is_admin()) { // full options for admin $tpl_vars['U_SITE_ADMIN'] = $url_root . 'admin.php?page='; $tpl_vars['MULTIVIEW'] = $MultiView->get_data(); $tpl_vars['USER'] = $MultiView->get_user(); $tpl_vars['CURRENT_USERNAME'] = $user['id']==$conf['guest_id'] ? l10n('guest') : $user['username']; $tpl_vars['DELETE_CACHE'] = isset($conf['multiview_invalidate_cache']); if (($admin_lang = $MultiView->get_user_language()) !== false) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'); switch_lang_to($admin_lang); } } else if ($conf['AdminTools']['public_quick_edit'] and script_basename() == 'picture' and $picture['current']['added_by'] == $user['id'] ) { // only "edit" button for photo owner } else { return; } $tpl_vars['POSITION'] = $conf['AdminTools']['closed_position']; $tpl_vars['DEFAULT_OPEN'] = $conf['AdminTools']['default_open']; $tpl_vars['U_SELF'] = $MultiView->get_clean_url(true); // photo page if (script_basename() == 'picture') { $url_self = duplicate_picture_url(); $tpl_vars['IS_PICTURE'] = true; // admin can add to caddie and set representattive if ($MultiView->is_admin()) { $template->clear_assign(array( 'U_SET_AS_REPRESENTATIVE', 'U_PHOTO_ADMIN', 'U_CADDIE', )); $template->set_prefilter('picture', 'admintools_remove_privacy'); $tpl_vars['U_CADDIE'] = add_url_params( $url_self, array('action'=>'add_to_caddie') ); $query = ' SELECT element_id FROM ' . CADDIE_TABLE . ' WHERE element_id = ' . $page['image_id'] .' ;'; $tpl_vars['IS_IN_CADDIE'] = pwg_db_num_rows(pwg_query($query)) > 0; if (isset($page['category'])) { $tpl_vars['CATEGORY_ID'] = $page['category']['id']; $tpl_vars['U_SET_REPRESENTATIVE'] = add_url_params( $url_self, array('action'=>'set_as_representative') ); $tpl_vars['IS_REPRESENTATIVE'] = $page['category']['representative_picture_id'] == $page['image_id']; } $tpl_vars['U_ADMIN_EDIT'] = $url_root . 'admin.php?page=photo-' . $page['image_id'] .(isset($page['category']) ? '&cat_id=' . $page['category']['id'] : ''); } $tpl_vars['U_DELETE'] = add_url_params( $url_self, array( 'delete'=>'', 'pwg_token'=>get_pwg_token() ) ); // gets tags (full available list is loaded in ajax) include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'); $query = ' SELECT id, name FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' AS it JOIN '.TAGS_TABLE.' AS t ON = it.tag_id WHERE image_id = '.$page['image_id'].' ;'; $tag_selection = get_taglist($query); $tpl_vars['QUICK_EDIT'] = array( 'img' => $picture['current']['derivatives']['square']->get_url(), 'name' => $picture['current']['name'], 'comment' => $picture['current']['comment'], 'author' => $picture['current']['author'], 'level' => $picture['current']['level'], 'date_creation' => substr($picture['current']['date_creation'], 0, 10), 'date_creation_time' => substr($picture['current']['date_creation'], 11, 5), 'tag_selection' => $tag_selection, ); } // album page (admin only) else if ($MultiView->is_admin() and @$page['section'] == 'categories' and isset($page['category'])) { $url_self = duplicate_index_url(); $tpl_vars['IS_CATEGORY'] = true; $tpl_vars['CATEGORY_ID'] = $page['category']['id']; $template->clear_assign(array( 'U_EDIT', 'U_CADDIE', )); $tpl_vars['U_ADMIN_EDIT'] = $url_root . 'admin.php?page=album-' . $page['category']['id']; if (!empty($page['items'])) { $tpl_vars['U_CADDIE'] = add_url_params( $url_self, array('caddie'=>1) ); } $tpl_vars['QUICK_EDIT'] = array( 'img' => null, 'name' => $page['category']['name'], 'comment' => $page['category']['comment'], ); if (!empty($page['category']['representative_picture_id'])) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '. $page['category']['representative_picture_id'] .' ;'; $image_infos = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $tpl_vars['QUICK_EDIT']['img'] = DerivativeImage::get_one(IMG_SQUARE, $image_infos)->get_url(); } } $template->assign(array( 'ADMINTOOLS_PATH' => './plugins/' . ADMINTOOLS_ID .'/', 'ato' => $tpl_vars, )); $template->set_filename('ato_public_controller', realpath(ADMINTOOLS_PATH . 'template/public_controller.tpl')); $template->parse('ato_public_controller'); if ($MultiView->is_admin() && @$admin_lang !== false) { switch_lang_back(); } } /** * Disable privacy level switchbox */ function admintools_remove_privacy($content) { $search = '{if $display_info.privacy_level and isset($available_permission_levels)}'; $replace = '{if false}'; return str_replace($search, $replace, $content); } /** * Save picture form * @trigger loc_begin_picture */ function admintools_save_picture() { global $page, $conf, $MultiView, $user, $picture; if (!isset($_GET['delete']) and !isset($_POST['action']) and @$_POST['action'] != 'quick_edit') { return; } $query = 'SELECT added_by FROM '. IMAGES_TABLE .' WHERE id = '. $page['image_id'] .';'; list($added_by) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if (!$MultiView->is_admin() and $user['id'] != $added_by) { return; } if (isset($_GET['delete']) and get_pwg_token()==@$_GET['pwg_token']) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'); delete_elements(array($page['image_id']), true); invalidate_user_cache(); if (isset($page['rank_of'][ $page['image_id'] ])) { redirect( duplicate_index_url( array( 'start' => floor($page['rank_of'][ $page['image_id'] ] / $page['nb_image_page']) * $page['nb_image_page'] ) ) ); } else { redirect(make_index_url()); } } if ($_POST['action'] == 'quick_edit') { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php'); $data = array( 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'author' => $_POST['author'], ); if ($MultiView->is_admin()) { $data['level'] = $_POST['level']; } if ($conf['allow_html_descriptions']) { $data['comment'] = @$_POST['comment']; } else { $data['comment'] = strip_tags(@$_POST['comment']); } if (!empty($_POST['date_creation']) and strtotime($_POST['date_creation']) !== false) { $data['date_creation'] = $_POST['date_creation'] .' '. $_POST['date_creation_time']; } single_update( IMAGES_TABLE, $data, array('id' => $page['image_id']) ); $tag_ids = array(); if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) { $tag_ids = get_tag_ids($_POST['tags']); } set_tags($tag_ids, $page['image_id']); } } /** * Save category form * @trigger loc_begin_index */ function admintools_save_category() { global $page, $conf, $MultiView; if (!$MultiView->is_admin()) { return; } if (@$_POST['action'] == 'quick_edit') { $data = array( 'name' => $_POST['name'], ); if ($conf['allow_html_descriptions']) { $data['comment'] = @$_POST['comment']; } else { $data['comment'] = strip_tags(@$_POST['comment']); } single_update( CATEGORIES_TABLE, $data, array('id' => $page['category']['id']) ); redirect(duplicate_index_url()); } }