* * author : Pierrick LE GALL * * * * $Id$ * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------- personnal include include_once( './include/init.inc.php' ); //-------------------------------------------------- access authorization check if ( $conf['access'] == "restricted" ) { echo $lang['only_members']; exit(); } //----------------------------------------------------------- user registration $error = array(); if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { $error = register_user( $_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['password_conf'], $_POST['mail_address'] ); if ( sizeof( $error ) == 0 ) { $session_id = session_create( $_POST['login'] ); $url = 'category.php?id='.$session_id; header( 'Request-URI: '.$url ); header( 'Content-Location: '.$url ); header( 'Location: '.$url ); exit(); } } //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization // // Start output of page // $title= $lang['register_page_title']; include('include/page_header.php'); $handle = $vtp->Open( './template/'.$user['template'].'/register.vtp' ); // language $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'register_title', $lang['register_title'] ); $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'ident_guest_visit',$lang['ident_guest_visit'] ); $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'submit', $lang['submit'] ); initialize_template(); //----------------------------------------------------------------- form action $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'form_action', './register.php' ); //-------------------------------------------------------------- errors display if ( sizeof( $error ) != 0 ) { $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'errors' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $error ); $i++ ) { $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'li' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'li.li', $error[$i] ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'li' ); } $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'errors' ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- login $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['login'] ); $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'login' ); if (isset( $_POST['login'])) $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $_POST['login'] ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- password $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['password'] ); $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'password' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'password.name', 'password' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'password.value', '' ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'password' ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' ); //------------------------------------------------------- password confirmation $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['reg_confirm'] ); $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'password' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'password.name', 'password_conf' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'password.value', '' ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'password' ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- mail address $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['mail_address'] ); $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' ); $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'mail_address' ); if (isset( $_POST['mail_address'])) $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $_POST['mail_address'] ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' ); $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' ); //----------------------------------------------------------- html code display $code = $vtp->Display( $handle, 0 ); echo $code; include('include/page_tail.php'); ?>