/* $Id$ */ /** * Color scheme (Remember #6699cc = #69c) * #000000 #336699 #4477aa #6699cc (Black -> Blues) * #cc6600 #ff9933 (Oranges) * #cccccc * #ccddee #dfe8ff #eeeeff #ffffff (Light colors -> White) * */ /** * Logic * - Texts * - Backgrounds * - Borders, Margins, Padding * - Visibility / Display */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Texts Only */ BODY, H1, H3, DT, H2, .throw { color: #369; } H2, #menubar DT, .throw, TD H3, #theAdminPage H3, .calForeDate { color: #fff; } #menubar DT, #menubar DT A { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; } #content .titrePage .categoryActions li { color: #cde;} #menubar DT A:hover { color: #f92; font-weight: bold; } #mbIdentification dd p, #menubar .selected A { color: #c60; font-weight: bold; } #copyright { color: #c60; } #content .pageNumberSelected, A, INPUT.rateButton, legend { color: #369; } A:hover { color: #f92; } INPUT.rateButtonSelected /* <= why IE doesn't inherit this ? */ { color:#69c; } .infoTable, #theAdminPage #content, #content .navigationBar, input#qsearchInput { color: #369; 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} #content ul.thumbnailCategories li div.thumbnailCategory, #content UL.thumbnails SPAN.wrap2 { background-color: #eef; } #content ul.thumbnailCategories li div.thumbnailCategory:hover, #theImage IMG, .navThumb IMG, #content UL.thumbnails SPAN.wrap2:hover { background-color: #fff; } .pleaseNote { background: #69c; } input#qsearchInput { background-color: #cde; } .virtual_cat { background: #fff !important; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Borders, Margins, Padding Only */ BODY { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #menubar { margin : 0px 0px 0px 8px; border: 0px; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #369; } A { border: 0px; text-decoration: none; } A:hover { text-decoration: none; border: 0px; } #content, DIV.content { border: 1px solid #369; padding: 0px; } #content H2 { border: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #content .errors { border-color: #f92; } #imageHeaderBar H2 { border: 0px; } #thePicturePage #imageToolBar { padding: 0px 25px 5px 25px; 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/* thumbnails border color when mouse cursor is over it */ } A.navThumb, A.navThumb:hover, #imageToolBar A, #imageToolBar A:hover { border-bottom: none; } #the_page { border: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 30px 0px; margin: 0px; } .pleaseNote { padding: 1ex; } SPAN.calItem, SPAN.calItemEmpty { border: 1px solid gray; } TD.calDayCellEmpty, TD.calDayCellFull { border: 1px solid gray;} #theAdminPage #content table td { padding: 2px 8px; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Display, Visibility, buttons and others */ label { cursor:pointer } .zero { display: none } .one { } .2nmore { } #the_page { text-align:center; display:block; } #content H2::after { content: leader(dotted) } input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input.button, input.submit, input.reset, input.file, select, textarea { color: #369; border: 1px solid #369; background-color: #eeeeff; } input.submit[type="reset"]:focus, input.submit:focus { background-color: #369; } input.submit[type="reset"], input.submit { background-image: url(images/button-bg.png); height:28px; width: 8em; border: 0px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-style: outset; border-color: #369; padding: auto 0.25em; } input.submit[type="reset"]:active, input.submit:active { background: #69c; border: 3px double #369; border-left-color: #9ab; border-top-color: #9ab; } #addComment input.submit { width: 12em; padding: auto 40px; }