#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; our %used_keys = (); our %registered_keys = (); my $piwigo_dir = $ARGV[0]; # '/home/pierrick/public_html/piwigo/dev/trunk'; my $type = $ARGV[1]; # common, admin, install, upgrade find(\&used_keys, $piwigo_dir); load_registered_keys($type); foreach my $key (sort keys %used_keys) { # print "{".$key."}", ' is used', "\n"; if (not defined $registered_keys{$key}) { # print "{".$key."}", ' is missing', "\n"; print '$lang[\''.$key.'\'] = \''.$key.'\';', "\n"; } } my %ignore_keys = ( '%d new image' => 1, '%d new images' => 1, '%d category updated' => 1, '%d categories updated' => 1, '%d new comment' => 1, '%d new comments' => 1, '%d comment to validate' => 1, '%d comments to validate' => 1, '%d new user' => 1, '%d new users' => 1, '%d waiting element' => 1, '%d waiting elements' => 1, 'user_status_admin' => '', 'user_status_generic' => '', 'user_status_guest' => '', 'user_status_normal' => '', 'user_status_webmaster' => '', 'Level 0' => '', 'Level 1' => '', 'Level 2' => '', 'Level 4' => '', 'Level 8' => '', 'ACCESS_0' => '', 'ACCESS_1' => '', 'ACCESS_2' => '', 'ACCESS_3' => '', 'ACCESS_4' => '', 'ACCESS_5' => '', 'month' => '', 'day' => '', 'chronology_monthly_calendar' => '', 'chronology_monthly_list' => '', 'chronology_weekly_list' => '', 'public' => '', 'private' => '', 'none' => '', 'other' => '', 'high' => '', 'Waiting page: %s' => '', 'Admin: %s' => '', 'Manage this user comment: %s' => '', 'Main "guest" user does not exist' => '', 'Main "guest" user status is incorrect' => '', 'Main "webmaster" user does not exist' => '', 'Main "webmaster" user status is incorrect' => '', 'Default user does not exist' => '', '(!) This comment requires validation' => '', ); # foreach my $key (sort keys %registered_keys) { # if (not defined $used_keys{$key} and not defined $ignore_keys{$key}) { # print "{".$key."}", ' is not used anywhere', "\n"; # } # } sub used_keys { if ($File::Find::name !~ m/(tpl|php)$/) { return 0; } if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/(plugins|language|_data)/}) { return 0; } if ('upgrade' eq $type) { if ($File::Find::name !~ m{upgrade\.(tpl|php)$}) { # return 0; } } if ('install' eq $type) { if ($File::Find::name =~ m{upgrade\.(tpl|php)$}) { return 0; } if ($File::Find::name !~ m{/install(\.tpl|\.php|/)}) { return 0; } } if ('admin' eq $type) { if ($File::Find::name =~ m{upgrade\.(tpl|php)$}) { return 0; } if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/install(\.tpl|\.php|/)}) { return 0; } my $is_admin = 0; if ($File::Find::name =~ m{themes/default/template/mail}) { $is_admin = 1; } if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/admin/}) { $is_admin = 1; } if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/admin\.php$}) { $is_admin = 1; } if (not $is_admin) { return 0; } } if ('common' eq $type) { if ($File::Find::name =~ m{upgrade\.(tpl|php)$}) { return 0; } if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/install(\.tpl|\.php|/)}) { return 0; } if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/admin(/|\.php)} or $File::Find::name =~ m{themes/default/template/mail}) { return 0; } } if (-f) { my $big_string = ''; open(my $fhi, '<', $File::Find::name); while (<$fhi>) { chomp; s{//.*$}{}; $big_string.= $_; } close($fhi); while ($big_string =~ m/\{(['"])(.+?)\1\|\@translate/g) { $used_keys{$2}++; } while ($big_string =~ m/l10n \s* \( \s* (['"]) (.+?) \1 \s* \)/xg) { $used_keys{$2}++; } while ($big_string =~ m/l10n_args \s* \( \s* (['"]) (.+?) \1 \s* ,/xg) { $used_keys{$2}++; } while ($big_string =~ m/l10n_dec \s* \( \s* (['"]) (.+?) \1 \s* ,\s* (['"]) (.+?) \3 \s* ,/xg) { $used_keys{$2}++; $used_keys{$4}++; } } } sub load_registered_keys { my ($type) = @_; my %files_for_type = ( common => [qw/common/], admin => [qw/common admin/], install => [qw/common admin install/], upgrade => [qw/common admin install upgrade/], ); foreach my $file_code (@{$files_for_type{$type}}) { my $filepath = $piwigo_dir.'/language/en_UK/'.$file_code.'.lang.php'; open(my $fhi, '<', $filepath); while (<$fhi>) { if (m/\$lang\[ \s* (['"]) (.+?) \1 \s* \]/x) { $registered_keys{$2}++; } } } }