Interface DataExchangeSemantics

All Known Implementing Classes:
Axis2BindingInvoker, Axis2OneWayBindingInvoker, DataTransformationInterceptor, EJBBindingInvoker, JavaImplementationInvoker, JMSBindingInvoker, OSGiRemotableInvoker, RMIReferenceInvoker, RRBJMSBindingInvoker, SCABindingInvoker

public interface DataExchangeSemantics

An invoker or interceptor can optionally implement this interface to indicate if they can enforce the pass-by-value semantics for an operation on remotable interfaces.

Method Summary
 boolean allowsPassByReference()
          Indicate if the data can be passed in by reference as they won't be mutated.

Method Detail


boolean allowsPassByReference()
Indicate if the data can be passed in by reference as they won't be mutated.

true if pass-by-reference is allowed