<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright(C) 2008-2013 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org | // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net | // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // customize appearance of the site for a user // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | initialization | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) {//direct script access define('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH','./'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/common.inc.php'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Check Access and exit when user status is not ok | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ check_status(ACCESS_CLASSIC); if (!empty($_POST)) { check_pwg_token(); } $userdata = $user; trigger_action('loc_begin_profile'); // Reset to default (Guest) custom settings if (isset($_POST['reset_to_default'])) { $fields = array( 'nb_image_page', 'expand', 'show_nb_comments', 'show_nb_hits', 'recent_period', 'show_nb_hits' ); // Get the Guest custom settings $query = ' SELECT '.implode(',', $fields).' FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$conf['default_user_id'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $default_user = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $userdata = array_merge($userdata, $default_user); } save_profile_from_post($userdata, $page['errors']); $title= l10n('Your Gallery Customization'); $page['body_id'] = 'theProfilePage'; $template->set_filename('profile', 'profile.tpl'); load_profile_in_template( get_root_url().'profile.php', // action make_index_url(), // for redirect $userdata ); // include menubar $themeconf = $template->get_template_vars('themeconf'); if (!isset($themeconf['hide_menu_on']) OR !in_array('theProfilePage', $themeconf['hide_menu_on'])) { include( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/menubar.inc.php'); } include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/page_header.php'); trigger_action('loc_end_profile'); flush_page_messages(); $template->pparse('profile'); include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/page_tail.php'); } //------------------------------------------------------ update & customization function save_profile_from_post($userdata, &$errors) { global $conf, $page; $errors = array(); if (!isset($_POST['validate'])) { return false; } $special_user = in_array($userdata['id'], array($conf['guest_id'], $conf['default_user_id'])); if ($special_user) { unset( $_POST['username'], $_POST['mail_address'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['use_new_pwd'], $_POST['passwordConf'], $_POST['theme'], $_POST['language'] ); $_POST['theme'] = get_default_theme(); $_POST['language'] = get_default_language(); } if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) { unset($_POST['username']); } if ($conf['allow_user_customization'] or defined('IN_ADMIN')) { $int_pattern = '/^\d+$/'; if (empty($_POST['nb_image_page']) or (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['nb_image_page']))) { $errors[] = l10n('The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'); } // periods must be integer values, they represents number of days if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['recent_period']) or $_POST['recent_period'] <= 0) { $errors[] = l10n('Recent period must be a positive integer value') ; } if (!in_array($_POST['language'], array_keys(get_languages()))) { die('Hacking attempt, incorrect language value'); } if (!in_array($_POST['theme'], array_keys(get_pwg_themes()))) { die('Hacking attempt, incorrect theme value'); } } if (isset($_POST['mail_address'])) { // if $_POST and $userdata have are same email // validate_mail_address allows, however, to check email $mail_error = validate_mail_address($userdata['id'], $_POST['mail_address']); if (!empty($mail_error)) { $errors[] = $mail_error; } } if (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd'])) { // password must be the same as its confirmation if ($_POST['use_new_pwd'] != $_POST['passwordConf']) { $errors[] = l10n('The passwords do not match'); } if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') ) {// changing password requires old password $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['password'].' AS password FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$userdata['id'].'\' ;'; list($current_password) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if (!$conf['password_verify']($_POST['password'], $current_password)) { $errors[] = l10n('Current password is wrong'); } } } if (count($errors) == 0) { // mass_updates function include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); if (isset($_POST['mail_address'])) { // update common user informations $fields = array($conf['user_fields']['email']); $data = array(); $data{$conf['user_fields']['id']} = $userdata['id']; $data{$conf['user_fields']['email']} = $_POST['mail_address']; // password is updated only if filled if (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd'])) { array_push($fields, $conf['user_fields']['password']); // password is hashed with function $conf['password_hash'] $data{$conf['user_fields']['password']} = $conf['password_hash']($_POST['use_new_pwd']); } // username is updated only if allowed if (!empty($_POST['username'])) { if ($_POST['username'] != $userdata['username'] and get_userid($_POST['username'])) { array_push($page['errors'], l10n('this login is already used')); unset($_POST['redirect']); } else { array_push($fields, $conf['user_fields']['username']); $data{$conf['user_fields']['username']} = $_POST['username']; // send email to the user if ($_POST['username'] != $userdata['username']) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_mail.inc.php'); switch_lang_to($userdata['language']); $keyargs_content = array( get_l10n_args('Hello', ''), get_l10n_args('Your username has been successfully changed to : %s', $_POST['username']), ); pwg_mail( $_POST['mail_address'], array( 'subject' => '['.$conf['gallery_title'].'] '.l10n('Username modification'), 'content' => l10n_args($keyargs_content), 'content_format' => 'text/plain', ) ); switch_lang_back(); } } } mass_updates(USERS_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array($conf['user_fields']['id']), 'update' => $fields ), array($data)); } if ($conf['allow_user_customization'] or defined('IN_ADMIN')) { // update user "additional" informations (specific to Piwigo) $fields = array( 'nb_image_page', 'language', 'expand', 'show_nb_hits', 'recent_period', 'theme' ); if ($conf['activate_comments']) { array_push($fields, 'show_nb_comments'); } $data = array(); $data['user_id'] = $userdata['id']; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $data[$field] = $_POST[$field]; } } mass_updates(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('primary' => array('user_id'), 'update' => $fields), array($data)); } trigger_action( 'save_profile_from_post', $userdata['id'] ); if (!empty($_POST['redirect'])) { redirect($_POST['redirect']); } } return true; } function load_profile_in_template($url_action, $url_redirect, $userdata) { global $template, $conf; $template->set_filename('profile_content', 'profile_content.tpl'); $template->assign('radio_options', array( 'true' => l10n('Yes'), 'false' => l10n('No'))); $template->assign( array( 'USERNAME'=>stripslashes($userdata['username']), 'EMAIL'=>get_email_address_as_display_text(@$userdata['email']), 'ALLOW_USER_CUSTOMIZATION'=>$conf['allow_user_customization'], 'ACTIVATE_COMMENTS'=>$conf['activate_comments'], 'NB_IMAGE_PAGE'=>$userdata['nb_image_page'], 'RECENT_PERIOD'=>$userdata['recent_period'], 'EXPAND' =>$userdata['expand'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'NB_COMMENTS'=>$userdata['show_nb_comments'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'NB_HITS'=>$userdata['show_nb_hits'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'REDIRECT' => $url_redirect, 'F_ACTION'=>$url_action, )); $template->assign('template_selection', $userdata['theme']); $template->assign('template_options', get_pwg_themes()); foreach (get_languages() as $language_code => $language_name) { if (isset($_POST['submit']) or $userdata['language'] == $language_code) { $template->assign('language_selection', $language_code); } $language_options[$language_code] = $language_name; } $template->assign('language_options', $language_options); $special_user = in_array($userdata['id'], array($conf['guest_id'], $conf['default_user_id'])); $template->assign('SPECIAL_USER', $special_user); $template->assign('IN_ADMIN', defined('IN_ADMIN')); // allow plugins to add their own form data to content trigger_action( 'load_profile_in_template', $userdata ); $template->assign('PWG_TOKEN', get_pwg_token()); $template->assign_var_from_handle('PROFILE_CONTENT', 'profile_content'); } ?>