{* $Id$ *}

{'title_wscheck'|@translate} - {'web_services'|@translate}

{if !empty($update_results)} {/if} {* Add Access *}
{'ws_adding_legend'|@translate} {* Access key *} {* Target (cat/ids, tag/ids, or list/ids ids=id,id-id,...) *} {* Restricted access to specific request *} {* Limit number of images information to be return *} {* Open service is postponed by n days *} {* In comment currently *} {* Opened service only for n days *} {* Idendify your partner (name / website / phone) as you want *} {* Add submit button *}
({'Access: see help text for more'|@translate})

{if !empty($access_list)}
{'ws_update_legend'|@translate} {foreach from=$access_list item=access name=access_loop} {/foreach}
  {'ws_KeyName'|@translate} {'ws_Access'|@translate} {'ws_End'|@translate} {'ws_Request'|@translate} {'ws_Limit'|@translate} {'ws_Comment'|@translate}
{$access.TARGET} {$access.END} {$access.REQUEST} {$access.LIMIT} {$access.COMMENT}

({'Web Services availability duration in days'|@translate})
{/if} {if isset($WS_STATUS)}

