> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this classes provides base functions to manage users/groups access groups and users classes extends allowed_access classes - constructor allowed_access($alloweds="") - constructor groups($alloweds="") - constructor users($alloweds="") - (public) function get_list() - (public) function set_allowed($id, $allowed) - (public) function set_alloweds() - (public) function get_alloweds($return_type) - (public) function is_allowed($id) - (public) function html_view($sep=", ", $empty="") - (public) function html_form($basename) - (private) function init_list() ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class allowed_access { var $access_list; /* constructor initialize the groups_list */ function allowed_access($alloweds = "") { $this->init_list(); $this->set_alloweds($alloweds); } /* initialize the groups list */ function init_list() { $this->access_list=array(); } /* returns list (as an array) */ function get_list() { return($this->access_list); } /* set element an allowed state */ function set_allowed($id, $allowed) { if(isset($this->access_list[$id])) { $this->access_list[$id]['allowed']=$allowed; } } /* set a group enabled/disabled state */ function set_state($id, $enabled) { if(isset($this->access_list[$id])) { $this->access_list[$id]['enabled']=$enabled; } } /* set alloweds list $list is string of id, separated with "/" */ function set_alloweds($list) { $alloweds=explode("/", $list); $alloweds=array_flip($alloweds); foreach($this->access_list as $key => $val) { if(isset($alloweds[$key])) { $this->access_list[$key]['allowed']=true; } else { $this->access_list[$key]['allowed']=false; } } } /* get alloweds list return a string of groups, separated with "/" */ function get_alloweds($return_type = 'name') { $returned=""; foreach($this->access_list as $key => $val) { if($val['allowed']) { $returned.=$val[$return_type]."/"; } } return($returned); } /* returns true if is allowed */ function is_allowed($id) { if(isset($this->access_list[$id])) { return($this->access_list[$id]['allowed']); } else { return(false); } } /* returns true if all or one is allowed ids is an array */ function are_allowed($ids, $all=false) { foreach($ids as $val) { if($all) { if(!$this->is_allowed($val)) { return(false); } } else { if($this->is_allowed($val)) { return(true); } } } return(false); } /* returns an HTML list with label rather than id */ function html_view($sep=", ", $empty="") { $returned=""; foreach($this->access_list as $key => $val) { if($val['allowed']) { if($returned!="") { $returned.=$sep; } $returned.=$val['name']; } } if($returned=="") { $returned=$empty; } return($returned); } /* returns a generic HTML form to manage the groups access */ function html_form($basename) { /* */ $text=''; foreach($this->access_list as $key => $val) { if($val['allowed']) { $checked=' checked'; } else { $checked=''; } if($val['enabled']) { $enabled=''; } else { $enabled=' disabled'; } $text.=' '; } return($text); } } //allowed_access /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- this class provides base functions to manage groups access init_list redefined to initialize access_list from database GROUPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class groups extends allowed_access { /* initialize the groups list */ function init_list() { $this->access_list=array(); $sql="SELECT id, name FROM ".GROUPS_TABLE." ORDER BY name"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $this->access_list[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'allowed' => false, 'enabled' => true); } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- this class provides base functions to manage users access ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class users extends allowed_access { /* constructor */ function users($alloweds = "") { parent::allowed_access($alloweds); $this->set_state('admin', false); $this->set_allowed('admin', true); } /* initialize the groups list */ function init_list() { $users_list = array('guest', 'generic', 'normal', 'admin'); $this->access_list=array(); foreach($users_list as $val) { $this->access_list[$val] = array('id' => $val, 'name' => l10n('user_status_'.$val), 'allowed' => false, 'enabled' => true); } } } //class users ?>