// initialize controls // buttonImageName: Directory and name of calendar picture // day, month, year: selectors of visible date controls // linked_date: selector of hidden linked dates control // checked_on_change: selector of control to change "checked" attribut // min_linked_date: selector of hidden linked date control witch give min value // max_linked_date: selector of hidden linked date control witch give max value function pwg_common_initialization_datepicker(buttonImageName, day, month, year, linked_date, checked_on_change, min_linked_date, max_linked_date) { // return formated date with control values function pwg_get_fmt_from_ctrls() { return $(year).val() + "-" + $(month).val() + "-" + $(day).val(); } // return if linked_date is valid date function is_valid_linked_value(linked_date_name) { var array_date = $(linked_date_name).val().split('-'); return ( (array_date.length == 3) && (array_date[0].length) && (array_date[1].length) && (array_date[1] != "0") && (array_date[2].length) && (array_date[2] != "0") ) } // Action on change date value function pwg_on_date_change() { pwg_check_date(); if (checked_on_change != null) { $(checked_on_change).prop("checked", true); } } // In order to desable element of list function pwg_disabled_selection() { var array_date = $(linked_date).val().split('-') , y = array_date[0] , m = array_date[1]; // Init list $(day + " option").removeAttr("disabled"); $(month + " option").removeAttr("disabled"); var daysInMonth = 32 - new Date(y, m - 1, 32).getDate(); $(day + " option:gt(" + (daysInMonth) +")").attr("disabled", "disabled"); if ((min_linked_date != null) && (is_valid_linked_value(min_linked_date) == true)) { date_cmp = min_linked_date; op_cmp = "lt"; } else if ((max_linked_date != null) && (is_valid_linked_value(max_linked_date) == true)) { date_cmp = max_linked_date; op_cmp = "gt"; } else { date_cmp = null; op_cmp = null; } if (op_cmp != null) { array_date = $(date_cmp).val().split('-'); y_cmp = array_date[0]; m_cmp = array_date[1]; d_cmp = array_date[2]; if (y == y_cmp) { $(month + " option:" + op_cmp + "(" + (m_cmp) +")").attr("disabled", "disabled"); if (op_cmp == "lt") { $(month + " option:eq(" + (0) +")").removeAttr("disabled"); } if (m == m_cmp) { $(day + " option:" + op_cmp + "(" + (d_cmp) +")").attr("disabled", "disabled"); if (op_cmp == "lt") { $(day + " option:eq(" + (0) +")").removeAttr("disabled"); } } } } } // Prevent selection of invalid dates through the select controls function pwg_check_date() { var last_date = $(linked_date).val() , cancel=false; $(linked_date).val(pwg_get_fmt_from_ctrls()); if ((min_linked_date != null) && (is_valid_linked_value(min_linked_date))) { cancel = ($(min_linked_date).datepicker("getDate") > $(linked_date).datepicker("getDate")); } else if ((max_linked_date != null) && (is_valid_linked_value(max_linked_date))) { cancel = ($(max_linked_date).datepicker("getDate") < $(linked_date).datepicker("getDate")); } if (cancel) { var array_date = last_date.split('-'); $(year).val(array_date[0]); $(month).val(array_date[1]); $(day).val(array_date[2]); // check again pwg_check_date(); } } jQuery().ready(function(){ // Init hidden value $(linked_date).val(pwg_get_fmt_from_ctrls()); // Init Datepicker jQuery(linked_date).datepicker({ dateFormat:'yy-m-d', beforeShow: // Prepare to show a date picker linked to three select controls function readLinked(input) { if (min_linked_date != null) { return {minDate: $(min_linked_date).datepicker("getDate")}; } else if (max_linked_date != null) { return {maxDate: $(max_linked_date).datepicker("getDate")}; } else { return {}; } }, onSelect: // Update three select controls to match a date picker selection function updateLinked(date) { if (date.length == 0) { $(year).val(""); $(month).val("0"); $(day).val("0"); } else { var array_date = date.split('-'); $(year).val(array_date[0]); $(month).val(array_date[1]); $(day).val(array_date[2]); } pwg_on_date_change(); }, showOn: "both", buttonImage: buttonImageName, buttonImageOnly: true, buttonText: "" }); // Check showed controls jQuery(day + ", " + month + ", " + year).change( function () { pwg_on_date_change(); }); // Check showed controls jQuery(day + ", " + month + ", " + year).focus( function () { pwg_disabled_selection(); }); // In order to init linked input pwg_check_date(); }); }