'."\n"; flush(); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | functions | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * list all tables in an array * * @return array */ function get_tables() { $tables = array(); $query = ' SHOW TABLES ;'; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { array_push( $tables, preg_replace('/^'.PREFIX_TABLE.'/', '', $row[0]) ); } return $tables; } /** * list all columns of each given table * * @return array of array */ function get_columns_of($tables) { $columns_of = array(); foreach ($tables as $table) { $query = ' DESC '.PREFIX_TABLE.$table.' ;'; $result = mysql_query($query); $columns_of[$table] = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { array_push($columns_of[$table], $row[0]); } } return $columns_of; } /** */ function print_time($message) { global $last_time; $new_time = get_moment(); echo '
['.get_elapsed_time($last_time, $new_time).']';
  echo ' '.$message;
  echo '
'; flush(); $last_time = $new_time; } /** * replace old style #images.keywords by #tags. Requires a big data * migration. * * @return void */ function tag_replace_keywords() { // code taken from upgrades 19 and 22 $query = ' CREATE TABLE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'tags ( id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL, url_name varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' CREATE TABLE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'image_tag ( image_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tag_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (image_id,tag_id) ) ;'; pwg_query($query); // // Move keywords to tags // // each tag label is associated to a numeric identifier $tag_id = array(); // to each tag id (key) a list of image ids (value) is associated $tag_images = array(); $current_id = 1; $query = ' SELECT id, keywords FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'images WHERE keywords IS NOT NULL ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { foreach(preg_split('/[,]+/', $row['keywords']) as $keyword) { if (!isset($tag_id[$keyword])) { $tag_id[$keyword] = $current_id++; } if (!isset($tag_images[ $tag_id[$keyword] ])) { $tag_images[ $tag_id[$keyword] ] = array(); } array_push( $tag_images[ $tag_id[$keyword] ], $row['id'] ); } } $datas = array(); foreach ($tag_id as $tag_name => $tag_id) { array_push( $datas, array( 'id' => $tag_id, 'name' => $tag_name, 'url_name' => str2url($tag_name), ) ); } if (!empty($datas)) { mass_inserts( PREFIX_TABLE.'tags', array_keys($datas[0]), $datas ); } $datas = array(); foreach ($tag_images as $tag_id => $images) { foreach (array_unique($images) as $image_id) { array_push( $datas, array( 'tag_id' => $tag_id, 'image_id' => $image_id, ) ); } } if (!empty($datas)) { mass_inserts( PREFIX_TABLE.'image_tag', array_keys($datas[0]), $datas ); } // // Delete images.keywords // $query = ' ALTER TABLE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'images DROP COLUMN keywords ;'; pwg_query($query); // // Add useful indexes // $query = ' ALTER TABLE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'tags ADD INDEX tags_i1(url_name) ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' ALTER TABLE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'image_tag ADD INDEX image_tag_i1(tag_id) ;'; pwg_query($query); print_time('tags have replaced keywords'); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | playing zone | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // echo implode('
', get_tables()); // echo '
'; print_r(get_columns_of(get_tables())); echo '
'; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template initialization | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'template/yoga'); $template->set_filenames(array('upgrade'=>'upgrade.tpl')); $template->assign_vars(array('RELEASE'=>PHPWG_VERSION)); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | upgrade choice | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (!isset($_GET['version'])) { // find the current release $tables = get_tables(); $columns_of = get_columns_of($tables); if (!in_array('param', $columns_of['config'])) { // we're in branch 1.3, important upgrade, isn't it? if (in_array('user_category', $tables)) { $current_release = '1.3.1'; } else { $current_release = '1.3.0'; } } else if (!in_array('user_cache', $tables)) { $current_release = '1.4.0'; } else if (!in_array('tags', $tables)) { $current_release = '1.5.0'; } else { die('You are already on branch 1.6, no upgrade required'); } $template->assign_block_vars( 'introduction', array( 'CURRENT_RELEASE' => $current_release, 'RUN_UPGRADE_URL' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'upgrade.php?version='.$current_release, ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | upgrade launch | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else { $upgrade_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'install/upgrade_'.$_GET['version'].'.php'; if (is_file($upgrade_file)) { $page['upgrade_start'] = get_moment(); $conf['die_on_sql_error'] = false; include($upgrade_file); $page['upgrade_end'] = get_moment(); $template->assign_block_vars( 'upgrade', array( 'VERSION' => $_GET['version'], 'TOTAL_TIME' => get_elapsed_time( $page['upgrade_start'], $page['upgrade_end'] ), 'SQL_TIME' => number_format( $page['queries_time'], 3, '.', ' ' ).' s', 'NB_QUERIES' => $page['count_queries'] ) ); if (!isset($infos)) { $infos = array(); } array_push( $infos, '[security] delete files "upgrade.php", "install.php" and "install" directory' ); array_push( $infos, 'in include/mysql.inc.php, remove
define(\'PHPWG_IN_UPGRADE\', true);
' ); array_push( $infos, 'Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>General>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.' ); $template->assign_block_vars('upgrade.infos', array()); foreach ($infos as $info) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'upgrade.infos.info', array( 'CONTENT' => $info, ) ); } } else { die('Hacking attempt'); } } $query = ' UPDATE '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' SET need_update = \'true\' ;'; pwg_query($query); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->pparse('upgrade'); ?>