Tuscany Core

Uses of Class

Packages that use ScopeRuntimeException

Uses of ScopeRuntimeException in org.apache.tuscany.core.context

Subclasses of ScopeRuntimeException in org.apache.tuscany.core.context
 class ScopeInitializationException
          Denotes an initialization exception thrown by a scope container

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.context that throw ScopeRuntimeException
 void ScopeContext.removeContext(java.lang.String name)
          Removes a context with the given name, determining the scope key from the thread context
 void ScopeContext.removeContextByKey(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object key)
          Removes a context bound to the given name and scope key

Uses of ScopeRuntimeException in org.apache.tuscany.core.context.scope

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.context.scope that throw ScopeRuntimeException
 void CompositeScopeContext.removeContext(java.lang.String ctxName)
 void CompositeScopeContext.removeContextByKey(java.lang.String ctxName, java.lang.Object key)
 void CompositeScopeContext.stop()

Tuscany Core
