path: root/cpp/das/samples/CompanySample/Readme.html
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/cpp/das/samples/CompanySample/Readme.html b/cpp/das/samples/CompanySample/Readme.html
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- <TITLE>Tuscany RDB DAS Sample</TITLE>
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-<H1 LANG="pt-BR">Tuscany RDB DAS Sample (CompanySample)&nbsp;</H1>
-<P LANG="pt-BR">This sample shows how to load data from a RDB
- source, using RDB DAS, into a SDO graph, then retrieve data
- from it, modify the graph and update the data source based on the modified graph.</P>
-<H2 LANG="pt-BR">Setup</H2>
- <LI><P LANG="pt-BR"><SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: none"><FONT COLOR="#000000">Follow
- the
- <A HREF=""></A>
- document to download, compile and install Tuscany DAS for C++.</FONT></SPAN></P>
- <LI><P ><SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: none">Download
- the latest version of Postgres Core and ODBC Driver. You can find it
- here: <A HREF=""></A>.</SPAN></P>
- <LI><P ><SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: none">Install both, Postgres Core and ODBC Driver, on your OS.</SPAN></P>
-<H2 LANG="pt-BR">Compiling the Sample</H2>
-<P LANG="pt-BR">Compile the sample source using Visual Studio Express
-solution under &lt;tuscany_das_cpp&gt;/samples/CompanySample/VSExpress/.</P>
-<H2 LANG="pt-BR">Running the Sample</H2>
-<P LANG="pt-BR">To run the sample execute the file
-<P LANG="pt-BR"><B>Requirements</B>:</P>
- <LI><P LANG="pt-BR">Postgres server must be running accepting connection from localhost.</P>
- <LI><P >The sample access a data source using DSN, it by default access a DSN named "DAStestcases" using "postgres" user with "tuscany" password. However this settings can be modified on main function defined on &lt;tuscany_das_cpp&gt;/samples/CompanySample/src/main.cpp:
-<P STYLE="margin-left: 2cm; margin-bottom: 0cm"><FONT SIZE=2>...<BR>std::string
- dsn = <FONT COLOR="#800000">&quot;DASCompanySample&quot;</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">;</FONT><BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">std::string
- user = <FONT COLOR="#800000">&quot;postgres&quot;</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">;</FONT><BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">std::string
- password = <FONT COLOR="#800000">&quot;tuscany&quot;</FONT<FONT COLOR="#000000">;</FONT><BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">...</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
-<H2 LANG="pt-BR"><FONT SIZE=5><B>Sample Architecture</B></FONT></H2>
-<P LANG="pt-BR"><FONT SIZE=2>The sample files are located under
-<P LANG="pt-BR"><FONT SIZE=2><B>Contents</B>:</FONT></P>
- <LI><P LANG="pt-BR"><FONT SIZE=2>/src/main.cpp: This file contains the sample source code.</FONT></P>
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