path: root/tags/cpp-1.0-incubating-M2-RC1/sdo/GettingStarted.html
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- <TITLE>Tuscany - Getting Started</TITLE>
-<DIV ID="bodyColumn">
- <DIV ID="contentBox">
- <DIV CLASS="section">
- <H2>Tuscany - Getting Started - SDO C++ Milestone release 2</H2>
- <P>Tuscany SDO C++ is an implementation of the Service Data Objects 2.0 specification for C++ developers.
- This page describes what is needed to install Tuscany SDO for C++.<BR/>If you haven't already done so, the first
- step is to download the SDO C++ Milestone release 2 of Apache Tuscany from our
- <A HREF="" target='_blank'>download page</A>.<BR/>
- </P>
- </DIV>
- <DIV CLASS="section">
- <H2>Contents</H2>
- <OL>
- <LI><A HREF="#requirements">System Requirements</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#install">Installing Tuscany SDO..</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#linuxbin">..from the binary release on Linux</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#linuxsrc">..from the source release on Linux</A></LI>
- <!--LI><A HREF="#linuxsrcstdcxx">..from the source release on Linux with Apache STDCXX</A></LI-->
- <LI><A HREF="#winbin">..from the binary release on Windows</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#winsrc">..from the source release on Windows</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#winsrcstdcxx">..from the source release on Windows with Apache STDCXX</A></LI>
- </UL></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#samples">Samples</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#help">Getting Help</A></LI>
- </OL>
- </DIV>
- <DIV CLASS="section">
- <A NAME="requirements"><H2>System Requirements</H2></A>
- <P>In order to use Tuscany SDO there are some minimum requirements:</P>
- <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
- <TR CLASS="a">
- <TD><B>Software</B></TD>
- <TD><B>Download Link</B></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR CLASS="b">
- <TD>Operating systems:
- <UL>
- <LI>Windows XP SP2</LI>
- <LI>Linux</LI>
- </UL>
- </TD>
- <TD>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR CLASS="a">
- <TD>Axis2C Release 0.94</TD>
- <TD>
- <A HREF=""
- TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
- Please download and follow the installation instructions. Ensure you can run the Axis2C samples
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR CLASS="b">
- <TD>libxml2 version 2.6.20</TD>
- <TD>
- <A HREF=""
- TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
- Most Linux systems have libxml2 by default. On Windows you need to download
- and install libxml2 from
- <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
- Please read the installation notes for libxml2 particularly regarding it's
- pre-req's iconv and zlib on Windows. <BR/>
- These libraries will need to be on the PATH in order to run Tuscany SDO.
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR CLASS="b">
- <TD><STRONG>Optional: </STRONG>STDCXX Release 4.1.3</TD>
- <TD>
- <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
- STDCXX is the Apache implementation of the C++ Standard Library. Tuscany SDO
- can be built using this library implementation rather than the default
- platform libraries available on your operating system.<BR/>
- If you wish to use STDCXX please follow
- <A HREF="doc/BuildingSTDCXX.html">these instructions to build STDCXX for Tuscany SDO</A>
- before following the instructions below to build SDO with STDCXX.<BR/>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
- </DIV>
- <DIV CLASS="section">
- <A NAME="install"><H2>Installing Tuscany SDO for C++</H2></A>
- <A NAME="linuxbin"><H3>Getting Tuscany SDO for C++ working with the binary release on Linux</H3></A>
- <OL>
- <LI>Extract the binary tar package to a folder &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;</LI>
- <LI>Add the &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;/lib directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH <!-- (Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (MacOS X) --> environment variable</LI>
- </OL>
- <A NAME="linuxsrc"><H3>Getting Tuscany SDO for C++ working with the source release on Linux</H3></A>
- <OL>
- <LI>Extract the source tar package to a folder &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;</LI>
- <LI>The following environment variables are required:
- <UL>
- <LI>LIBXML2_INCLUDE=&lt;path to libxml2 includes&gt;
- <LI>LIBXML2_LIB=&lt;path to libxml2 lib&gt;<BR/>
- Note: If you are using the default installation of libxml2 these are usually:<BR/>
- LIBXML2_LIB=/usr/lib<BR/>
- LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/usr/include/libxml2<BR/></LI>
- <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.94&gt;</LI>
- </UL></LI>
- <LI>Build the source with the following command sequence:
- <UL>
- <LI>./configure</LI>
- <LI>make</LI>
- <LI>make install</LI>
- </UL>
- NOTE: If you don't provide a --prefix configure option, it will by default install into
- /usr/local/tuscany/sdo</LI>
- <LI>Run the test:
- <UL>
- <LI>cd to &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;/runtime/core/test</LI>
- <LI>./tuscany_sdo_test</LI>
- </UL></LI>
- </OL>
- <!--A NAME="linuxsrcstdcxx"><H3>Getting Tuscany SDO for C++ working with the source release and Apache STDCXX on Linux</H3></A-->
- <A NAME="winbin"><H3>Getting Tuscany SDO for C++ working with the binary release on Windows</H3></A>
- <OL>
- <LI>Unzip the supplied zip file to a folder &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;</LI>
- <LI>Add the &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;\bin directory to the PATH environment variable</LI>
- </OL>
- <A NAME="winsrc"><H3>Getting Tuscany SDO for C++ working with the source release on Windows</H3></A>
- <OL>
- <LI>Unzip the supplied source zip file to a folder &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;</LI>
- <LI>The following environment variables are required:
- <UL>
- <LI>LIBXML2_HOME=&lt;path to installed libxml2&gt;<BR/>
- <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.94&gt;</LI>
- </UL></LI>
- <LI>You must have set up the environment for Microsoft Visual C++ tools. The build command
- will call vcvars32 to set the environment. Ensure the directory containing this is on your path.
- This will be where you installed the compiler.</LI>
- <LI>Build the source:
- <UL>
- <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;</LI>
- <LI>build</LI>
- </UL>
- This will build all the projects and put the required output into the &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;\deploy directory<BR/><BR/>
- Alternatively, open the workspace tuscany_sdo.dsw in Visual Studio 6 - you can build projects individually
- or build the test project to build all its dependencies. Running the test project should give a list of
- tests passed - this is currently 108 tests, no failures.</LI>
- <LI>Add the &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;\deploy\bin directory to the PATH environment variable</LI>
- </OL>
- <A NAME="winsrcstdcxx"><H3>Getting Tuscany SDO for C++ working with the source release and Apache STDCXX on Windows</H3></A>
- <P>STDCXX is an implementation of the C++ Standard Library provided by Apache.
- The website is at <A HREF=""></A>.
- </P>
- <P>You must begin by downloading and building STDCXX as described <A HREF="doc/BuildingSTDCXX.html">here</A>
- </P>
- <P>STDCXX is supported only when used with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ V7.1. Launch the
- MSVC++ 7.1 studio by opening the file &lt;tuscany_sdo_install_dir&gt;\projectsvc7\tuscany_sdo\tuscany_sdo.sln
- </P>
- <P>Both the sdo_runtime and sdo_test projects include build configurations that
- use STDCXX. There are several ways to access the build configurations, and all
- are equally effective. As an example, open the Property pages for sdo_test by
- right clicking on sdo_test in the Solution Explorer pane and selecting
- Properties. The Configuration property in the top left corner of the pane is a
- drop down box offering four options: Debug, Release, stdcxx-Debug,
- stdcxx-Release. Choose the one you want and then launch the build.
- </P>
- <P>All components that are linked (by the linker) must all use the same C++
- Standard library. Therefore, if either sdo_test or sdo_runtime are built with
- STDCXX then both must be.
- </P>
- <P>Tuscany SCA does not currently offer the option to build with stdcxx and so it
- cannot be used with a version of SDO built using stdcxx.
- </P>
- </DIV>
- <DIV CLASS="section">
- <A NAME="samples"><H2>Samples</H2></A>
- <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
- <TR CLASS="a">
- <TD STYLE="vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;">SDO Technology samples
- </TD>
- <TD>Simple samples that emphasize how to to use SDO technology. Follow the
- instructions on the samples <A HREF="samples/GettingStarted.html">Getting Started</A>
- page to build and run the Tuscany SDO samples
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
- </DIV>
- <DIV CLASS="section">
- <A NAME="help"><H2>Getting Help</H2></A>
- <P>First place to look is at the Tuscany FAQ at
- <A HREF=""
- TARGET="_blank"></A> </P>
- <P>Any problem with this release can be reported to the Tuscany
- <A HREF=""
- TARGET="_blank">mailing lists</A> or create a JIRA issue at&nbsp;<A HREF=""
- TARGET="_blank"></A>.</P>
- <P>&nbsp;</P>
- <P>&nbsp;</P>
- <P>&nbsp;</P>
- <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
- <TR CLASS="a">
- <TD>
- <P>Thank you for your interest in Tuscany.</P> <STRONG><EM>-The
- Tuscany Development Team</EM></STRONG>
- <P></P>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </DIV>
- </DIV>