path: root/i3
diff options
authorStefan Ritter <>2011-04-12 17:46:29 +0200
committerStefan Ritter <>2011-04-12 17:46:29 +0200
commit78c8c124bacbb474ca4f0019723356f97460fab0 (patch)
treecc0153d8c2e9e9546a35c5e65adee8af6dbb3a9c /i3
parent72b92fb74088cc9024e71c56ea8d09e8fa0e0b3a (diff)
Add i3 config
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i3/config b/i3/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53710cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i3/config
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+floating_modifier Mod1
+# Fullscreen (Mod1+f)
+# bind Mod1+58 f
+# Stacking
+bind Mod1+43 s
+# Tabbed (Mod1+w)
+# bind Mod1+25 T
+# Default (Mod1+e)
+# bind Mod1+57 d
+# Toggle tiling/floating of the current window (Mod1+Shift+Space)
+# bind Mod1+65 t
+# Go into the tiling layer / floating layer, depending on whether
+# the current window is tiling / floating (Mod1+t)
+# bind Mod1+28 focus ft
+# Focus (Mod1+j/k/l/;)
+bind Mod1+44 h
+bind Mod1+45 j
+bind Mod1+31 k
+bind Mod1+46 l
+# Focus Container (Mod3+j/k/l/;)
+#bind Mod3+44 wch
+#bind Mod3+45 wcj
+#bind Mod3+46 wck
+#bind Mod3+47 wcl
+# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
+#bindsym Mod3+Left wch
+#bindsym Mod3+Down wcj
+#bindsym Mod3+Up wck
+#bindsym Mod3+Right wcl
+# Snap (Mod1+Control+j/k/l/;)
+#bind Mod1+Control+44 sh
+#bind Mod1+Control+45 sj
+#bind Mod1+Control+46 sk
+#bind Mod1+Control+47 sl
+# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
+#bindsym Mod1+Control+Left sh
+#bindsym Mod1+Control+Down sj
+#bindsym Mod1+Control+Up sk
+#bindsym Mod1+Control+Right sl
+# Move (Mod1+Shift+j/k/l/;)
+bind Mod1+Shift+44 mh
+bind Mod1+Shift+45 mj
+bind Mod1+Shift+31 mk
+bind Mod1+Shift+46 ml
+# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
+#bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left mh
+#bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down mj
+#bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up mk
+#bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right ml
+# Move Container (Mod3+Shift+j/k/l/;)
+#bind Mod3+Shift+44 wcmh
+#bind Mod3+Shift+45 wcmj
+#bind Mod3+Shift+46 wcmk
+#bind Mod3+Shift+47 wcml
+# Workspaces (Mod1+1/2/…)
+bind Mod1+10 1
+bind Mod1+11 2
+bind Mod1+12 3
+bind Mod1+13 4
+bind Mod1+14 5
+bind Mod1+15 6
+bind Mod1+16 7
+bind Mod1+17 8
+bind Mod1+18 9
+bind Mod1+19 10
+# Move to Workspaces
+bind Mod1+Shift+10 m1
+bind Mod1+Shift+11 m2
+bind Mod1+Shift+12 m3
+bind Mod1+Shift+13 m4
+bind Mod1+Shift+14 m5
+bind Mod1+Shift+15 m6
+bind Mod1+Shift+16 m7
+bind Mod1+Shift+17 m8
+bind Mod1+Shift+18 m9
+bind Mod1+Shift+19 m10
+# Mod1+Enter starts a new terminal
+bind Mod1+36 exec /usr/bin/urxvt
+# Mod1+Shift+q kills the current client
+#bind Mod1+Shift+24 kill
+# Mod1+v starts dmenu and launches the selected application
+# for now, we don’t have a launcher of our own.
+bind Mod1+33 exec /usr/bin/dmenu_run
+# Mod1+Shift+e exits i3
+bind Mod1+Shift+33 exit
+# Mod1+Shift+r restarts i3 inplace
+bind Mod1+Shift+45 restart
+# The IPC interface allows programs like an external workspace bar
+# (i3-wsbar) or i3-msg (can be used to "remote-control" i3) to work.
+ipc-socket ~/.i3/ipc.sock
+exec xmessage -file /etc/i3/welcome