions for atmosphere\001"}
+ "DCC" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO DCC requests a direct_client_connection\001"}
+ "CDCC" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO CDCC checks cdcc info for you\001"}
+ "BDCC" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO BDCC checks cdcc info for you\001"}
+ "XDCC" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO XDCC checks cdcc info for you\001"}
+ "VERSION" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO VERSION shows client type, version and environment\001"}
+ "CLIENTINFO" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO CLIENTINFO gives information about available CTCP commands\001"}
+ "USERINFO" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO USERINFO returns user settable information\001"}
+ "ERRMSG" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO ERRMSG returns error messages\001"}
+ "FINGER" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO FINGER shows real name, login name and idle time of user\001"}
+ "TIME" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO TIME tells you the time on the user's host\001"}
+ "PING" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO PING returns the arguments it receives\001"}
+ "ECHO" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO ECHO returns the arguments it receives\001"}
+ "INVITE" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO INVITE invite to channel specified\001"}
+ "WHOAMI" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO WHOAMI user list information\001"}
+ "OP" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO OP ops the person if on userlist\001"}
+ "OPS" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO OPS ops the person if on userlist\001"}
+ "UNBAN" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO UNBAN unbans the person from channel\001"}
+ "IDENT" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO IDENT change userhost of userlist\001"}
+ "XLINK" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO XLINK x-filez rule\001"}
+ "UPTIME" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO UPTIME my uptime\001"}
+ "default" {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001ERRMSG CLIENTINFO: $arg is not a valid function\001"}
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION \002BitchX-$sl_bxversion\002 by panasync \002-\002 $sl_bxsystem :\002 Keep it to yourself!\002\001"
+ return 1
+ }
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001USERINFO \001"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "FINGER" {
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001FINGER $realname ($sl_bxwhoami@$sl_bxmachine) Idle [expr [unixtime] - $sl_bxjointime] seconds\001"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "PING" {
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001PING $arg\001"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "ECHO" {
+ if {[validchan $chan]} {return 1}
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001ECHO [string range $arg 0 59]\001"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "ERRMSG" {
+ if {[validchan $chan]} {return 1}
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001ERRMSG [string range $arg 0 59]\001"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "INVITE" {
+ if {$arg == "" || [validchan $chan]} {return 1}
+ set chanarg [lindex [split $arg] 0]
+ if {((($sl_bxversion == "75p1+") && ([string trim [string index $chanarg 0] "#+&"] == "")) || (($sl_bxversion == "75p3+") && ([string trim [string index $chanarg 0] "#+&!"] == "")))} {
+ if {[validchan $chanarg]} {
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002BitchX\002: Access Denied"
+ } else {
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002BitchX\002: I'm not on that channel"
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ "WHOAMI" {
+ if {[validchan $chan]} {return 1}
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002BitchX\002: Access Denied"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "OP" -
+ "OPS" {
+ if {$arg == "" || [validchan $chan]} {return 1}
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002BitchX\002: I'm not on [lindex [split $arg] 0], or I'm not opped"
+ return 1
+ }
+ "UNBAN" {
+ if {$arg == "" || [validchan $chan]} {return 1}
+ if {[validchan [lindex [split $arg] 0]]} {
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002BitchX\002: Access Denied"
+ } else {
+ putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002BitchX\002: I'm not on that channel"
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_bmflood {nick uhost hand text} {
+ global sl_bmflood sl_bflooded sl_bmqueue sl_note
+ if {[matchattr $hand b] && [string tolower [lindex [split $text] 0]] == "go"} {return 0}
+ if {$sl_bflooded} {
+ sl_ignore [string tolower $uhost] $hand "MSG flooder" ; return 0
+ }
+ incr sl_bmqueue
+ utimer [lindex $sl_bmflood 1] {incr sl_bmqueue -1}
+ if {$sl_bmqueue >= [lindex $sl_bmflood 0]} {
+ putlog "sentinel: MSG flood detected on me! Stopped answering MSGs temporarily."
+ set sl_bflooded 1
+ utimer [lindex $sl_bmflood 1] {set sl_bflooded 0}
+ if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
+ foreach recipient $sl_note {
+ if {[validuser $recipient]} {
+ sendnote SENTINEL $recipient "Bot was MSG flooded."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_avflood {from keyword arg} {
+ global botnet-nick botnick sl_ban sl_avbanhost sl_avbannick sl_avflood sl_avqueue sl_flooded sl_locked sl_txflood sl_txqueue
+ set arg [split $arg]
+ set chan [string tolower [lindex $arg 0]]
+ if {![validchan $chan]} {return 0}
+ set nick [lindex [split $from !] 0]
+ if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "" || [string match *.* $nick]} {return 0}
+ if {![onchan $nick $chan] || [isop $nick $chan]} {return 0}
+ if {!$sl_flooded($chan) && [lsearch -exact $sl_txflood 0] == -1} {
+ incr sl_txqueue($chan)
+ if {$sl_txqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_txflood 0]} {
+ sl_lock $chan "TEXT flood" ${botnet-nick}
+ }
+ }
+ set text [join [lrange $arg 1 end]]
+ if {[sl_checkaval $text] && [lsearch -exact $sl_avflood 0] == -1} {
+ set uhost [string trimleft [getchanhost $nick $chan] "~+-^="]
+ set hand [nick2hand $nick $chan]
+ if {$sl_ban && !$sl_locked($chan) && $nick != $botnick && ![matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {
+ lappend sl_avbannick($chan) $nick ; lappend sl_avbanhost($chan) [string tolower $uhost]
+ utimer [lindex $sl_avflood 1] [list sl_avbanqueue $chan]
+ }
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {return 0}
+ incr sl_avqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_avflood 1] [list sl_avqueuereset $chan]
+ if {$sl_avqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_avflood 0]} {
+ sl_lock $chan "AVALANCHE/TSUNAMI flood" ${botnet-nick}
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_checkaval {text} {
+ global sl_tsunami
+ if {[regsub -all -- "\001|\007" $text "" temp] >= 3} {return 1}
+ if {$sl_tsunami && [regsub -all -- "\002|\003|\017|\026|\037" $text "" temp] >= $sl_tsunami} {return 1}
+ return 0
+proc sl_nkflood {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
+ global botnet-nick botnick sl_ban sl_banmax sl_flooded sl_globalban sl_locked sl_nickkick sl_nkbanhost sl_nkflood sl_nkflooding sl_nkqueue
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {[isop $newnick $chan]} {return 0}
+ if {$sl_ban && !$sl_locked($chan) && $nick != $botnick && ![matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {
+ lappend sl_nkbanhost($chan) [string tolower $uhost]
+ utimer [lindex $sl_nkflood 1] [list sl_nkbanqueue $chan]
+ }
+ if {!$sl_nickkick && $sl_flooded($chan) && $sl_locked($chan)} {
+ putserv "KICK $chan $newnick :NICK flooder"
+ set sl_nickkick 1 ; set sl_nkflooding($chan) [unixtime]
+ if {$sl_ban} {
+ set bhost [string tolower [sl_masktype $uhost]]
+ if {$sl_globalban} {
+ if {[llength [banlist]] < $sl_banmax && ![isban $bhost] && ![matchban $bhost]} {
+ newban $bhost sentinel "NICK flooder" $sl_ban
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[llength [banlist $chan]] < $sl_banmax && ![isban $bhost $chan] && ![matchban $bhost $chan]} {
+ newchanban $chan $bhost sentinel "NICK flooder" $sl_ban
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ utimer [expr [rand 2] + 3] {set sl_nickkick 0}
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {return 0}
+ incr sl_nkqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_nkflood 1] [list sl_nkqueuereset $chan]
+ if {$sl_nkqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_nkflood 0]} {
+ sl_lock $chan "NICK flood" ${botnet-nick}
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_jflood {nick uhost hand chan} {
+ global botnet-nick botnick sl_ban sl_banmax sl_boban sl_bobanhost sl_bobannick sl_boflood sl_boqueue sl_flooded sl_globalban sl_jbanhost sl_jbannick sl_jflood sl_jqueue sl_locked sl_pqueue
+ if {$nick == $botnick} {
+ sl_setarray $chan
+ } else {
+ set ihost [string tolower [sl_masktype $uhost]]
+ if {[isignore $ihost]} {
+ killignore $ihost
+ }
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_boflood 0] == -1 && [sl_checkbogus [lindex [split $uhost @] 0]]} {
+ if {!$sl_locked($chan) && ![matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {
+ set bhost [string tolower [sl_masktype $uhost]]
+ if {$sl_boban && [botisop $chan] && !$sl_flooded($chan)} {
+ putserv "KICK $chan $nick :BOGUS username"
+ if {$sl_globalban} {
+ if {[llength [banlist]] < $sl_banmax && ![isban $bhost] && ![matchban $bhost]} {
+ newban $bhost sentinel "BOGUS username" $sl_boban
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[llength [banlist $chan]] < $sl_banmax && ![isban $bhost $chan] && ![matchban $bhost $chan]} {
+ newchanban $chan $bhost sentinel "BOGUS username" $sl_boban
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$sl_ban} {
+ lappend sl_bobannick($chan) $nick ; lappend sl_bobanhost($chan) [string tolower $uhost]
+ utimer [lindex $sl_boflood 1] [list sl_bobanqueue $chan]
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$sl_flooded($chan)} {
+ incr sl_boqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_boflood 1] [list sl_boqueuereset $chan]
+ if {$sl_boqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_boflood 0]} {
+ sl_lock $chan "BOGUS joins" ${botnet-nick}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_jflood 0] == -1} {
+ if {$sl_ban && !$sl_locked($chan) && ![matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {
+ lappend sl_jbannick($chan) $nick ; lappend sl_jbanhost($chan) [string tolower $uhost]
+ utimer [lindex $sl_jflood 1] [list sl_jbanqueue $chan]
+ }
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {return 0}
+ incr sl_jqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_jflood 1] [list sl_jqueuereset $chan]
+ if {$sl_jqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_jflood 0] && $sl_pqueue($chan) >= [lindex $sl_jflood 0]} {
+ sl_lock $chan "JOIN-PART flood" ${botnet-nick}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_checkbogus {ident} {
+ if {[regsub -all -- "\[^\041-\176\]" $ident "" temp] >= 1} {return 1}
+ return 0
+proc sl_pflood {nick uhost hand chan {msg ""}} {
+ global botnick sl_ban sl_flooded sl_jflood sl_locked sl_pbanhost sl_pbannick sl_pqueue
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_jflood 0] != -1} {return 0}
+ if {$nick == $botnick} {
+ if {![validchan $chan]} {
+ timer 5 [list sl_unsetarray $chan]
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {$sl_ban && !$sl_locked($chan) && ![matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {
+ lappend sl_pbannick($chan) $nick ; lappend sl_pbanhost($chan) [string tolower $uhost]
+ utimer [lindex $sl_jflood 1] [list sl_pbanqueue $chan]
+ }
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {return 0}
+ incr sl_pqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_jflood 1] [list sl_pqueuereset $chan]
+ return 0
+proc sl_pfloodk {nick uhost hand chan kicked reason} {
+ global botnick sl_flooded sl_jflood sl_pqueue
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_jflood 0] != -1} {return 0}
+ if {$kicked == $botnick} {return 0}
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {return 0}
+ incr sl_pqueue($chan)
+ utimer [lindex $sl_jflood 1] [list sl_pqueuereset $chan]
+ return 0
+proc sl_lock {chan flood detected} {
+ global botnet-nick sl_bflooded sl_cfnotice sl_flooded sl_ilocktime sl_mlocktime sl_note
+ if {[string tolower $detected] == [string tolower ${botnet-nick}]} {
+ set sl_flooded($chan) 1 ; set sl_bflooded 1
+ if {[botisop $chan]} {
+ sl_quicklock $chan
+ sl_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan *"
+ sl_killutimer "set sl_bflooded 0"
+ if {$sl_mlocktime} {
+ utimer $sl_mlocktime [list sl_unlock $chan m]
+ }
+ if {$sl_ilocktime} {
+ utimer $sl_ilocktime [list sl_unlock $chan i]
+ }
+ utimer 120 {set sl_bflooded 0}
+ putlog "sentinel: $flood detected on $chan! Channel locked temporarily."
+ if {$sl_cfnotice != ""} {
+ puthelp "NOTICE $chan :$sl_cfnotice"
+ }
+ } else {
+ putlog "sentinel: $flood detected on $chan! Cannot lock channel because I'm not opped."
+ utimer 120 {set sl_bflooded 0}
+ }
+ } else {
+ putlog "sentinel: $flood detected by $detected on $chan!"
+ }
+ if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
+ foreach recipient $sl_note {
+ if {[validuser $recipient]} {
+ if {[string tolower $detected] == [string tolower ${botnet-nick}]} {
+ sendnote SENTINEL $recipient "$flood detected on $chan."
+ } else {
+ sendnote SENTINEL $recipient "$flood detected by $detected on $chan."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_unlock {chan umode} {
+ global sl_bflooded sl_bfmaxbans sl_flooded sl_ilocktime sl_mlocktime sl_nkflooding
+ if {[expr [unixtime] - $sl_nkflooding($chan)] < 12} {
+ putlog "sentinel: nick flooding still in progress on $chan - not removing +mi yet.."
+ set sl_flooded($chan) 1 ; set sl_bflooded 1
+ sl_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan *"
+ sl_killutimer "set sl_bflooded 0"
+ utimer $sl_mlocktime [list sl_unlock $chan m] ; utimer $sl_ilocktime [list sl_unlock $chan i]
+ utimer 120 {set sl_bflooded 0}
+ } else {
+ set sl_flooded($chan) 0
+ if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
+ if {$umode == "mi"} {
+ putlog "sentinel: flood was small, performing early unlock.."
+ }
+ if {[string match *i* $umode] && [string match *i* [lindex [split [getchanmode $chan]] 0]]} {
+ if {$sl_bfmaxbans && [llength [chanbans $chan]] >= $sl_bfmaxbans} {
+ putlog "sentinel: not removing +i on $chan due to full ban list."
+ } else {
+ pushmode $chan -i
+ putlog "sentinel: removed +i on $chan"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string match *m* $umode] && [string match *m* [lindex [split [getchanmode $chan]] 0]]} {
+ pushmode $chan -m
+ putlog "sentinel: removed +m on $chan"
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_mode {nick uhost hand chan mode victim} {
+ global botnick sl_ban sl_bfmaxbans sl_bfnotice sl_bfull sl_flooded sl_locked sl_note sl_unlocked
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {$mode == "+b" && $sl_bfmaxbans && !$sl_bfull($chan) && ![string match *i* [lindex [split [getchanmode $chan]] 0]] && [botisop $chan] && [llength [chanbans $chan]] >= $sl_bfmaxbans} {
+ putserv "MODE $chan +i"
+ set sl_bfull($chan) 1
+ utimer 5 [list set sl_bfull($chan) 0]
+ putlog "sentinel: locked $chan due to full ban list!"
+ if {$sl_bfnotice != ""} {
+ puthelp "NOTICE $chan :$sl_bfnotice"
+ }
+ if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
+ foreach recipient $sl_note {
+ if {[validuser $recipient]} {
+ sendnote SENTINEL $recipient "Locked $chan due to full ban list."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$mode == "+i" && $sl_flooded($chan)} {
+ set sl_locked($chan) 1
+ if {$sl_ban} {
+ sl_killutimer "sl_*banqueue $chan"
+ utimer 7 [list sl_dokicks $chan] ; utimer 16 [list sl_setbans $chan]
+ }
+ } elseif {$mode == "-i" || $mode == "-m"} {
+ set sl_locked($chan) 0
+ set sl_unlocked($chan) [unixtime]
+ if {$sl_flooded($chan)} {
+ set sl_flooded($chan) 0
+ if {$mode == "-i"} {
+ sl_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan i"
+ } else {
+ sl_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan m"
+ }
+ sl_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan mi"
+ if {$nick != $botnick} {
+ putlog "sentinel: $chan unlocked by $nick"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_dokicks {chan} {
+ global sl_avbannick sl_bobannick sl_ccbannick sl_kflooders sl_jbannick sl_pbannick
+ if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
+ set sl_kflooders 0
+ sl_kick $chan $sl_ccbannick($chan) "CTCP flooder" ; set sl_ccbannick($chan) ""
+ sl_kick $chan $sl_avbannick($chan) "AVALANCHE/TSUNAMI flooder" ; set sl_avbannick($chan) ""
+ sl_kick $chan $sl_bobannick($chan) "BOGUS username" ; set sl_bobannick($chan) ""
+ set jklist $sl_jbannick($chan) ; set pklist $sl_pbannick($chan)
+ if {$jklist != "" && $pklist != ""} {
+ set klist ""
+ foreach nick $jklist {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $pklist $nick] != -1} {
+ lappend klist $nick
+ }
+ }
+ sl_kick $chan $klist "JOIN-PART flooder"
+ }
+ set sl_jbannick($chan) "" ; set sl_pbannick($chan) ""
+ return 0
+proc sl_kick {chan klist reason} {
+ global sl_kflooders sl_kicks
+ if {$klist != ""} {
+ set kicklist ""
+ foreach nick $klist {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $kicklist $nick] == -1} {
+ lappend kicklist $nick
+ }
+ }
+ unset nick
+ incr sl_kflooders [llength $kicklist]
+ foreach nick $kicklist {
+ if {[onchan $nick $chan] && ![onchansplit $nick $chan]} {
+ lappend ksend $nick
+ if {[llength $ksend] >= $sl_kicks} {
+ putserv "KICK $chan [join $ksend ,] :$reason"
+ unset ksend
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists ksend]} {
+ putserv "KICK $chan [join $ksend ,] :$reason"
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_setbans {chan} {
+ global sl_avbanhost sl_bobanhost sl_ccbanhost sl_kflooders sl_jbanhost sl_nkbanhost sl_pbanhost sl_shortlock sl_unlocked sl_wideban
+ if {![botonchan $chan]} {return 0}
+ set sl_ccbanhost($chan) [sl_dfilter $sl_ccbanhost($chan)]
+ set sl_avbanhost($chan) [sl_dfilter $sl_avbanhost($chan)]
+ set sl_nkbanhost($chan) [sl_dfilter $sl_nkbanhost($chan)]
+ set sl_bobanhost($chan) [sl_dfilter $sl_bobanhost($chan)]
+ set sl_jbanhost($chan) [sl_dfilter $sl_jbanhost($chan)]
+ set sl_pbanhost($chan) [sl_dfilter $sl_pbanhost($chan)]
+ set blist ""
+ if {$sl_jbanhost($chan) != "" && $sl_pbanhost($chan) != ""} {
+ foreach bhost $sl_jbanhost($chan) {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_pbanhost($chan) $bhost] != -1} {
+ lappend blist $bhost
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set allbans [sl_dfilter [concat $sl_ccbanhost($chan) $sl_avbanhost($chan) $sl_nkbanhost($chan) $sl_bobanhost($chan) $blist]]
+ if {$sl_wideban} {
+ sl_ban $chan [sl_dcheck $allbans] "MULTIPLE IDENT/HOST flooders"
+ }
+ sl_ban $chan $sl_ccbanhost($chan) "CTCP flooder" ; set sl_ccbanhost($chan) ""
+ sl_ban $chan $sl_avbanhost($chan) "AVALANCHE/TSUNAMI flooder" ; set sl_avbanhost($chan) ""
+ sl_ban $chan $sl_nkbanhost($chan) "NICK flooder" ; set sl_nkbanhost($chan) ""
+ sl_ban $chan $sl_bobanhost($chan) "BOGUS username" ; set sl_bobanhost($chan) ""
+ sl_ban $chan $blist "JOIN-PART flooder"
+ set sl_jbanhost($chan) "" ; set sl_pbanhost($chan) ""
+ if {$sl_shortlock && $sl_kflooders <= 2 && [llength $allbans] <= 2 && [expr [unixtime] - $sl_unlocked($chan)] > 120} {
+ sl_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan *"
+ utimer 10 [list sl_unlock $chan mi]
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_dfilter {list} {
+ set newlist ""
+ foreach item $list {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $newlist $item] == -1} {
+ lappend newlist $item
+ }
+ }
+ return $newlist
+proc sl_dcheck {bhosts} {
+ set blist ""
+ foreach bhost $bhosts {
+ set baddr [lindex [split [maskhost $bhost] "@"] 1]
+ set bident [string trimleft [lindex [split $bhost "@"] 0] "~"]
+ if {![info exists baddrs($baddr)]} {
+ set baddrs($baddr) 1
+ } else {
+ incr baddrs($baddr)
+ }
+ if {![info exists bidents($bident)]} {
+ set bidents($bident) 1
+ } else {
+ incr bidents($bident)
+ }
+ }
+ foreach baddr [array names baddrs] {
+ if {$baddrs($baddr) >= 2} {
+ lappend blist *!*@$baddr
+ }
+ }
+ foreach bident [array names bidents] {
+ if {$bidents($bident) >= 2} {
+ lappend blist *!*$bident@*
+ }
+ }
+ return $blist
+proc sl_ban {chan blist reason} {
+ global sl_ban sl_banmax sl_globalban
+ if {$blist != ""} {
+ if {$sl_globalban} {
+ foreach bhost $blist {
+ if {![string match *!* $bhost]} {
+ if {[matchban *!$bhost]} {continue}
+ set bhost [sl_masktype $bhost]
+ if {[isban $bhost]} {continue}
+ } else {
+ if {[isban $bhost]} {continue}
+ foreach ban [banlist] {
+ if {[lindex $ban 5] == "sentinel" && [string match $bhost [string tolower [lindex $ban 0]]]} {
+ killban $ban
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength [banlist]] >= $sl_banmax} {continue}
+ newban $bhost sentinel $reason $sl_ban
+ putlog "sentinel: banned $bhost ($reason)"
+ sl_ignore $bhost * $reason
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach bhost $blist {
+ if {![string match *!* $bhost]} {
+ if {[matchban *!$bhost $chan]} {continue}
+ set bhost [sl_masktype $bhost]
+ if {[isban $bhost $chan]} {continue}
+ } else {
+ if {[isban $bhost $chan]} {continue}
+ foreach ban [banlist $chan] {
+ if {[lindex $ban 5] == "sentinel" && [string match $bhost [string tolower [lindex $ban 0]]]} {
+ killchanban $chan $ban
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength [banlist $chan]] >= $sl_banmax} {continue}
+ newchanban $chan $bhost sentinel $reason $sl_ban
+ putlog "sentinel: banned $bhost on $chan ($reason)"
+ sl_ignore $bhost * $reason
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_ignore {ihost hand flood} {
+ global sl_igtime
+ if {$hand != "*"} {
+ foreach chan [channels] {
+ if {[matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} {return 0}
+ }
+ }
+ if {![string match *!* $ihost]} {
+ foreach ignore [ignorelist] {
+ if {[string match [string tolower [lindex $ignore 0]] $ihost]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ set ihost [sl_masktype $ihost]
+ if {[isignore $ihost]} {return 0}
+ } else {
+ if {[isignore $ihost]} {return 0}
+ foreach ignore [ignorelist] {
+ if {[lindex $ignore 4] == "sentinel" && [string match $ihost [string tolower [lindex $ignore 0]]]} {
+ killignore $ignore
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newignore $ihost sentinel $flood $sl_igtime
+ putlog "sentinel: added $ihost to ignore list ($flood)"
+ return 1
+# queuereset procs allow all queue timers to be killed easily
+proc sl_ccqueuereset {chan} {
+ global sl_ccqueue
+ incr sl_ccqueue($chan) -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_bcqueuereset {} {
+ global sl_bcqueue
+ incr sl_bcqueue -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_bmqueuereset {} {
+ global sl_bmqueue
+ incr sl_bmqueue -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_avqueuereset {chan} {
+ global sl_avqueue
+ incr sl_avqueue($chan) -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_txqueuereset {} {
+ global sl_txqueue sl_txflood
+ foreach chan [string tolower [channels]] {
+ if {[info exists sl_txqueue($chan)]} {
+ set sl_txqueue($chan) 0
+ }
+ }
+ utimer [lindex $sl_txflood 1] sl_txqueuereset
+ return 0
+proc sl_nkqueuereset {chan} {
+ global sl_nkqueue
+ incr sl_nkqueue($chan) -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_boqueuereset {chan} {
+ global sl_boqueue
+ incr sl_boqueue($chan) -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_jqueuereset {chan} {
+ global sl_jqueue
+ incr sl_jqueue($chan) -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_pqueuereset {chan} {
+ global sl_pqueue
+ incr sl_pqueue($chan) -1
+ return 0
+proc sl_ccbanqueue {chan} {
+ global sl_ccbanhost sl_ccbannick
+ set sl_ccbannick($chan) [lrange sl_ccbannick($chan) 1 end] ; set sl_ccbanhost($chan) [lrange sl_ccbanhost($chan) 1 end]
+ return 0
+proc sl_avbanqueue {chan} {
+ global sl_avbanhost sl_avbannick
+ set sl_avbannick($chan) [lrange sl_avbannick($chan) 1 end] ; set sl_avbanhost($chan) [lrange sl_avbanhost($chan) 1 end]
+ return 0
+proc sl_nkbanqueue {chan} {
+ global sl_nkbanhost
+ set sl_nkbanhost($chan) [lrange sl_nkbanhost($chan) 1 end]
+ return 0
+proc sl_bobanqueue {chan} {
+ global sl_bobanhost sl_bobannick
+ set sl_bobannick($chan) [lrange sl_bobannick($chan) 1 end] ; set sl_bobanhost($chan) [lrange sl_bobanhost($chan) 1 end]
+ return 0
+proc sl_jbanqueue {chan} {
+ global sl_jbanhost sl_jbannick
+ set sl_jbannick($chan) [lrange sl_jbannick($chan) 1 end] ; set sl_jbanhost($chan) [lrange sl_jbanhost($chan) 1 end]
+ return 0
+proc sl_pbanqueue {chan} {
+ global sl_pbanhost sl_pbannick
+ set sl_pbannick($chan) [lrange sl_pbannick($chan) 1 end] ; set sl_pbanhost($chan) [lrange sl_pbanhost($chan) 1 end]
+ return 0
+proc sl_flud {nick uhost hand type chan} {
+ global sl_flooded
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {[validchan $chan] && $sl_flooded($chan)} {return 1}
+ return 0
+proc sl_lc {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
+ global sl_lockcmds
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
+ if {$sl_lockcmds == 2 && ![isop $nick $chan]} {return 0}
+ sl_quicklock $chan
+ putlog "sentinel: channel lock requested by $hand on $chan"
+ return 0
+proc sl_uc {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
+ global sl_lockcmds
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
+ if {$sl_lockcmds == 2 && ![isop $nick $chan]} {return 0}
+ putserv "MODE $chan -mi"
+ putlog "sentinel: channel unlock requested by $hand on $chan"
+ return 0
+proc sl_dcclc {hand idx arg} {
+ global sl_lockflags
+ putcmdlog "#$hand# lock $arg"
+ set chan [lindex [split $arg] 0]
+ if {$chan == "-all"} {
+ if {![matchattr $hand $sl_lockflags]} {
+ putidx $idx "You're not global +$sl_lockflags." ; return 0
+ }
+ set locklist ""
+ foreach chan [channels] {
+ if {[botisop $chan]} {
+ sl_quicklock $chan
+ lappend locklist $chan
+ }
+ }
+ putidx $idx "Locked [join $locklist ", "]"
+ } else {
+ if {$chan == ""} {
+ set chan [lindex [console $idx] 0]
+ }
+ if {![validchan $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "No such channel." ; return 0
+ } elseif {![matchattr $hand $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "You're not +$sl_lockflags on $chan." ; return 0
+ } elseif {![botonchan $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "I'm not on $chan" ; return 0
+ } elseif {![botisop $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "I'm not opped on $chan" ; return 0
+ }
+ sl_quicklock $chan
+ putidx $idx "Locked $chan"
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_dccuc {hand idx arg} {
+ global sl_lockflags
+ putcmdlog "#$hand# unlock $arg"
+ set chan [lindex [split $arg] 0]
+ if {$chan == "-all"} {
+ if {![matchattr $hand $sl_lockflags]} {
+ putidx $idx "You're not global +$sl_lockflags." ; return 0
+ }
+ set locklist ""
+ foreach chan [channels] {
+ if {[botisop $chan]} {
+ putserv "MODE $chan -mi"
+ lappend locklist $chan
+ }
+ }
+ putidx $idx "Unlocked [join $locklist ", "]"
+ } else {
+ if {$chan == ""} {
+ set chan [lindex [console $idx] 0]
+ }
+ if {![validchan $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "No such channel." ; return 0
+ } elseif {![matchattr $hand $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "You're not +$sl_lockflags on $chan." ; return 0
+ } elseif {![botonchan $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "I'm not on $chan" ; return 0
+ } elseif {![botisop $chan]} {
+ putidx $idx "I'm not opped on $chan" ; return 0
+ }
+ putserv "MODE $chan -mi"
+ putidx $idx "Unlocked $chan"
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_quicklock {chan} {
+ global numversion
+ if {$numversion < 1050000} {
+ putquick "MODE $chan +mi"
+ } else {
+ putquick "MODE $chan +mi" -next
+ }
+proc sl_dcc {hand idx arg} {
+ global sl_avflood sl_ban sl_banmax sl_bcflood sl_boban sl_boflood sl_bmflood sl_bxsimul sl_bfmaxbans sl_ccflood sl_detectquits sl_globalban sl_igtime sl_jflood sl_kicks sl_lockcmds sl_lockflags sl_ilocktime sl_mlocktime sl_nkflood sl_note sl_shortlock sl_tsunami sl_txflood
+ putcmdlog "#$hand# sentinel $arg"
+ putidx $idx "This bot is protected by sentinel.tcl by slennox"
+ putidx $idx "Current settings"
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_bcflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Bot CTCP flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Bot CTCP flood: [lindex $sl_bcflood 0] in [lindex $sl_bcflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_bmflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Bot MSG flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Bot MSG flood: [lindex $sl_bmflood 0] in [lindex $sl_bmflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_ccflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel CTCP flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel CTCP flood: [lindex $sl_ccflood 0] in [lindex $sl_ccflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_avflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel AVALANCHE flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel AVALANCHE flood: [lindex $sl_avflood 0] in [lindex $sl_avflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_avflood 0] != -1 || !$sl_tsunami} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel TSUNAMI flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel TSUNAMI flood: [lindex $sl_avflood 0] in [lindex $sl_avflood 1] secs ($sl_tsunami ctrl codes / line)"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_txflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel TEXT flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel TEXT flood: [lindex $sl_txflood 0] in [lindex $sl_txflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_boflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel BOGUS flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel BOGUS flood: [lindex $sl_boflood 0] in [lindex $sl_boflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {$sl_detectquits} {
+ set detectquits "quit detection ON"
+ } else {
+ set detectquits "quit detection OFF"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_jflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel JOIN-PART flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel JOIN-PART flood: [lindex $sl_jflood 0] in [lindex $sl_jflood 1] secs ($detectquits)"
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $sl_nkflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel NICK flood: Off"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel NICK flood: [lindex $sl_nkflood 0] in [lindex $sl_nkflood 1] secs"
+ }
+ if {!$sl_ilocktime} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel +i locktime: Indefinite"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel +i locktime: $sl_ilocktime secs"
+ }
+ if {!$sl_mlocktime} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel +m locktime: Indefinite"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel +m locktime: $sl_mlocktime secs"
+ }
+ if {$sl_shortlock && $sl_ban} {
+ putidx $idx "- Small flood short lock: Active"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Small flood short lock: Inactive"
+ }
+ if {$sl_ban && $sl_ban < 120} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel flood bans: $sl_ban mins"
+ } elseif {$sl_ban >= 120} {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel flood bans: [expr $sl_ban / 60] hrs"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Channel flood bans: Disabled"
+ }
+ if {!$sl_boban || [lsearch -exact $sl_boflood 0] != -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Bogus username bans: Disabled"
+ } elseif {$sl_boban > 0 && $sl_boban < 120} {
+ putidx $idx "- Bogus username bans: $sl_boban mins"
+ } elseif {$sl_boban >= 120} {
+ putidx $idx "- Bogus username bans: [expr $sl_boban / 60] hrs"
+ }
+ if {$sl_ban || [lsearch -exact $sl_boflood 0] == -1} {
+ if {$sl_globalban} {
+ putidx $idx "- Ban type: Global [sl_masktype nick@host.domain]"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Ban type: Channel-specific [sl_masktype nick@host.domain]"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$sl_ban || [lsearch -exact $sl_boflood 0] == -1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Maximum bans: $sl_banmax"
+ }
+ if {$sl_igtime > 0 && $sl_igtime < 120} {
+ putidx $idx "- Flooder ignores: $sl_igtime mins"
+ } elseif {$sl_igtime >= 120} {
+ putidx $idx "- Flooder ignores: [expr $sl_igtime / 60] hrs"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Flooder ignores: Permanent"
+ }
+ if {$sl_ban} {
+ putidx $idx "- Kicks per line: $sl_kicks"
+ }
+ if {!$sl_bfmaxbans} {
+ putidx $idx "- Maximum channel bans: Disabled"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Maximum channel bans: $sl_bfmaxbans"
+ }
+ if {$sl_note != ""} {
+ putidx $idx "- Flood notification: Notifying [join $sl_note ", "]"
+ } else {
+ putidx $idx "- Flood notification: Off"
+ }
+ if {!$sl_lockcmds} {
+ putidx $idx "- Public lc/uc commands: Disabled"
+ } elseif {$sl_lockcmds == 1} {
+ putidx $idx "- Public lc/uc commands: Enabled (+$sl_lockflags users, ops not required)"
+ } elseif {$sl_lockcmds == 2} {
+ putidx $idx "- Public lc/uc commands: Enabled (+$sl_lockflags users, ops required)"
+ }
+ if {$sl_bxsimul} {
+ putidx $idx "- BitchX simulation: On"
+ } elseif {!$sl_bxsimul} {
+ putidx $idx "- BitchX simulation: Off"
+ }
+ return 0
+if {$sl_bxsimul} {
+ bind raw - 001 sl_bxserverjoin
+ if {![info exists sl_bxonestack]} {
+ set sl_bxonestack 0
+ }
+ if {![info exists sl_bxversion]} {
+ set sl_bxversion [lindex {75p1+ 75p3+} [rand 2]]
+ }
+ set sl_bxsystem "*IX" ; set sl_bxwhoami $username ; set sl_bxmachine ""
+ catch {set sl_bxsystem [exec uname -s -r]}
+ catch {set sl_bxwhoami [exec id -un]}
+ catch {set sl_bxmachine [exec uname -n]}
+ set sl_bxjointime [unixtime]
+ proc sl_bxserverjoin {from keyword arg} {
+ global sl_bxjointime sl_bxisaway
+ set sl_bxjointime [unixtime] ; set sl_bxisaway 0
+ return 0
+ }
+ proc sl_bxaway {} {
+ global sl_bxjointime sl_bxisaway
+ if {!$sl_bxisaway} {
+ puthelp "AWAY :is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) \[\002BX\002-MsgLog [lindex {On Off} [rand 2]]\]"
+ set sl_bxisaway 1
+ } else {
+ puthelp "AWAY"
+ set sl_bxisaway 0 ; set sl_bxjointime [unixtime]
+ }
+ if {![string match *sl_bxaway* [timers]]} {
+ timer [expr [rand 300] + 10] sl_bxaway
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {![info exists sl_bxisaway]} {
+ set sl_bxisaway 0
+ }
+ if {![string match *sl_bxaway* [timers]]} {
+ timer [expr [rand 300] + 10] sl_bxaway
+ }
+proc sl_setarray {chan} {
+ global sl_avbanhost sl_avbannick sl_avqueue sl_bfull sl_bobanhost sl_bobannick sl_boqueue sl_ccbanhost sl_ccbannick sl_ccqueue sl_flooded sl_jbanhost sl_jbannick sl_jqueue sl_locked sl_nkbanhost sl_nkflooding sl_nkqueue sl_pbanhost sl_pbannick sl_pqueue sl_txqueue sl_unlocked
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ sl_killutimer "incr sl_*queue($chan) -1"
+ sl_killutimer "sl_*banqueue $chan"
+ sl_killutimer "sl_*queuereset $chan"
+ set sl_flooded($chan) 0 ; set sl_locked($chan) 0 ; set sl_unlocked($chan) [unixtime]
+ set sl_nkflooding($chan) [unixtime]
+ set sl_ccqueue($chan) 0 ; set sl_ccbanhost($chan) "" ; set sl_ccbannick($chan) ""
+ set sl_avqueue($chan) 0 ; set sl_avbanhost($chan) "" ; set sl_avbannick($chan) ""
+ set sl_txqueue($chan) 0
+ set sl_nkqueue($chan) 0 ; set sl_nkbanhost($chan) ""
+ set sl_boqueue($chan) 0 ; set sl_bobanhost($chan) "" ; set sl_bobannick($chan) ""
+ set sl_jqueue($chan) 0 ; set sl_jbanhost($chan) "" ; set sl_jbannick($chan) ""
+ set sl_pqueue($chan) 0 ; set sl_pbanhost($chan) "" ; set sl_pbannick($chan) ""
+ set sl_bfull($chan) 0
+ return 0
+proc sl_unsetarray {chan} {
+ global sl_avbanhost sl_avbannick sl_avqueue sl_bfull sl_bobanhost sl_bobannick sl_boqueue sl_ccbanhost sl_ccbannick sl_ccqueue sl_flooded sl_jbanhost sl_jbannick sl_jqueue sl_locked sl_nkbanhost sl_nkflooding sl_nkqueue sl_pbanhost sl_pbannick sl_pqueue sl_txqueue sl_unlocked
+ set chan [string tolower $chan]
+ if {![validchan $chan] && [info exists sl_flooded($chan)]} {
+ unset sl_flooded($chan) sl_locked($chan) sl_unlocked($chan) sl_nkflooding($chan) sl_ccqueue($chan) sl_ccbanhost($chan) sl_ccbannick($chan) sl_avqueue($chan) sl_avbanhost($chan) sl_avbannick($chan) sl_txqueue($chan) sl_nkqueue($chan) sl_nkbanhost($chan) sl_boqueue($chan) sl_bobanhost($chan) sl_bobannick($chan) sl_jqueue($chan) sl_jbanhost($chan) sl_jbannick($chan) sl_pqueue($chan) sl_pbanhost($chan) sl_pbannick($chan) sl_bfull($chan)
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_settimer {} {
+ foreach chan [channels] {
+ sl_setarray $chan
+ }
+ return 0
+proc sl_killutimer {cmd} {
+ set n 0
+ regsub -all -- {\[} $cmd {\[} cmd ; regsub -all -- {\]} $cmd {\]} cmd
+ foreach tmr [utimers] {
+ if {[string match $cmd [join [lindex $tmr 1]]]} {
+ killutimer [lindex $tmr 2]
+ incr n
+ }
+ }
+ return $n
+proc sl_masktype {uhost} {
+ global sl_masktype
+ switch -exact -- $sl_masktype {
+ 0 {return *!*[string range $uhost [string first @ $uhost] end]}
+ 1 {return *!*$uhost}
+ 2 {return *!*[lindex [split [maskhost $uhost] "!"] 1]}
+ }
+ return
+if {![info exists sl_unlocked] && ![string match *sl_settimer* [utimers]]} {
+ utimer 3 sl_settimer
+if {![info exists sl_bflooded]} {
+ set sl_bflooded 0
+if {![info exists sl_bcqueue]} {
+ set sl_bcqueue 0
+if {![info exists sl_bmqueue]} {
+ set sl_bmqueue 0
+if {![info exists sl_nickkick]} {
+ set sl_nickkick 0
+set sl_bcflood [split $sl_bcflood :] ; set sl_bmflood [split $sl_bmflood :]
+set sl_ccflood [split $sl_ccflood :] ; set sl_avflood [split $sl_avflood :]
+set sl_txflood [split $sl_txflood :] ; set sl_boflood [split $sl_boflood :]
+set sl_jflood [split $sl_jflood :] ; set sl_nkflood [split $sl_nkflood :]
+set sl_note [split $sl_note]
+if {$sl_ilocktime > 0 && $sl_ilocktime < 30} {
+ set sl_ilocktime 30
+if {$sl_mlocktime > 0 && $sl_mlocktime < 30} {
+ set sl_mlocktime 30
+set trigger-on-ignore 0
+if {!${kick-method}} {
+ set sl_kicks 8
+} else {
+ set sl_kicks ${kick-method}
+if {$numversion <= 1040400} {
+ if {$numversion >= 1032100} {
+ set kick-bogus 0
+ }
+ if {$numversion >= 1032400} {
+ set ban-bogus 0
+ }
+if {$numversion >= 1032400} {
+ set kick-fun 0 ; set ban-fun 0
+if {$numversion >= 1032500} {
+ set ctcp-mode 0
+if {![string match *sl_txqueuereset* [utimers]] && [lsearch -exact $sl_txflood 0] == -1} {
+ utimer [lindex $sl_txflood 1] sl_txqueuereset
+bind pub $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags lc sl_lc
+bind pub $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags uc sl_uc
+bind dcc $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags lock sl_dcclc
+bind dcc $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags unlock sl_dccuc
+if {!$sl_lockcmds} {
+ unbind pub $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags lc sl_lc
+ unbind pub $sl_lockflags|$sl_lockflags uc sl_uc
+ rename sl_lc ""
+ rename sl_uc ""
+bind dcc m|m sentinel sl_dcc
+bind raw - NOTICE sl_avflood
+bind raw - PRIVMSG sl_avflood
+if {[lsearch -exact $sl_avflood 0] != -1 && [lsearch -exact $sl_txflood 0] != -1} {
+ unbind raw - NOTICE sl_avflood
+ unbind raw - PRIVMSG sl_avflood
+ rename sl_avflood ""
+bind ctcp - CLIENTINFO sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - USERINFO sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - VERSION sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - FINGER sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - ERRMSG sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - ECHO sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - INVITE sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - WHOAMI sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - OP sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - OPS sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - UNBAN sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - PING sl_ctcp
+bind ctcp - TIME sl_ctcp
+bind msgm - * sl_bmflood
+if {[lsearch -exact $sl_bmflood 0] != -1} {
+ unbind msgm - * sl_bmflood
+ rename sl_bmflood ""
+bind nick - * sl_nkflood
+if {[lsearch -exact $sl_nkflood 0] != -1} {
+ unbind nick - * sl_nkflood
+ rename sl_nkflood ""
+bind join - * sl_jflood
+bind part - * sl_pflood
+bind sign - * sl_pflood
+if {![info exists sl_detectquits]} {
+ set sl_detectquits 0
+if {!$sl_detectquits} {
+ unbind sign - * sl_pflood
+bind kick - * sl_pfloodk
+bind flud - * sl_flud
+bind mode - * sl_mode
+putlog "Loaded sentinel.tcl v2.70 by slennox"