#!/usr/bin/perl #### # Usage examples # # time perl piwigo_remote.pl \ # --action=pwg.images.add \ # --file=erwann_rocher-web.jpg \ # --thumb=erwann_rocher-thumb.jpg \ # --high=erwann_rocher-high.jpg \ # --original=erwann_rocher-high.jpg \ # --define categories=9 \ # --chunk_size=200_000 use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use LWP::UserAgent; # LWP::Debug::level('+'); use Getopt::Long; use Encode qw/is_utf8 decode/; use POSIX qw(ceil floor); my %opt = (); GetOptions( \%opt, qw/ action=s file=s thumbnail=s high=s original=s categories=s chunk_size=i base_url=s username=s password=s define=s% / ); our $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent('Mozilla/piwigo_remote.pl 1.25'); $ua->cookie_jar({}); my %conf; $conf{response_format} = 'json'; $conf{limit} = 10; my %conf_default = ( base_url => 'http://localhost/piwigo/2.0', username => 'plg', password => 'plg', chunk_size => 500_000, ); foreach my $conf_key (keys %conf_default) { $conf{$conf_key} = defined $opt{$conf_key} ? $opt{$conf_key} : $conf_default{$conf_key} } $ua->default_headers->authorization_basic( $conf{username}, $conf{password} ); my $result = undef; my $query = undef; binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(utf-8)"; # TODO : don't connect at each script call, use the session duration instead. my $form = { method => 'pwg.session.login', username => $conf{username}, password => $conf{password}, }; $result = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); # print "\n", $ua->cookie_jar->as_string, "\n"; if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.images.add') { use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64); use Digest::MD5::File qw/file_md5_hex/; $form = {}; $form->{method} = 'pwg.images.add'; my $original_sum = file_md5_hex($opt{original}); $form->{original_sum} = $original_sum; send_chunks( filepath => $opt{file}, type => 'file', original_sum => $original_sum, ); $form->{file_sum} = file_md5_hex($opt{file}); send_chunks( filepath => $opt{thumbnail}, type => 'thumb', original_sum => $original_sum, ); $form->{thumbnail_sum} = file_md5_hex($opt{thumbnail}); if (defined $opt{high}) { send_chunks( filepath => $opt{high}, type => 'high', original_sum => $original_sum, ); $form->{high_sum} = file_md5_hex($opt{high}); } foreach my $key (keys %{ $opt{define} }) { $form->{$key} = $opt{define}{$key}; } my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); print "-" x 50, "\n"; printf("response code : %u\n", $response->code); printf("response message : %s\n", $response->message); print "-" x 50, "\n"; print "\n"; # use Data::Dumper; # print Dumper($response->content); # print Dumper(from_json($response->content)); if ($response->is_success) { print "upload successful\n"; } else { print Dumper($response); warn 'A problem has occured during upload', "\n"; warn $response->decoded_content, "\n"; die $response->status_line; } } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.tags.list') { use Text::ASCIITable; $query = pwg_ws_get_query( method => 'pwg.tags.getList', sort_by_counter => 'true', ); $result = $ua->get($query); my $tag_result = from_json($result->content); my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new({ headingText => 'Tags' }); $t->setCols('id','counter','name'); my $tag_number = 1; foreach my $tag_href (@{ $tag_result->{result}{tags} }) { $t->addRow( $tag_href->{id}, $tag_href->{counter}, $tag_href->{name} ); last if $tag_number++ >= $conf{limit}; } print $t; } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.tags.getAdminList') { $query = pwg_ws_get_query( method => 'pwg.tags.getAdminList' ); $result = $ua->get($query); print Dumper($result); my $tags = from_json($result->content)->{result}{tags}; foreach my $tag (@{$tags}) { # print join(',', keys %{$tag}), "\n"; exit(); printf( '{%u} %s ', $tag->{id}, $tag->{name} ); } print "\n"; } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.categories.add') { $form = { method => 'pwg.categories.add', name => $opt{define}{name}, parent => $opt{define}{parent}, }; my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(from_json($response->content)); } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.tags.add') { $form = { method => 'pwg.tags.add', name => $opt{define}{name}, }; my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(from_json($response->content)); } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.images.exist') { $form = { method => $opt{action}, }; foreach my $key (keys %{ $opt{define} }) { $form->{$key} = $opt{define}{$key}; } my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(from_json($response->content)->{result}); # print Dumper($response); } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.images.checkFiles') { use Digest::MD5::File qw/file_md5_hex/; $form = {}; $form->{method} = $opt{action}; foreach my $type (qw/thumbnail file high/) { if (defined $opt{$type}) { $form->{$type.'_sum'} = file_md5_hex($opt{$type}); } } foreach my $key (keys %{ $opt{define} }) { $form->{$key} = $opt{define}{$key}; } my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); print "-" x 50, "\n"; printf("response code : %u\n", $response->code); printf("response message : %s\n", $response->message); print "-" x 50, "\n"; print "\n"; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(from_json($response->content)); } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.images.setInfo' or $opt{action} eq 'pwg.categories.setInfo') { $form = { method => $opt{action}, }; foreach my $key (keys %{ $opt{define} }) { $form->{$key} = $opt{define}{$key}; } my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); use Data::Dumper; # print Dumper(from_json($response->content)->{result}); print Dumper($response); } if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.categories.getList') { $form = { method => $opt{action}, }; foreach my $key (keys %{ $opt{define} }) { $form->{$key} = $opt{define}{$key}; } my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($response->content); print Dumper(from_json($response->content)->{result}); print Dumper($response); } $query = pwg_ws_get_query( method => 'pwg.session.logout' ); $ua->get($query); sub pwg_ws_get_query { my %params = @_; my $query = $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format='.$conf{response_format}; foreach my $key (keys %params) { $query .= '&'.$key.'='.$params{$key}; } return $query; } sub send_chunks { my %params = @_; use File::Slurp; my $content = read_file($params{filepath}); my $content_length = length($content); my $nb_chunks = ceil($content_length / $conf{chunk_size}); my $chunk_pos = 0; my $chunk_id = 1; while ($chunk_pos < $content_length) { my $chunk = substr( $content, $chunk_pos, $conf{chunk_size} ); $chunk_pos += $conf{chunk_size}; my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', { method => 'pwg.images.addChunk', data => encode_base64($chunk), original_sum => $params{original_sum}, position => $chunk_id, type => $params{type}, } ); printf( 'chunk %05u of %05u for %s "%s"'."\n", $chunk_id, $nb_chunks, $params{type}, $params{filepath} ); if ($response->code != 200) { printf("response code : %u\n", $response->code); printf("response message : %s\n", $response->message); } $chunk_id++; } }