Uses of Interface

Packages that use Property

Uses of Property in com.agfa.hap.sdo

Subinterfaces of Property in com.agfa.hap.sdo
 interface Property
          A representation of a Property in the type of a data object.

Methods in com.agfa.hap.sdo with parameters of type Property
 PartialDataObject PartialDataObject.createDataObject(Property property)
 PartialDataObject PartialDataObject.createDataObject(Property property, Type type)
 PartialDataObject PartialDataObject.getDataObject(Property property)
 boolean PartialDataObject.isAvailable(Property property)
 void PartialDataObject.setUnavailable(Property property)
          Strips the property such that is no longer available.

Constructors in com.agfa.hap.sdo with parameters of type Property
PropertyNotAvailableException(PartialDataObject source, Property prop)

Uses of Property in com.agfa.hap.sdo.implementation

Classes in com.agfa.hap.sdo.implementation that implement Property
 class PropertyImplementation

Methods in com.agfa.hap.sdo.implementation that return Property
 Property TypeHelperImpl.defineOpenContentProperty(java.lang.String uri, DataObject property)
 Property AbstractDataObject.getContainmentProperty()
 Property XSDHelperImpl.getGlobalProperty(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String propertyName, boolean isElement)
 Property AbstractDataObject.getInstanceProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
 Property TypeHelperImpl.getOpenContentProperty(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String propertyName)
 Property AbstractDataObject.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)

Methods in com.agfa.hap.sdo.implementation with parameters of type Property
protected  java.lang.Object DataObjectImplementation.basicGet(Property property)
protected abstract  java.lang.Object AbstractPartialDataObject.basicGet(Property property)
          Returns the value of the property.
protected  void DataObjectImplementation.basicSet(Property property, java.lang.Object value)
protected abstract  void AbstractPartialDataObject.basicSet(Property property, java.lang.Object value)
 PartialDataObject AbstractPartialDataObject.createDataObject(Property property)
 PartialDataObject AbstractPartialDataObject.createDataObject(Property property, Type type)
 java.lang.Object TypeImplementation.get(Property property)
 java.lang.Object PropertyImplementation.get(Property property)
 java.lang.Object AbstractPartialDataObject.get(Property property)
 java.lang.String XSDHelperImpl.getAppinfo(Property property, java.lang.String source)
 java.math.BigDecimal AbstractDataObject.getBigDecimal(Property property)
 java.math.BigInteger AbstractDataObject.getBigInteger(Property property)
 boolean AbstractDataObject.getBoolean(Property property)
 byte AbstractDataObject.getByte(Property property)
 byte[] AbstractDataObject.getBytes(Property property)
 char AbstractDataObject.getChar(Property property)
 PartialDataObject AbstractPartialDataObject.getDataObject(Property property)
 java.util.Date AbstractDataObject.getDate(Property property)
 double AbstractDataObject.getDouble(Property property)
 float AbstractDataObject.getFloat(Property property)
 int AbstractDataObject.getInt(Property property)
 java.util.List AbstractDataObject.getList(Property property)
 java.lang.String XSDHelperImpl.getLocalName(Property property)
 long AbstractDataObject.getLong(Property property)
 java.lang.String XSDHelperImpl.getNamespaceURI(Property property)
 Sequence AbstractDataObject.getSequence(Property property)
 short AbstractDataObject.getShort(Property property)
 java.lang.String AbstractDataObject.getString(Property property)
protected  java.util.List DataObjectImplementation.initializeWithEmptyList(Property property)
protected abstract  java.util.List AbstractPartialDataObject.initializeWithEmptyList(Property property)
 boolean XSDHelperImpl.isAttribute(Property property)
 boolean AbstractPartialDataObject.isAvailable(Property property)
protected  boolean AbstractDataObject.isContained(Property property)
 boolean XSDHelperImpl.isElement(Property property)
 boolean AbstractPartialDataObject.isSet(Property property)
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.Object> AbstractPartialDataObject.safeGetList(Property property)
 void AbstractPartialDataObject.set(Property property, java.lang.Object value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setBigDecimal(Property property, java.math.BigDecimal value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setBigInteger(Property property, java.math.BigInteger value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setBoolean(Property property, boolean value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setByte(Property property, byte value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setBytes(Property property, byte[] value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setChar(Property property, char value)
protected  void AbstractDataObject.setContainment(AbstractDataObject container, Property prop)
 void AbstractDataObject.setDataObject(Property property, DataObject value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setDate(Property property, java.util.Date value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setDouble(Property property, double value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setFloat(Property property, float value)
 void TypeImplementation.setIdentityProperty(Property identityProperty)
 void AbstractDataObject.setInt(Property property, int value)
 void AbstractPartialDataObject.setList(Property property, java.util.List value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setList(Property property, java.util.List value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setLong(Property property, long value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setShort(Property property, short value)
 void AbstractDataObject.setString(Property property, java.lang.String value)
 void AbstractPartialDataObject.setUnavailable(Property property)
 void AbstractPartialDataObject.unset(Property property)

Constructors in com.agfa.hap.sdo.implementation with parameters of type Property
DataObjectList(AbstractDataObject owner, Property listProperty)

Uses of Property in com.agfa.hap.sdo.util

Methods in com.agfa.hap.sdo.util with parameters of type Property
protected  java.lang.String ResultSet.addProperty(java.lang.String rootPath, Property property)

Uses of Property in commonj.sdo

Methods in commonj.sdo that return Property
 Property DataObject.getContainmentProperty()
          Return the Property of the data object containing this data object or null if there is no container.
 Property DataObject.getInstanceProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Returns the named Property from the current instance properties, or null if not found.
 Property ChangeSummary.getOldContainmentProperty(DataObject dataObject)
          Returns the value of the containment property data object property at the point when logging began.
 Property Property.getOpposite()
          Returns the opposite Property if the Property is bi-directional or null otherwise.
 Property ChangeSummary.Setting.getProperty()
          Returns the property of the setting.
 Property Sequence.getProperty(int index)
          Returns the property for the given entry index.
 Property Type.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Returns from all the Properties of this type, the one with the specified name.
 Property DataObject.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Deprecated. replaced by DataObject.getInstanceProperty(String) in 2.1.0

Methods in commonj.sdo with parameters of type Property
 void Sequence.add(int index, Property property, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds a new entry with the specified property and value at the specified entry index.
 boolean Sequence.add(Property property, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds a new entry with the specified property and value to the end of the entries.
 DataObject DataObject.createDataObject(Property property)
          Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property.
 DataObject DataObject.createDataObject(Property property, Type type)
          Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be of containment type.
 java.lang.Object Type.get(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified instance property of this Type.
 java.lang.Object Property.get(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified instance property of this Property.
 java.lang.Object DataObject.get(Property property)
          Returns the value of the given property of this object.
 java.math.BigDecimal DataObject.getBigDecimal(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified BigDecimal property.
 java.math.BigInteger DataObject.getBigInteger(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified BigInteger property.
 boolean DataObject.getBoolean(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified boolean property.
 byte DataObject.getByte(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified byte property.
 byte[] DataObject.getBytes(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified byte[] property.
 char DataObject.getChar(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified char property.
 DataObject DataObject.getDataObject(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified DataObject property.
 java.util.Date DataObject.getDate(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified Date property.
 double DataObject.getDouble(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified double property.
 float DataObject.getFloat(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified float property.
 int DataObject.getInt(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified int property.
 java.util.List DataObject.getList(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified List property.
 long DataObject.getLong(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified long property.
 ChangeSummary.Setting ChangeSummary.getOldValue(DataObject dataObject, Property property)
          Returns a setting for the specified property representing the property value of the given dataObject at the point when logging began.
 Sequence DataObject.getSequence(Property property)
          Deprecated. in 2.1.0.
 short DataObject.getShort(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified short property.
 java.lang.String DataObject.getString(Property property)
          Returns the value of the specified String property.
 boolean DataObject.isSet(Property property)
          Returns whether the property of the object is considered to be set.
 void DataObject.set(Property property, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value of the given property of the object to the new value.
 void DataObject.setBigDecimal(Property property, java.math.BigDecimal value)
          Sets the value of the specified BigDecimal property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setBigInteger(Property property, java.math.BigInteger value)
          Sets the value of the specified BigInteger property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setBoolean(Property property, boolean value)
          Sets the value of the specified boolean property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setByte(Property property, byte value)
          Sets the value of the specified byte property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setBytes(Property property, byte[] value)
          Sets the value of the specified byte[] property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setChar(Property property, char value)
          Sets the value of the specified char property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setDataObject(Property property, DataObject value)
          Sets the value of the specified DataObject property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setDate(Property property, java.util.Date value)
          Sets the value of the specified Date property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setDouble(Property property, double value)
          Sets the value of the specified double property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setFloat(Property property, float value)
          Sets the value of the specified float property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setInt(Property property, int value)
          Sets the value of the specified int property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setList(Property property, java.util.List value)
          Sets the value of the specified List property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setLong(Property property, long value)
          Sets the value of the specified long property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setShort(Property property, short value)
          Sets the value of the specified short property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.setString(Property property, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value of the specified String property, to the specified value.
 void DataObject.unset(Property property)
          Unsets the property of the object.

Uses of Property in commonj.sdo.helper

Methods in commonj.sdo.helper that return Property
 Property TypeHelper.defineOpenContentProperty(java.lang.String uri, DataObject property)
          Define the DataObject as a Property for setting open content.
 Property XSDHelper.getGlobalProperty(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String propertyName, boolean isElement)
          Returns the Property defined by the named global element or attribute in the targetNamespace uri, or null if not found.
 Property TypeHelper.getOpenContentProperty(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Get the open content (global) Property with the specified uri and name, or null if not found.

Methods in commonj.sdo.helper with parameters of type Property
 java.lang.Object DataHelper.convert(Property property, java.lang.Object value)
          Convert the specified value to an instance of the specified property's type.
 java.lang.String XSDHelper.getAppinfo(Property property, java.lang.String source)
          Return the content of the appinfo declared for this Property and source.
 java.lang.String XSDHelper.getLocalName(Property property)
          Returns the local name as declared in the XSD.
 java.lang.String XSDHelper.getNamespaceURI(Property property)
          Returns the namespace URI as declared in the XSD.
 boolean XSDHelper.isAttribute(Property property)
          Returns true if the property is declared as an attribute in the XSD.
 boolean XSDHelper.isElement(Property property)
          Returns true if the property is declared as an element in the XSD.

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