'{$main.newtpl}', 'theme' => '{$main.newtheme}', 'template_dir' => 'template/{$main.newtpl}', 'icon_dir' => 'template/{$main.newtpl}/icon', 'admin_icon_dir' => 'template/{$main.newtpl}/icon/admin', 'mime_icon_dir' => 'template/{$main.newtpl}/icon/mimetypes/', 'local_head' => '', ); if ( !isset($lang['Theme: {$main.newtheme}']) ) /* LocalFiles Editor can help you for translation in local.lang.php After next "=", following text could be translated. 4 lines below could copied in local.lang.php for local translation */ {* Not these ones but those produced by "Swift Theme Creator" *} $lang['Theme: {$main.newtheme}'] = 'Current page are displayed via {$main.newtheme} theme based on ' . '{$main.newtpl} template, a theme generated by the ' . '"Swift Theme Creator" plugin.'; {* END of themeconf.inc.tpl.php *} ?>