Tuscany Core

Package org.apache.tuscany.core.config

Interface Summary
ComponentTypeIntrospector Interface for implementations that are able create SCA definitions by inspecting Java classes.
ImplementationCache Cache of introspected implementations.
ModuleComponentConfigurationLoader Interface for loading configuration information from some external form into a Tuscany logical model.

Class Summary
JavaIntrospectionHelper Implements various reflection-related operations

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException Base class for exceptions that pertain to configuration.
ConfigurationLoadException Exception indicating that there was a problem loading a configuration resource.
InvalidMetaDataException Denotes an validation error processing component metadata
InvalidRootElementException Configuration exception that indicates the actual root element in an XML file was not the one expected.
MetaDataException Denotes an error processing component metadata
MissingInterfaceException Exception indicating that the interface referenced in an assembly file could not be found.
MissingResourceException Exception that indicates an expected resource could not be found.
SidefileLoadException Exception indicating that there was a problem loading a sidefile.

Tuscany Core
