var AdminTools = function($) { var __this = this; this.urlWS; this.urlSelf; this.multiView; var $ato = $('#ato_header'), $ato_closed = $('#ato_header_closed'), ato_height = 28; // normal height, real height conputed on init() // move to whole page down or up function moveBody(dir, anim) { var operator = dir=='show' ? '+=' : '-='; if (anim) { $('body').animate({'margin-top': operator+ato_height}); if ($('#the_page, [data-role="page"]').css('position')=='absolute') { $('#the_page, [data-role="page"]').animate({'top': operator+ato_height}); } } else { $('body').css({'margin-top': operator+ato_height}); if ($('#the_page, [data-role="page"]').css('position')=='absolute') { $('#the_page, [data-role="page"]').css({'top': operator+ato_height}); } } } // fill multiview selects // data came from AJAX request or sessionStorage function populateMultiView() { var $multiview = $ato.find('.multiview'); if ($'init')) return; var render = function(data) { var html = ''; $.each(data.users, function(i, user) { html+= ''; }); $multiview.find('select[data-type="view_as"]').html(html) .val(__this.multiView.view_as); html = ''; $.each(data.themes, function(i, theme) { html+= ''; }); $multiview.find('select[data-type="theme"]').html(html) .val(__this.multiView.theme); html = ''; $.each(data.languages, function(i, language) { html+= ''; }); $multiview.find('select[data-type="lang"]').html(html) .val(__this.multiView.lang); $'init', true); $multiview.find('.switcher').show(); }; if ('sessionStorage' in window && window.sessionStorage.multiView != undefined) { render(JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.multiView)); } else { $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: __this.urlWS + 'multiView.getData', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { render(data.result); if ('sessionStorage' in window) { window.sessionStorage.multiView = JSON.stringify(data.result); } }, error: function(xhr, text, error) { alert(text + ' ' + error); } }); } } // delete session cache this.deleteCache = function() { if ('sessionStorage' in window) { window.sessionStorage.removeItem('multiView'); } }; // move close button to smartpocket toolbar this.initMobile = function() { var $headerbar = $('div[data-role="header"] .title'); if ($headerbar.length == 1) { $ato_closed.addClass('smartpocket'); $ato_closed.find('a').attr({ 'data-iconpos':'notext', 'data-role':'button' }); $headerbar.prepend($ato_closed); } }; // attach jquery handlers this.init = function(open) { $('body').prepend($ato); // ensure the bar is at the begining $; ato_height = $ato.height(); if ('localStorage' in window) { if (window.localStorage.ato_panel_open == null) { window.localStorage.ato_panel_open = open; } if (window.localStorage.ato_panel_open == 1) { moveBody('show', false); } else { $ato.hide(); $; } } else { $; moveBody('show', false); } /* */ $ato.find('.parent').on({ 'click': function() { if ($(this).hasClass('multiview')) { populateMultiView(); } $(this).find('ul').toggle(); }, 'mouseleave': function(e) { if ( != "select") { $(this).find('ul').hide(); } } }); $ato.find('.parent>a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $ato.find('.parent ul').on('mouseleave', function(e) { if ( != "select") { $(this).hide(); } }); /* */ $ato.find('.switcher').on({ 'change': function() { window.location.href = __this.urlSelf + 'ato_'+ $(this).data('type') +'='+ $(this).val(); }, 'click': function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } }); /* */ $ato.find('.close-panel').on('click', function(e) { $ato.slideUp(); $ato_closed.slideDown(); moveBody('hide', true); if ('localStorage' in window) window.localStorage.ato_panel_open = 0; e.preventDefault(); }); $ato_closed.on('click', function(e) { $ato.slideDown(); $ato_closed.slideUp(); moveBody('show', true); if ('localStorage' in window) window.localStorage.ato_panel_open = 1; e.preventDefault(); }); }; // init "set as representative" button this.initRepresentative = function(image_id, category_id) { $ato.find('.set-representative').on('click', function(e) { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('disabled')) { $(this).parent().addClass('disabled') $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: __this.urlWS + 'pwg.categories.setRepresentative', dataType: 'json', data: { image_id: image_id, category_id: category_id }, success: function() { $ato.find('.saved').fadeIn(200).delay(1600).fadeOut(200); }, error: function(xhr, text, error) { alert(text + ' ' + error); } }); } e.preventDefault(); }); }; // init "add to caddie" button this.initCaddie = function(image_id) { $ato.find('.add-caddie').on('click', function(e) { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('disabled')) { $(this).parent().addClass('disabled') $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: __this.urlWS + 'pwg.caddie.add', dataType: 'json', data: { image_id: image_id }, success: function() { $ato.find('.saved').fadeIn(200).delay(1600).fadeOut(200); }, error: function(xhr, text, error) { alert(text + ' ' + error); } }); } e.preventDefault(); }); }; // init "quick edit" popup this.initQuickEdit = function(is_picture, tokeninput_lang) { var $ato_edit = $('#ato_quick_edit'); // try to find background color matching text color // there is a 1s delay to wait for jQuery Mobile initialization setTimeout(function() { var bg_color = 'white'; var selectors = ['#the_page #content', '[data-role="page"]', 'body']; for (var i=0; i