function SPTLine(margin, rowHeight) { this.elements = new Array; this.margin = margin; this.rowHeight = rowHeight; this.maxHeight = 0; } SPTLine.prototype = { width: 0, elementsWidth: 0, firstThumbIndex: 0, add: function($elt, absIndex) { if (this.elements.length === 0) this.firstThumbIndex = absIndex; if (!$"w")) { var w=$elt.width(), h=$elt.height(); if (h > this.rowHeight) { w = Math.round(w * this.rowHeight/h); h = this.rowHeight; } $"w", w) .data("h", h); } var eltObj = { $elt: $elt, w: $"w"), h: $"h") }; this.elements.push(eltObj); if (eltObj.h > this.maxHeight) this.maxHeight = eltObj.h; this.width += this.margin + eltObj.w; this.elementsWidth += eltObj.w; }, clear: function() { if (!this.elements.length) return; this.width = this.elementsWidth = 0; this.maxHeight = 0; this.elements.length = 0; } } function SPThumbs(options) { this.opts = options; this.$thumbs = $('.thumbnails'); if (this.$thumbs.length==0) return; this.$thumbs.css('text-align', 'left'); this.opts.extraRowHeight = 0; if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio; this.opts.extraRowHeight = 6; /*loose sharpness but only for small screens when we could "almost" fit with full sharpness*/ this.opts.rowHeight = Math.round(this.opts.rowHeight / dpr ) + this.opts.extraRowHeight; } this.process(); var that = this; $(window).on('resize', function() { if (Math.abs(that.$thumbs.width() - that.prevContainerWidth)>1) that.process(); }) .on('RVTS_loaded', function(evt, down) { that.process( down && that.$thumbs.width() == that.prevContainerWidth ? that.prevLastLineFirstThumbIndex : 0); } ); } SPThumbs.prototype = { prevContainerWidth:0, prevLastLineFirstThumbIndex: 0, process: function(startIndex) { startIndex = startIndex ? startIndex : 0; var containerWidth = this.$thumbs.width() , maxExtraMarginPerThumb = 1; this.prevContainerWidth = containerWidth; var $elts = $('li.liVisible>a>img', this.$thumbs) , line = new SPTLine(this.opts.hMargin, this.opts.rowHeight); for (var i=startIndex; i<$elts.length; i++) { var $elt = $( $elts[i] ); line.add($elt, i); if (line.width >= containerWidth - maxExtraMarginPerThumb * line.elements.length) { this.processLine(line, containerWidth); line.clear(); } }; if(line.elements.length) this.processLine(line, containerWidth, true); this.prevLastLineFirstThumbIndex = line.firstThumbIndex; }, processLine: function(line, containerWidth, lastLine) { var toRecover, eltW, eltH , rowHeight = line.maxHeight ? line.maxHeight : line.elements[0].h; if (line.width / containerWidth > 1.01) { var ratio = line.elementsWidth / (line.elementsWidth + containerWidth - line.width); var adjustedRowHeight = rowHeight / (1 + (ratio-1) * 0.95 ); adjustedRowHeight = 6 * Math.round( adjustedRowHeight/6 ); if (adjustedRowHeight < rowHeight / ratio ) { adjustedRowHeight = Math.ceil( rowHeight / ratio ); var missing = this.opts.rowHeight - this.opts.extraRowHeight - adjustedRowHeight; if (missing>0 && missing<6) adjustedRowHeight += missing; } if (adjustedRowHeight < rowHeight) rowHeight = adjustedRowHeight; } else if (lastLine) rowHeight = Math.min( rowHeight, this.opts.rowHeight - this.opts.extraRowHeight); toRecover = line.width - containerWidth; if (lastLine) toRecover = 0; for(var i=0; i rowHeight ) { eltW = Math.round( eltW * rowHeight/eltObj.h ); eltH = rowHeight; eltToRecover -= eltObj.w - eltW; if (lastLine) eltToRecover = 0; } this.reposition(eltObj.$elt, eltW, eltH, eltW-eltToRecover, rowHeight); } }, reposition: function($img, imgW, imgH, liW, liH) { $img.attr("width", imgW) .attr("height", imgH); $img.closest("li").css( { width: liW+"px", height: liH+"px" }); $img.parent("a").css( { left: Math.round((liW-imgW)/2)+"px", top: Math.round((liH-imgH)/2)+"px" }); } }