path: root/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/cpp/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/cpp/build.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/cpp/build.xml b/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/cpp/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b7eeb66855..0000000000
--- a/cpp/sca/runtime/extensions/cpp/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
-<project name="TuscanyScaNative_extension_cpp" default="all" basedir="../../..">
- <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/system.xml"/>
- <import file="${basedir}/antscripts/compile-targets.xml"/>
- <!--
- Notice that the basedir for this project is set to the TuscanySCA root dir
- This makes path setting in system.xml much simpler, but we'll just have to
- set a property here to this directory.
- -->
- <property name="osoa.dir" value="osoa/sca"/>
- <property name="cpp.core.dir" value="tuscany/sca/cpp"/>
- <property name="cpp.model.dir" value="tuscany/sca/cpp/model"/>
- <property name="xsd.dir" value="xsd"/>
- <property name="this.dir" location="${basedir}/runtime/extensions/cpp"/>
- <property name="this.src.dir" location="${this.dir}/src"/>
- <property name="osoa.abs.dir" location="${this.src.dir}/${osoa.dir}"/>
- <property name="cpp.core.abs.dir" location="${this.src.dir}/${cpp.core.dir}"/>
- <property name="cpp.model.abs.dir" location="${this.src.dir}/${cpp.model.dir}"/>
- <property name="lib.dir" location="${this.src.dir}/.libs"/>
- <property name="xsd.abs.dir" location="${this.dir}/${xsd.dir}"/>
- <property name="scagen.abs.dir" location="${this.dir}/tools/scagen"/>
- <property name="tuscany.cpp.extension.lib" value="tuscany_sca_cpp"/>
- <property name="cpp.extension.install.dir" location="${tuscanySCA.install.dir}/extensions/cpp"/>
- <!--
- All the cpp and header files per subdirectory
- New classes should be added to these properties
- -->
- <property
- name="osoa.cpp.files"
- value="ComponentContext.cpp CompositeContext.cpp"/>
- <property
- name="osoa.h.files"
- value="ComponentContext.h
- CompositeContext.h
- export.h
- sca.h
- ServiceRuntimeException.h"/>
- <property
- name="cpp.core.cpp.files"
- value="ComponentContextImpl.cpp
- CompositeContextImpl.cpp
- CPPExtension.cpp
- CPPImplementationExtension.cpp
- CPPInterfaceExtension.cpp
- CPPServiceProxy.cpp
- CPPServiceWrapper.cpp
- TuscanyRuntime.cpp"/>
- <property
- name="cpp.core.h.files"
- value="ComponentContextImpl.h
- CompositeContextImpl.h
- CPPExtension.h
- CPPImplementationExtension.h
- CPPInterfaceExtension.h
- CPPServiceProxy.h
- CPPServiceWrapper.h
- TuscanyRuntime.h"/>
- <property
- name="cpp.model.cpp.files"
- value="CPPImplementation.cpp
- CPPInterface.cpp
- CPPReferenceBinding.cpp
- CPPServiceBinding.cpp"/>
- <property
- name="cpp.model.h.files"
- value="CPPImplementation.h
- CPPInterface.h
- CPPReferenceBinding.h
- CPPServiceBinding.h"/>
- <property
- name="xsd.files"
- value="sca-implementation-cpp.xsd
- sca-interface-cpp.xsd"/>
- <!--
- Public targets
- -->
- <target name="all" description="Compile, link, and install all TuscanyScaNative cpp extension source code">
- <antcall target="compile"/>
- <antcall target="link"/>
- <antcall target="install"/>
- </target>
- <!-- TODO is tools/scagen included? I thought it moved to <root>/tools -->
- <target name="build" description="Compile and link all TuscanyScaNative cpp extension source code">
- <antcall target="compile"/>
- <antcall target="link"/>
- </target>
- <target name="compile" description="Compile all TuscanyScaNative cpp extension source code">
- <antcall target="compile.cpp.osoa"/>
- <antcall target="compile.cpp.core"/>
- <antcall target="compile.cpp.model"/>
- <ant target="scagen.jar" antfile="${scagen.abs.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
- </target>
- <target name="link" description="Link all TuscanyScaNative cpp extension source code">
- <cpp-link
- outfile="${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}"
- outdir="${lib.dir}"
- indir="${lib.dir}"
- infiles="*${object.ext}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="install" description="Install TuscanyScaNative cpp extension libraries and headers">
- <antcall target="install.cpp.osoa"/>
- <antcall target="install.cpp.core"/>
- <antcall target="install.cpp.model"/>
- <antcall target="install.xsd"/>
- <cpp-install-lib
- lib="${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}"
- srcdir="${lib.dir}"
- destrootdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}"/>
- <cpp-symlink
- linkdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/lib"
- link="${lib.prefix}${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
- resource="${lib.prefix}${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}${lib.ext}${tuscanySCA.library.version}"/>
- <cpp-symlink
- linkdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/module"
- link="${lib.prefix}${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"
- resourcedir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/lib"
- resource="${lib.prefix}${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}${lib.ext}"/>
- <ant target="install" antfile="${scagen.abs.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean" description="Clean all TuscanyScaNative cpp extension compiled source code">
- <antcall target="clean.cpp.osoa"/>
- <antcall target="clean.cpp.core"/>
- <antcall target="clean.cpp.model"/>
- <antcall target="clean.xsd"/>
- <delete dir="${lib.dir}" quiet="true"/>
- <cpp-clean-lib
- lib="${tuscany.cpp.extension.lib}"
- librootdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}"/>
- <cpp-clean-files
- dir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/module"
- rmdir="true"/>
- <cpp-clean-files
- dir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include"
- rmdir="true"/>
- <ant target="clean" antfile="${scagen.abs.dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false"/>
- </target>
- <!--
- Internal targets
- They can still be called, they're just not described, so wont show up in "ant -p"
- -->
- <!-- compile -->
- <target name="compile.cpp.osoa">
- <cpp-compile
- srcdir="${osoa.abs.dir}"
- objdir="${lib.dir}"
- infiles="${osoa.cpp.files}">
- <custom-cc-elements>
- <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
- <defineset if="windows" define="TUSCANY_SCA_CPP_EXPORTS"/>
- </custom-cc-elements>
- </cpp-compile>
- </target>
- <target name="compile.cpp.core">
- <cpp-compile
- srcdir="${cpp.core.abs.dir}"
- objdir="${lib.dir}"
- infiles="${cpp.core.cpp.files}">
- <custom-cc-elements>
- <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
- <defineset if="windows" define="TUSCANY_SCA_CPP_EXPORTS"/>
- </custom-cc-elements>
- </cpp-compile>
- </target>
- <target name="compile.cpp.model">
- <cpp-compile
- srcdir="${cpp.model.abs.dir}"
- objdir="${lib.dir}"
- infiles="${cpp.model.cpp.files}">
- <custom-cc-elements>
- <includepath path="${this.src.dir}"/>
- <defineset if="windows" define="TUSCANY_SCA_CPP_EXPORTS"/>
- </custom-cc-elements>
- </cpp-compile>
- </target>
- <!-- install -->
- <target name="install.cpp.osoa">
- <cpp-install-files
- srcdir="${osoa.abs.dir}"
- files="${osoa.h.files}"
- destdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include/${osoa.dir}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="install.cpp.core">
- <cpp-install-files
- srcdir="${cpp.core.abs.dir}"
- files="${cpp.core.h.files}"
- destdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include/${cpp.core.dir}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="install.cpp.model">
- <cpp-install-files
- srcdir="${cpp.model.abs.dir}"
- files="${cpp.model.h.files}"
- destdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include/${cpp.model.dir}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="install.xsd">
- <cpp-install-files
- srcdir="${xsd.abs.dir}"
- files="${xsd.files}"
- destdir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/${xsd.dir}"/>
- </target>
- <!-- clean -->
- <target name="clean.cpp.osoa">
- <cpp-clean-files
- dir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include/${osoa.dir}"
- rmdir="true"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean.cpp.core">
- <cpp-clean-files
- dir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include/${cpp.core.dir}"
- rmdir="true"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean.cpp.model">
- <cpp-clean-files
- dir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/include/${cpp.model.dir}"
- rmdir="true"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean.xsd">
- <cpp-clean-files
- dir="${cpp.extension.install.dir}/${xsd.dir}"
- rmdir="true"/>
- </target>