> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this class provides base functions to manage tables while plugin installation - constructor manage_tables($tables) - (public) function create_tables($tables_def) - (public) function update_tables_fields($tables_alteration) - (public) function drop_tables() - (public) function rename_tables($list) -v1.1 - (public) function tables_exists() -v1.1 - (public) function export($filename, $options, $tables, $infos) -v1.3 - (public) function multi_queries($queries) -v1.3 - (public) function import($filename) -v1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v1.1 + add rename_tables($list) function + add tables_exists() function v1.2 + add export($filename, $options, $tables) function v1.3 + modify export($filename, $options, $tables, $infos, $resultboolean) function + new parameters '$infos' allows to add some information on the exported file + add 'delete' and 'colnames' options + $resultbooelan option for return + add multi_queries($queries) function + add import($filename) function -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class manage_tables { var $tables; //array of tables names var $version = "1.3"; function manage_tables($tables) { $this->tables = $tables; } /* create tables $tables_def is an array of SQL CREATE queries return true if everything is ok, otherwise tablename */ function create_tables($tables_def) { //deleting tables if exists $this->drop_tables(); for($i=0;$idrop_tables(); return(false); } } return(true); } /* update tables definition $tables_alteration : array of arrays example : $tables_alteration['table1']=array( "attribute1" => " ADD COLUMN `attribute1` text null default ''", "attribute2" => " ADD COLUMN `attribute2` text null default ''")); $tables_alteration['table2']=array( "attribute1" => " ADD COLUMN `attribute1` text null default ''", "attribute2" => " ADD COLUMN `attribute2` text null default ''")); return true if no error, otherwise return table.fields of error */ function update_tables_fields($tables_alteration) { if(!is_array($tables_alteration)) { return(''); } reset($tables_alteration); while (list($key, $val) = each($tables_alteration)) { $sql="SHOW COLUMNS FROM $key"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $columns=array(); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($columns, $row['Field']); } reset($val); while (list($attname, $sql) = each($val)) { if(!in_array($attname, $columns)) { $result=pwg_query("ALTER TABLE `$key` ".$sql); if(!$result) { return($key.".".$attname); } } } } } return(true); } /* delete tables listed in $this->tables_list */ function drop_tables() { foreach($this->tables as $key => $table_name) { $sql="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$table_name; $result=pwg_query($sql); } } /* rename tables name of list $list is an array('old_name' => 'new_name') return true if ok, else old table name */ function rename_tables($list) { $tmplist=array_flip($this->tables); foreach($list as $key => $val) { if(isset($tmplist[$key])) { $this->tables[$tmplist[$key]] = $val; $sql="ALTER TABLE `$key` RENAME TO `$val`"; if(!pwg_query($sql)) { return($key); } } else { return($key); } } return(true); } /* return true if all listed tables exists */ function tables_exists() { $list=array_flip($this->tables); $sql="SHOW TABLES"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if(isset($list[$row[0]])) { array_splice($list, $row[0],1); } } } if(count($list)>0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } /* export all tables as SQL in a text file each query end with a " -- EOQ" ; it's just a method to increase parsing for import function $filename : name of the file $options : array of options like array( 'drop' => true/false, //add DROP TABLE statements 'create' => true/false, //add CREATE TABLE statements 'insert' => true/false, //add INSERT statements 'delete' => true/false, //add delete statements 'colnames' => true/false, //add columns names for inserts statements ) $tables : array of tables names to export array('tablename1', 'tablenamen', 'tablename3', ...) if empty, assume that all tables have to be exported $infos : additional info written in exported file (as comment) $resultboolean : if true, result is true/false ; if false, if result, return a string with nfo about export */ function export($filename, $options=array(), $tables=array(), $infos="", $resultboolean=true) { $defaultopt=array( 'drop' => true, 'create' => true, 'insert' => true, 'delete' => false, 'colnames' => false ); if(!isset($options['drop'])) { $options['drop']=$defaultopt['drop']; } if(!isset($options['create'])) { $options['create']=$defaultopt['create']; } if(!isset($options['insert'])) { $options['insert']=$defaultopt['insert']; } if(!isset($options['delete'])) { $options['delete']=$defaultopt['delete']; } if(!isset($options['colnames'])) { $options['colnames']=$defaultopt['colnames']; } if(count($tables)==0) { $tables=$this->tables; } $resultnfo=''; $returned=true; $text=' -- *************************************************************** -- EOQ -- * SQL export made with Grum Plugins Classes (Export tool r'.$this->version.') -- EOQ -- * Export date :'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' -- EOQ -- * Export options :'; if($options['drop']){$text.=' [drop]';} if($options['delete']){$text.=' [delete]';} if($options['create']){$text.=' [create]';} if($options['insert']){$text.=' [insert]';} if($options['colnames']){$text.=' [colnames]';} $text.=" -- EOQ"; if($infos!="") { $text.=' -- * '.$infos." -- EOQ"; } $text.=' -- *************************************************************** -- EOQ '; foreach($tables as $key => $val) { $countelems=0; $text.=" -- *************************************************************** -- EOQ -- * Statements for ".$this->tables[$key]." table -- EOQ -- *************************************************************** -- EOQ "; if($options['drop']) { $text.=sprintf("DROP TABLE `%s`; -- EOQ\n", $this->tables[$key]); } if($options['delete']) { $text.=sprintf("DELETE FROM `%s`; -- EOQ\n", $this->tables[$key]); } if($options['create']) { $sql='SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$this->tables[$key]; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $text.=sprintf("%s; -- EOQ\n", $row[1]); } } else { $returned=false; } } if($options['insert']) { $colnames=""; if($options['colnames']) { $sql='SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$this->tables[$key].'`'; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $tmp=array(); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $tmp[]=$row[0]; } } $colnames='('.implode(',', $tmp).')'; } $sql='SELECT * FROM '.$this->tables[$key]; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { foreach($row as $key2 => $val2) { $row[$key2]="'".addslashes($val2)."'"; } $text.=sprintf("INSERT INTO `%s` %s VALUES(%s); -- EOQ\n", $this->tables[$key], $colnames, implode(', ', $row)); $countelems++; } } else { $returned=false; } $resultnfo.=$key.':'.$countelems.'@'; } } $fhandle=fopen($filename, 'wb'); if($fhandle) { fwrite($fhandle, $text); fclose($fhandle); } else { $returned=false; } if(($resultboolean==false)&&($returned)) { $returned=$resultnfo; } return($returned); } /* import an .sql file $filename : name of the file 'errors' : -1 file don't exists -2 can't open file */ function import($filename) { $return = array( 'numinsert'=>0, 'numdelete'=>0, 'numdrop'=>0, 'numcreate'=>0, 'errors'=>array(), 'total_ok'=>0 ); if(file_exists($filename)) { $fhandle=fopen($filename, 'r'); if($fhandle) { $queries=fread($fhandle, filesize($filename)); fclose($fhandle); $return=$this->multi_queries($queries); } else { $return['errors']=-2; } } else { $return['errors']=-1; } return($return); } /* execute multiple query each query have to be separated by a "-- EOQ\n" $queries : sql queries */ function multi_queries($queries) { $queries_list=preg_split( '/\s*;?\s*--\s+EOQ[\r\n]{1}/i', $queries, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $return = array( 'numinsert'=>0, 'numdelete'=>0, 'numdrop'=>0, 'numcreate'=>0, 'errors'=>array(), 'total_ok'=>0 ); $i=0; foreach($queries_list as $key => $sql) { $i++; @$result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $return['total_ok']++; if(preg_match('/\b[\s]*insert[\s]+/i', $sql)>0) {$return['numinsert']++;} elseif(preg_match('/\b[\s]*drop[\s]+/i', $sql)>0) {$return['numdrop']++;} elseif(preg_match('/\b[\s]*delete[\s]+/i', $sql)>0) {$return['numdelete']++;} elseif(preg_match('/\b[\s]*create[\s]+/i',$sql)>0) {$return['numcreate']++;} } else { array_push($return['errors'], '['.$i.'] '.$sql); } } return($return); } } //class ?>