path: root/vim/colors/corn.vim
diff options
authorStefan Ritter <>2011-09-22 15:24:19 +0200
committerStefan Ritter <>2011-09-22 15:24:19 +0200
commit40ba6afeb03d85860973f8888af5c7f290a1489e (patch)
treefc5632979224eb50a6d6692617cfa19aaff9e236 /vim/colors/corn.vim
parent55dd15fe4a3c853ea253f0815d4d2e2f331d2a80 (diff)
Some new colors and switch to soruby
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/vim/colors/corn.vim b/vim/colors/corn.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c3fef..0000000
--- a/vim/colors/corn.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-" Vim colorscheme
-" Author: Charles <>
-" Version: 0.01
-" Date: 07 December 2005
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
- syntax reset
-" multiple scheme method
-" - one for C like language
-" - one for markup language
-" - one for style language (properties) -> property more outstanding than
-" object
-let colors_name = "Corn"
-" set mouseshape+=i:arrow
-" Window elements
-hi Cursor guifg=#000000 guibg=#F0F0F0
-hi Folded guifg=#C0C0C0 guibg=#808080
-hi LineNr guifg=#CCCCCC
-hi NonText guifg=#CCCCCC
-hi Normal guifg=#E0E0E0 guibg=#333333
-hi StatusLine guifg=#B8860B guibg=#E5E5E5
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=#C0C0C0 guibg=#000000
-hi Visual guifg=#C0C0C0 guibg=#000000
-" Main groups
-hi Comment guifg=#BBCCEE
-hi Constant guifg=#EEDDAA gui=none
-hi Statement guifg=#CCEE00 gui=italic
-hi StatementU guifg=#CCEE00 gui=underline
-hi Keyword guifg=#CCEE00
-hi Underlined guifg=#E0E0E0 gui=underline
-hi Error guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#FF0000
-" Tag syntax
-hi Attribute guifg=#CCCCCC gui=italic
-hi! link String Constant
-hi! link Character Constant
-hi! link Number Constant
-hi! link Boolean Constant
-hi! link Float Constant
-hi! link Identifier Normal
-hi! link Function Statement
-hi! link Operator Keyword
-hi! link Preproc Keyword
-hi! link Type Keyword
-hi! link Special Keyword
-hi! link Ignore Normal
-hi! link Todo Error
-hi! link Title Normal
-hi! link phpDefine StatementU
-hi! link HtmlArg Attribute
-hi! link HtmlSpecialChar Statement
-hi! link xmlTagName Keyword
-hi! link xmlEndTag Keyword
-hi! link xmlEntity Statement
-hi! link xmlCData Comment
-hi! link xmlAttrib Attribute