* * author : Pierrick LE GALL * * * * $Id$ * * *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ $user['lien_expanded']='./template/'.$user['template'].'/theme/expanded.gif'; $user['lien_collapsed']='./template/'.$user['template'].'/theme/collapsed.gif'; function get_icon( $date_comparaison ) { global $user, $conf; $difference = time() - $date_comparaison; $jours = 24*60*60; $output = ''; if ( $difference < $user['long_period'] * $jours ) { $icon_url = './template/'.$user['template'].'/theme/'; if ( $difference < $user['short_period'] * $jours ) { $icon_url.= 'new_short.gif'; } else { $icon_url.= 'new_long.gif'; } $size = getimagesize( $icon_url ); $output = ''; } return $output; } function create_navigation_bar( $url, $nb_element, $start, $nb_element_page, $link_class ) { global $lang; $navigation_bar = ""; // 0. détection de la page en cours if( !isset( $start ) || !is_numeric( $start ) || ( is_numeric( $start ) && $start < 0 ) ) { $start = 0; } // on n'affiche la bare de navigation que si on plus de 1 page if ( $nb_element > $nb_element_page ) { // 1.une page précédente ? if ( $start != 0 ) { $previous = $start - $nb_element_page; $navigation_bar.= ''.$lang['previous_page']; $navigation_bar.= ''; $navigation_bar.= ' | '; } // 2.liste des numéros de page $maximum = ceil ( $nb_element / $nb_element_page ); for ( $i = 1; $i <= $maximum; $i++ ) { $temp_start = ( $i - 1 ) * $nb_element_page; if ( $temp_start == $start ) { $navigation_bar.= ' '.$i.' '; } else { $navigation_bar.= ' '.$i.' '; } } // 3.une page suivante ? if ( $nb_element > $nb_element_page && $start + $nb_element_page < $nb_element ) { $next = $start + $nb_element_page; $navigation_bar.= ' | '.$lang['next_page'].''; } } return $navigation_bar; } function get_frame_start() { return '
'; } function get_frame_end() { global $user; $path = './template/'.$user['template'].'/theme/'; $size_08 = getimagesize( $path.'08.gif' ); return '
'; } function initialize_template() { global $template, $user, $lang; $template->assign_vars(array( 'T_START' => get_frame_start(), 'T_BEGIN' => get_frame_begin(), 'T_END' => get_frame_end() ) ); global $vtp, $handle; if (isset($handle)) { $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'frame_start', get_frame_start() ); $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'frame_begin', get_frame_begin() ); $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'frame_end', get_frame_end() ); } } function display_category( $category, $indent ) { global $user,$lang,$template, $vtp, $handle; $style=''; $url = './category.php?cat='.$category['id']; $url.= '&expand='.$category['expand_string']; $name = $category['name']; if ( $name == '' ) $name = str_replace( '_', ' ', $category['dir'] ); if ( $category['id_uppercat'] == '' ) { $style = 'font-weight:bold;'; } $template->assign_block_vars('category', array( 'LINK_NAME' => $name, 'INDENT' => $indent, 'NB_SUBCATS'=>$category['nb_sub_categories'], 'TOTAL_CAT'=>$category['nb_images'], 'CAT_ICON'=>get_icon($category['date_last']), 'T_NAME'=>$style, 'U_LINK' => add_session_id($url))); if ( $user['expand'] or $category['nb_sub_categories'] == 0 ) { $template->assign_block_vars('category.bulletnolink', array('BULLET_IMAGE' => $user['lien_collapsed'])); } else { $url = './category.php'; if (isset($page['cat'])) { $url .='?cat='.$page['cat']; $url.= '&expand='.$category['expand_string']; } else if ($category['expand_string']<>'') { $url.= '?expand='.$category['expand_string']; } if ( $category['expanded'] ) { $img=$user['lien_expanded']; } else { $img=$user['lien_collapsed']; } $template->assign_block_vars('category.bulletlink', array( 'BULLET_IMAGE' => $img, 'U_BULLET_LINK'=> add_session_id($url) )); } // recursive call if ( $category['expanded'] ) { foreach ( $category['subcats'] as $subcat ) { $template->assign_block_vars('category.subcat', array()); display_category( $subcat, $indent.str_repeat( ' ', 2 )); } } } ?>