diff --git a/gajim-plugin/__init__.py b/gajim-plugin/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23c0eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gajim-plugin/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# simple redirect
+from httpupload import HttpuploadPlugin
diff --git a/gajim-plugin/httpupload.png b/gajim-plugin/httpupload.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3b3733
Binary files /dev/null and b/gajim-plugin/httpupload.png differ
diff --git a/gajim-plugin/httpupload.py b/gajim-plugin/httpupload.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e845e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gajim-plugin/httpupload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## This file is part of Gajim.
+## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
+## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Gajim. If not, see .
+from common import demandimport
+demandimport.ignore += ['builtins', '__builtin__', 'PIL', '_imp']
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import os
+import time
+import base64
+import tempfile
+import urllib2
+import mimetypes # better use the magic packet, but that's not a standard lib
+import gtkgui_helpers
+from Queue import Queue
+ from PIL import Image
+ pil_available = True
+ pil_available = False
+from io import BytesIO
+import binascii
+from common import gajim
+from common import ged
+import chat_control
+from plugins import GajimPlugin
+from plugins.helpers import log_calls
+import logging
+from dialogs import FileChooserDialog, ImageChooserDialog, ErrorDialog
+import nbxmpp
+log = logging.getLogger('gajim.plugin_system.httpupload')
+ if os.name == 'nt':
+ from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend
+ else:
+ from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher
+ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms
+ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes import GCM
+ encryption_available = True
+except Exception as e:
+ DEP_MSG = 'For encryption of files, ' \
+ 'please install python-cryptography!'
+ log.debug('Cryptography Import Error: ' + str(e))
+ log.info('Decryption/Encryption disabled due to errors')
+ encryption_available = False
+# XEP-0363 (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0363.html)
+NS_HTTPUPLOAD = 'urn:xmpp:http:upload'
+jid_to_servers = {}
+iq_ids_to_callbacks = {}
+last_info_query = {}
+max_thumbnail_size = 2048
+max_thumbnail_dimension = 160
+class HttpuploadPlugin(GajimPlugin):
+ @log_calls('HttpuploadPlugin')
+ def init(self):
+ if not encryption_available:
+ self.available_text = DEP_MSG
+ self.config_dialog = None # HttpuploadPluginConfigDialog(self)
+ self.controls = []
+ self.events_handlers = {}
+ self.events_handlers['agent-info-received'] = (ged.PRECORE,
+ self.handle_agent_info_received)
+ self.events_handlers['raw-iq-received'] = (ged.PRECORE,
+ self.handle_iq_received)
+ self.gui_extension_points = {
+ 'chat_control_base': (self.connect_with_chat_control,
+ self.disconnect_from_chat_control),
+ 'chat_control_base_update_toolbar': (self.update_button_state,
+ None)}
+ self.first_run = True
+ def handle_iq_received(self, event):
+ global iq_ids_to_callbacks
+ id_ = event.stanza.getAttr("id")
+ if str(id_) in iq_ids_to_callbacks:
+ try:
+ iq_ids_to_callbacks[str(id_)](event.stanza)
+ except:
+ raise
+ finally:
+ del iq_ids_to_callbacks[str(id_)]
+ def handle_agent_info_received(self, event):
+ global jid_to_servers
+ if NS_HTTPUPLOAD in event.features and gajim.jid_is_transport(event.jid):
+ own_jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(str(event.stanza.getTo()))
+ jid_to_servers[own_jid] = event.jid # map own jid to upload component's jid
+ log.info(own_jid + " can do http uploads via component " + event.jid)
+ # update all buttons
+ for base in self.controls:
+ self.update_button_state(base.chat_control)
+ @log_calls('HttpuploadPlugin')
+ def connect_with_chat_control(self, control):
+ self.chat_control = control
+ base = Base(self, self.chat_control)
+ self.controls.append(base)
+ if self.first_run:
+ # ALT + U
+ gtk.binding_entry_add_signal(control.msg_textview,
+ gtk.keysyms.u, gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 'mykeypress',
+ int, gtk.keysyms.u, gtk.gdk.ModifierType, gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK)
+ self.first_run = False
+ self.update_button_state(self.chat_control)
+ @log_calls('HttpuploadPlugin')
+ def disconnect_from_chat_control(self, chat_control):
+ for control in self.controls:
+ control.disconnect_from_chat_control()
+ self.controls = []
+ @log_calls('HttpuploadPlugin')
+ def update_button_state(self, chat_control):
+ global jid_to_servers
+ global iq_ids_to_callbacks
+ global last_info_query
+ if gajim.connections[chat_control.account].connection == None and \
+ gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account) in jid_to_servers:
+ # maybe don't delete this and detect vanished upload components when actually trying to upload something
+ log.info("Deleting %s from jid_to_servers (disconnected)" % gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account))
+ del jid_to_servers[gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account)]
+ #pass
+ # query info at most every 60 seconds in case something goes wrong
+ if (not chat_control.account in last_info_query or \
+ last_info_query[chat_control.account] + 60 < time.time()) and \
+ not gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account) in jid_to_servers and \
+ gajim.account_is_connected(chat_control.account):
+ log.info("Account %s: Using dicovery to find jid of httpupload component" % chat_control.account)
+ id_ = gajim.get_an_id()
+ iq = nbxmpp.Iq(
+ typ='get',
+ to=gajim.get_server_from_jid(gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account)),
+ queryNS="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"
+ )
+ iq.setID(id_)
+ def query_info(stanza):
+ global last_info_query
+ for item in stanza.getTag("query").getTags("item"):
+ id_ = gajim.get_an_id()
+ iq = nbxmpp.Iq(
+ typ='get',
+ to=item.getAttr("jid"),
+ queryNS="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"
+ )
+ iq.setID(id_)
+ last_info_query[chat_control.account] = time.time()
+ gajim.connections[chat_control.account].connection.send(iq)
+ iq_ids_to_callbacks[str(id_)] = query_info
+ gajim.connections[chat_control.account].connection.send(iq)
+ #send disco query to main server jid
+ id_ = gajim.get_an_id()
+ iq = nbxmpp.Iq(
+ typ='get',
+ to=gajim.get_server_from_jid(gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account)),
+ queryNS="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"
+ )
+ iq.setID(id_)
+ last_info_query[chat_control.account] = time.time()
+ gajim.connections[chat_control.account].connection.send(iq)
+ for base in self.controls:
+ if base.chat_control == chat_control:
+ is_supported = gajim.get_jid_from_account(chat_control.account) in jid_to_servers and \
+ gajim.connections[chat_control.account].connection != None
+ log.info("Account %s: httpupload is_supported: %s" % (str(chat_control.account), str(is_supported)))
+ if not is_supported:
+ text = _('Your server does not support http uploads')
+ image_text = text
+ else:
+ text = _('Send file via http upload')
+ image_text = _('Send image via http upload')
+ base.button.set_sensitive(is_supported)
+ base.button.set_tooltip_text(text)
+ base.image_button.set_sensitive(is_supported)
+ base.image_button.set_tooltip_text(image_text)
+class Base(object):
+ def __init__(self, plugin, chat_control):
+ self.dlg = None
+ self.dialog_type = 'file'
+ self.keypress_id = chat_control.msg_textview.connect('mykeypress',
+ self.on_key_press)
+ self.plugin = plugin
+ self.encrypted_upload = False
+ self.chat_control = chat_control
+ actions_hbox = chat_control.xml.get_object('actions_hbox')
+ self.button = gtk.Button(label=None, stock=None, use_underline=True)
+ self.button.set_property('relief', gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self.button.set_property('can-focus', False)
+ self.button.set_sensitive(False)
+ img = gtk.Image()
+ img.set_from_file(self.plugin.local_file_path('httpupload.png'))
+ self.button.set_image(img)
+ self.button.set_tooltip_text(_('Your server does not support http uploads'))
+ self.image_button = gtk.Button(label=None, stock=None, use_underline=True)
+ self.image_button.set_property('relief', gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self.image_button.set_property('can-focus', False)
+ self.image_button.set_sensitive(False)
+ img = gtk.Image()
+ img.set_from_file(self.plugin.local_file_path('image.png'))
+ self.image_button.set_image(img)
+ self.image_button.set_tooltip_text(_('Your server does not support http uploads'))
+ send_button = chat_control.xml.get_object('send_button')
+ send_button_pos = actions_hbox.child_get_property(send_button,
+ 'position')
+ actions_hbox.add_with_properties(self.button, 'position',
+ send_button_pos - 2, 'expand', False)
+ actions_hbox.add_with_properties(self.image_button, 'position',
+ send_button_pos - 1, 'expand', False)
+ file_id = self.button.connect('clicked', self.on_file_button_clicked)
+ image_id = self.image_button.connect('clicked', self.on_image_button_clicked)
+ chat_control.handlers[file_id] = self.button
+ chat_control.handlers[image_id] = self.image_button
+ chat_control.handlers[self.keypress_id] = chat_control.msg_textview
+ self.button.show()
+ self.image_button.show()
+ def on_key_press(self, widget, event_keyval, event_keymod):
+ # construct event instance from binding
+ event = gtk.gdk.Event(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS) # it's always a key-press here
+ event.keyval = event_keyval
+ event.state = event_keymod
+ event.time = 0 # assign current time
+ if event.keyval != gtk.keysyms.u:
+ return
+ if event.state != gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: # ALT+u
+ return
+ is_supported = gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.chat_control.account) in jid_to_servers and \
+ gajim.connections[self.chat_control.account].connection != None
+ if not is_supported:
+ from dialogs import WarningDialog
+ WarningDialog('Warning', _('Your server does not support http uploads'),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ return
+ self.on_file_button_clicked(widget)
+ def disconnect_from_chat_control(self):
+ actions_hbox = self.chat_control.xml.get_object('actions_hbox')
+ actions_hbox.remove(self.button)
+ actions_hbox.remove(self.image_button)
+ if self.keypress_id in self.chat_control.handlers and \
+ self.chat_control.handlers[self.keypress_id].handler_is_connected(self.keypress_id):
+ self.chat_control.handlers[self.keypress_id].disconnect(self.keypress_id)
+ del self.chat_control.handlers[self.keypress_id]
+ def encryption_activated(self):
+ if not encryption_available:
+ return False
+ jid = self.chat_control.contact.jid
+ account = self.chat_control.account
+ for plugin in gajim.plugin_manager.active_plugins:
+ if type(plugin).__name__ == 'OmemoPlugin':
+ omemo = plugin
+ break
+ if omemo:
+ state = omemo.get_omemo_state(account)
+ log.info('Encryption is: ' +
+ str(state.encryption.is_active(jid)))
+ return state.encryption.is_active(jid)
+ log.info('Encryption is: False / OMEMO not found')
+ return False
+ def on_file_dialog_ok(self, widget, path_to_file=None):
+ global jid_to_servers
+ try:
+ self.encrypted_upload = self.encryption_activated()
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug(e)
+ self.encrypted_upload = False
+ if not path_to_file:
+ path_to_file = self.dlg.get_filename()
+ if not path_to_file:
+ self.dlg.destroy()
+ return
+ path_to_file = gtkgui_helpers.decode_filechooser_file_paths(
+ (path_to_file,))[0]
+ self.dlg.destroy()
+ if not os.path.exists(path_to_file):
+ return
+ if self.encrypted_upload:
+ filesize = os.path.getsize(path_to_file) + TAGSIZE # in bytes
+ else:
+ filesize = os.path.getsize(path_to_file)
+ invalid_file = False
+ msg = ''
+ if os.path.isfile(path_to_file):
+ stat = os.stat(path_to_file)
+ if stat[6] == 0:
+ invalid_file = True
+ msg = _('File is empty')
+ else:
+ invalid_file = True
+ msg = _('File does not exist')
+ if invalid_file:
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not open file'), msg, transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ return
+ mime_type = mimetypes.MimeTypes().guess_type(path_to_file)[0]
+ if not mime_type:
+ mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' # fallback mime type
+ log.info("Detected MIME Type of file: " + str(mime_type))
+ progress_messages = Queue(8)
+ progress_window = ProgressWindow(_('HTTP Upload'), _('Requesting HTTP Upload Slot...'), progress_messages, self.plugin)
+ def upload_file(stanza):
+ slot = stanza.getTag("slot")
+ if not slot:
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ log.error("got unexpected stanza: "+str(stanza))
+ error = stanza.getTag("error")
+ if error and error.getTag("text"):
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not request upload slot'),
+ _('Got unexpected response from server: %s') % str(error.getTagData("text")),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ else:
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not request upload slot'),
+ _('Got unexpected response from server (protocol mismatch??)'),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ return
+ try:
+ if self.encrypted_upload:
+ key = os.urandom(32)
+ iv = os.urandom(16)
+ data = StreamFileWithProgress(path_to_file,
+ "rb",
+ progress_window.update_progress,
+ self.encrypted_upload, key, iv)
+ else:
+ data = StreamFileWithProgress(path_to_file,
+ "rb",
+ progress_window.update_progress)
+ except:
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not open file'),
+ _('Exception raised while opening file (see error log for more information)'),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ raise # fill error log with useful information
+ put = slot.getTag("put")
+ get = slot.getTag("get")
+ if not put or not get:
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ log.error("got unexpected stanza: " + str(stanza))
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not request upload slot'),
+ _('Got unexpected response from server (protocol mismatch??)'),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ return
+ def upload_complete(response_code):
+ if response_code == 0:
+ return # Upload was aborted
+ if response_code >= 200 and response_code < 300:
+ log.info("Upload completed successfully")
+ xhtml = None
+ is_image = mime_type.split('/', 1)[0] == 'image'
+ if (not isinstance(self.chat_control, chat_control.ChatControl) or not self.chat_control.gpg_is_active) and \
+ self.dialog_type == 'image' and is_image and not self.encrypted_upload:
+ progress_messages.put(_('Calculating (possible) image thumbnail...'))
+ thumb = None
+ quality_steps = (100, 80, 60, 50, 40, 35, 30, 25, 23, 20, 18, 15, 13, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
+ with open(path_to_file, 'rb') as content_file:
+ thumb = urllib2.quote(base64.standard_b64encode(content_file.read()), '')
+ if thumb and len(thumb) < max_thumbnail_size:
+ quality = 100
+ log.info("Image small enough (%d bytes), not resampling" % len(thumb))
+ elif pil_available:
+ log.info("PIL available, using it for image downsampling")
+ try:
+ for quality in quality_steps:
+ thumb = Image.open(path_to_file)
+ thumb.thumbnail((max_thumbnail_dimension, max_thumbnail_dimension), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ output = BytesIO()
+ thumb.save(output, format='JPEG', quality=quality, optimize=True)
+ thumb = output.getvalue()
+ output.close()
+ thumb = urllib2.quote(base64.standard_b64encode(thumb), '')
+ log.debug("pil thumbnail jpeg quality %d produces an image of size %d..." % (quality, len(thumb)))
+ if len(thumb) < max_thumbnail_size:
+ break
+ except:
+ thumb = None
+ else:
+ thumb = None
+ if not thumb:
+ log.info("PIL not available, using GTK for image downsampling")
+ temp_file = None
+ try:
+ with open(path_to_file, 'rb') as content_file:
+ thumb = content_file.read()
+ loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader()
+ loader.write(thumb)
+ loader.close()
+ pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()
+ scaled_pb = self.get_pixbuf_of_size(pixbuf, max_thumbnail_dimension)
+ handle, temp_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.jpeg', prefix='gajim_httpupload_scaled_tmp', dir=gajim.TMP)
+ log.debug("Saving temporary jpeg image to '%s'..." % temp_file)
+ os.close(handle)
+ for quality in quality_steps:
+ scaled_pb.save(temp_file, "jpeg", {"quality": str(quality)})
+ with open(temp_file, 'rb') as content_file:
+ thumb = content_file.read()
+ thumb = urllib2.quote(base64.standard_b64encode(thumb), '')
+ log.debug("gtk thumbnail jpeg quality %d produces an image of size %d..." % (quality, len(thumb)))
+ if len(thumb) < max_thumbnail_size:
+ break
+ except:
+ thumb = None
+ finally:
+ if temp_file:
+ os.unlink(temp_file)
+ if thumb:
+ if len(thumb) > max_thumbnail_size:
+ log.info("Couldn't compress image enough, not sending any thumbnail")
+ else:
+ log.info("Using thumbnail jpeg quality %d (image size: %d bytes)" % (quality, len(thumb)))
+ xhtml = '
' % \
+ (get.getData(), get.getData(), thumb)
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ id_ = gajim.get_an_id()
+ def add_oob_tag():
+ pass
+ if self.encrypted_upload:
+ keyAndIv = '#' + binascii.hexlify(iv) + binascii.hexlify(key)
+ self.chat_control.send_message(message=get.getData() + keyAndIv, xhtml=None)
+ else:
+ self.chat_control.send_message(message=get.getData(), xhtml=xhtml)
+ self.chat_control.msg_textview.grab_focus()
+ else:
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ log.error("got unexpected http upload response code: " + str(response_code))
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not upload file'),
+ _('Got unexpected http response code from server: ') + str(response_code),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ def uploader():
+ progress_messages.put(_('Uploading file via HTTP...'))
+ try:
+ headers = {'User-Agent': 'Gajim %s' % gajim.version,
+ 'Content-Type': mime_type}
+ request = urllib2.Request(put.getData().encode("utf-8"), data=data, headers=headers)
+ request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
+ log.debug("opening urllib2 upload request...")
+ transfer = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30)
+ log.debug("urllib2 upload request done, response code: " + str(transfer.getcode()))
+ return transfer.getcode()
+ except UploadAbortedException:
+ log.info("Upload aborted")
+ except:
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ ErrorDialog(_('Could not upload file'),
+ _('Got unexpected exception while uploading file (see error log for more information)'),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ raise # fill error log with useful information
+ return 0
+ log.info("Uploading file to '%s'..." % str(put.getData()))
+ log.info("Please download from '%s' later..." % str(get.getData()))
+ gajim.thread_interface(uploader, [], upload_complete)
+ is_supported = gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.chat_control.account) in jid_to_servers and \
+ gajim.connections[self.chat_control.account].connection != None
+ log.info("jid_to_servers of %s: %s ; connection: %s" % (gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.chat_control.account), str(jid_to_servers[gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.chat_control.account)]), str(gajim.connections[self.chat_control.account].connection)))
+ if not is_supported:
+ progress_window.close_dialog()
+ log.error("upload component vanished, account got disconnected??")
+ ErrorDialog(_('Your server does not support http uploads or you just got disconnected.\nPlease try to reconnect or reopen the chat window to fix this.'),
+ transient_for=self.chat_control.parent_win.window)
+ return
+ # create iq for slot request
+ id_ = gajim.get_an_id()
+ iq = nbxmpp.Iq(
+ typ='get',
+ to=jid_to_servers[gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.chat_control.account)],
+ queryNS=None
+ )
+ iq.setID(id_)
+ request = iq.addChild(
+ name="request",
+ namespace=NS_HTTPUPLOAD
+ )
+ filename = request.addChild(
+ name="filename",
+ )
+ filename.addData(os.path.basename(path_to_file))
+ size = request.addChild(
+ name="size",
+ )
+ size.addData(filesize)
+ content_type = request.addChild(
+ name="content-type",
+ )
+ content_type.addData(mime_type)
+ # send slot request and register callback
+ log.debug("sending httpupload slot request iq...")
+ iq_ids_to_callbacks[str(id_)] = upload_file
+ gajim.connections[self.chat_control.account].connection.send(iq)
+ self.chat_control.msg_textview.grab_focus()
+ def on_file_button_clicked(self, widget):
+ self.dialog_type = 'file'
+ self.dlg = FileChooserDialog(on_response_ok=self.on_file_dialog_ok, on_response_cancel=None,
+ title_text = _('Choose file to send'), action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
+ default_response = gtk.RESPONSE_OK,)
+ def on_image_button_clicked(self, widget):
+ self.dialog_type = 'image'
+ self.dlg = ImageChooserDialog(on_response_ok=self.on_file_dialog_ok, on_response_cancel=None)
+ def get_pixbuf_of_size(self, pixbuf, size):
+ # Creates a pixbuf that fits in the specified square of sizexsize
+ # while preserving the aspect ratio
+ # Returns scaled_pixbuf
+ image_width = pixbuf.get_width()
+ image_height = pixbuf.get_height()
+ if image_width > image_height:
+ if image_width > size:
+ image_height = int(size / float(image_width) * image_height)
+ image_width = int(size)
+ else:
+ if image_height > size:
+ image_width = int(size / float(image_height) * image_width)
+ image_height = int(size)
+ crop_pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(image_width, image_height,
+ return crop_pixbuf
+class StreamFileWithProgress(file):
+ def __init__(self, path, mode, callback=None,
+ encrypted_upload=False, key=None, iv=None, *args):
+ file.__init__(self, path, mode)
+ self.encrypted_upload = encrypted_upload
+ self.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+ if self.encrypted_upload:
+ if os.name == 'nt':
+ self.backend = backend
+ else:
+ self.backend = default_backend()
+ self.encryptor = Cipher(
+ algorithms.AES(key),
+ GCM(iv),
+ backend=self.backend).encryptor()
+ self._total = self.tell() + TAGSIZE
+ else:
+ self._total = self.tell()
+ self.seek(0)
+ self._callback = callback
+ self._args = args
+ self._seen = 0
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self._total
+ def read(self, size):
+ if self.encrypted_upload:
+ data = file.read(self, size)
+ if len(data) > 0:
+ data = self.encryptor.update(data)
+ self._seen += len(data)
+ if (self._seen + TAGSIZE) == self._total:
+ self.encryptor.finalize()
+ data += self.encryptor.tag
+ self._seen += TAGSIZE
+ if self._callback:
+ self._callback(self._seen, self._total, *self._args)
+ return data
+ else:
+ data = file.read(self, size)
+ self._seen += len(data)
+ if self._callback:
+ self._callback(self._seen, self._total, *self._args)
+ return data
+class ProgressWindow:
+ def __init__(self, title_text, during_text, messages_queue, plugin):
+ self.plugin = plugin
+ self.xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_gtk_builder(self.plugin.local_file_path('upload_progress_dialog.ui'))
+ self.messages_queue = messages_queue
+ self.dialog = self.xml.get_object('progress_dialog')
+ self.label = self.xml.get_object('label')
+ self.cancel_button = self.xml.get_object('close_button')
+ self.label.set_markup('' + during_text + '')
+ self.progressbar = self.xml.get_object('progressbar')
+ self.progressbar.set_text("")
+ self.dialog.set_title(title_text)
+ self.dialog.set_geometry_hints(min_width=400, min_height=96)
+ self.dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT)
+ self.dialog.show_all()
+ self.xml.connect_signals(self)
+ self.stopped = False
+ self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(100, self.pulse_progressbar)
+ self.process_messages_queue_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(100, self.process_messages_queue)
+ def pulse_progressbar(self):
+ if self.dialog:
+ self.progressbar.pulse()
+ return True # loop forever
+ return False
+ def process_messages_queue(self):
+ if not self.messages_queue.empty():
+ self.label.set_markup('' + self.messages_queue.get() + '')
+ if self.dialog:
+ return True # loop forever
+ return False
+ def on_progress_dialog_delete_event(self, widget, event):
+ self.stopped = True
+ if self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id:
+ gobject.source_remove(self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id)
+ gobject.source_remove(self.process_messages_queue_timeout_id)
+ def on_cancel(self, widget):
+ self.stopped = True
+ if self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id:
+ gobject.source_remove(self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id)
+ gobject.source_remove(self.process_messages_queue_timeout_id)
+ self.dialog.destroy()
+ def update_progress(self, seen, total):
+ if self.stopped == True:
+ raise UploadAbortedException
+ if self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id:
+ gobject.source_remove(self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id)
+ self.pulse_progressbar_timeout_id = None
+ pct = (float(seen) / total) * 100.0
+ self.progressbar.set_fraction(float(seen) / total)
+ self.progressbar.set_text(str(int(pct)) + "%")
+ log.debug('upload progress: %.2f%% (%d of %d bytes)' % (pct, seen, total))
+ def close_dialog(self):
+ self.on_cancel(None)
+class UploadAbortedException(Exception):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Upload Aborted"
diff --git a/gajim-plugin/image.png b/gajim-plugin/image.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32dda52
Binary files /dev/null and b/gajim-plugin/image.png differ
diff --git a/gajim-plugin/manifest.ini b/gajim-plugin/manifest.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f5d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gajim-plugin/manifest.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+name: HttpUpload
+short_name: httpupload
+version: 0.4.1
+description: This plugin is designed to send a file to a contact or muc by using httpupload.
+ Your server must support XEP-0363: HTTP Upload.
+ Conversations supported this.
+ If the receiving side supports XEP-0071: XHTML-IM
+ and maintains the scheme data: URI, a thumbnail image is send along the link to the full size image.
+ If the receiving side doesn't support this, only a text message containing the link to the image is send.
+authors: Thilo Molitor
+ Philipp Hörist
+homepage: https://trac-plugins.gajim.org/wiki/HttpUploadPlugin
+min_gajim_version: 0.16.5
+max_gajim_version: 0.16.9
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gajim-plugin/upload_progress_dialog.ui b/gajim-plugin/upload_progress_dialog.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b50c3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gajim-plugin/upload_progress_dialog.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@