path: root/windows/kbdneo2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'windows/kbdneo2')
-rw-r--r--windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.exebin206679 -> 0 bytes
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.ahk b/windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.ahk
deleted file mode 100644
index c549c4b..0000000
--- a/windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.ahk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-VKA1SC136 & VKA0SC02A:: ; RShift, dann LShift
-VKA0SC02A & VKA1SC136:: ; LShift, dann RShift
- if GetKeyState("VKA1SC136", "P") and GetKeyState("VKA0SC02A", "P") {
- if isMod2Locked {
- isMod2Locked = 0
- } else {
- isMod2Locked = 1
- }
- }
-IsMod4Locked := 0
- if GetKeyState("VKA5SC138", "P") and GetKeyState("VKE2SC056", "P") {
- if IsMod4Locked {
- if zeigeLockBox
- MsgBox Mod4-Feststellung aufgebehoben!
- IsMod4Locked = 0
- } else {
- if zeigeLockBox
- MsgBox Mod4 festgestellt: Um Mod4 wieder zu lösen, drücke beide Mod4-Tasten gleichzeitig!
- IsMod4Locked = 1
- }
- }
-EbeneAktualisieren() {
- global
- Modstate := IsMod4Pressed() . IsMod3Pressed() . IsShiftPressed()
- if (Modstate = "000") ; Ebene 1: Ohne Mod
- Ebene = 1
- else if (Modstate = "001") ; Ebene 2: Shift
- Ebene = 2
- else if (Modstate = "010") ; Ebene 3: Mod3
- Ebene = 3
- else if (Modstate = "100") ; Ebene 4: Mod4
- Ebene = 4
- else if (Modstate = "011") ; Ebene 5: Shift+Mod3
- Ebene = 5
- else if (Modstate = "110") ; Ebene 6: Mod3+Mod4
- Ebene = 6
- else if (Modstate = "101") { ; Ebene 7: Shift+Mod4 impliziert Ebene 4
- Ebene = 4
- Ebene7 = 1
- } else if (Modstate = "111") { ; Ebene 8: Shift+Mod3+Mod4 impliziert Ebene 6
- Ebene = 6
- Ebene8 = 1
- } Ebene12 := ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2))
- global
- if IsMod4Locked
- return !(GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P"))
- else
- return (GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P"))
-OutputChar(val1,val2) {
- global
- send % "{blind}" . val1
-OutputChar12(val1,val2,val3,val4) {
- global
- if (Ebene = 1)
- c := val1
- else c := val2
- if (Ebene = 1)
- d := val3
- else d := val4
- if GetKeyState("Shift","P") and isMod2Locked
- send % "{blind}{Shift Up}" . c . "{Shift Down}"
- else send % "{blind}" . c
-SendUnicodeChar(charCode1, charCode2) {
- global
- IfWinActive,ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel
- {
- StringLower,charCode1,charCode1
- send % "^+u" . SubStr(charCode1,3) . " "
- } else {
- VarSetCapacity(ki,28*2,0)
- EncodeInteger(&ki+0,1)
- EncodeInteger(&ki+6,charCode1)
- EncodeInteger(&ki+8,4)
- EncodeInteger(&ki+28,1)
- EncodeInteger(&ki+34,charCode1)
- EncodeInteger(&ki+36,4|2)
- DllCall("SendInput","UInt",2,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28)
- }
-EncodeInteger(ref,val) {
- DllCall("ntdll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","Uint",ref,"Uint",4,"Uint",val)
- global
- if !(NoCaps and GetKeyState("Shift", "P") and (GetKeyState("Alt", "P") or GetKeyState("Strg", "P"))) {
- if GetKeyState("Shift","P")
- if isMod2Locked and !noCaps
- return 0
- else return 1
- else if isMod2Locked and !noCaps
- return 1
- else return 0
- }
- global
- return (GetKeyState("VKBFSC02B","P") or GetKeyState("VK14SC03A","P"))
-*VK34SC005::goto neo_4
- goto neo_v
- goto neo_l
- goto neo_c
- goto neo_w
- goto neo_u
- goto neo_i
- goto neo_a
- goto neo_e
- goto neo_o
- goto neo_ä
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if (Ebene = 1)
- OutputChar(4,4)
- else if (Ebene = 2)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x00BB, "guillemotright") ; Double guillemot right
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("›", "U230A") ; Single guillemot right
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{PgUp}", "Prior") ; Bild auf
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x2113, "U2213") ; Script small L
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x22A5, "uptack") ; Senkrecht
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("v","V","v","V")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("_","underscore")
- else if (Ebene = 4) and (!lernModus or lernModus_neo_Backspace)
- OutputChar("{Backspace}", "BackSpace")
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x2259, "U2259") ; estimates/entspricht
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("l","L","l","L")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("[", "bracketleft")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Up}", "Up")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03BB, "Greek_lambda") ; lambda
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x039B, "Greek_LAMBDA") ; Lambda
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("c","C","c","C")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("]", "bracketright")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Del}", "Delete")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03C7, "Greek_chi") ; chi
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x2102, "U2102") ; C (Komplexe Zahlen)]
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("w","W","w","W")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x005E, "asciicircum") ; Zirkumflex
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Insert}", "Insert") ; Einfg
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03C9, "Greek_omega") ; omega
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03A9, "Greek_OMEGA") ; Omega
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("u","U","u","U")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("\", "backslash")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Home}", "Home")
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x222E, "U222E") ; contour integral
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("i","I","i","I")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("`/", "slash")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Left}", "Left")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03B9, "Greek_iota") ; iota
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x222B, "integral") ; integral
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("a","A","a","A")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("{{}", "braceleft")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Down}", "Down")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03B1, "Greek_alpha") ; alpha
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x2200, "U2200") ; für alle
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("e","E","e","E")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("{}}", "braceright")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{Right}", "Right")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03B5, "Greek_epsilon") ; epsilon
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x2203, "U2203") ; es existiert
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("o","O","o","O")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("*", "asterisk")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{End}", "End")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03BF, "Greek_omicron") ; omicron
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x2208, "elementof") ; element of
- EbeneAktualisieren()
- if Ebene12
- OutputChar12("ä","Ä","adiaeresis","Adiaeresis")
- else if (Ebene = 3)
- OutputChar("|", "bar")
- else if (Ebene = 4)
- OutputChar("{PgDn}", "Next")
- else if (Ebene = 5)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x03B7, "Greek_eta") ; eta
- else if (Ebene = 6)
- SendUnicodeChar(0x211C, "U221C") ; Fraktur R
-return \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.exe b/windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.exe
deleted file mode 100644
index a167560..0000000
--- a/windows/kbdneo2/ahk_für_kbdneo2_Test/ahk_für_kbdneo2.exe
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ