Piwigo Uploader. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader是Piwigo上传客户端 的官方标准软件。pLoader可将您电脑里的图片上传到Piwigo的图片画廊里。';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = '游客设置';
$lang['Main Page'] = '主页';
$lang['Photo Page'] = '图片页';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = '启用导航条';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = '启用缩略图导航';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = '启用图标 "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = '图片属性';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = '允许用户自定义';
$lang['Languages'] = '语言';
$lang['Installed Languages'] = '安装语言';
$lang['Add New Language'] = '添加新语言';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = '语言已成功安装';
$lang['Select:'] = '选择:';
$lang['None'] = '没有';
$lang['Invert'] = '反选';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = '不能停用此主题,您至少需要使用一个主题.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = '必须设置网站管理员.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = '绑定主题';
$lang['Allow rating'] = '允许投票';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = '选择最新一个评论';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = '启用的插件';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = '停用插件';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = '丢失的插件';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = '未安装的插件';
$lang['By %s'] = '由%s开发';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = '浏览插件网站';
$lang['Active Languages'] = '启用的语言';
$lang['Delete this language'] = '删除此语言';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = '禁止用户使用此语言';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = '不能停用此语言,请先设置一个默认语言.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = '不能停用此语言,您必须至少使用一个语言.';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = '停用语言';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = '让用户可使用此语言';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = '设置为游客和新用户的默认语言';
$lang['Add Photos'] = '添加图片';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = '以下标签已删除';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = '杂项';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = '虚拟链接';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = '没有其他可用的语言.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = '没有其他可用的插件.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = '没有其他可用的主题.';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = '添加另一组图片';
$lang['By rank'] = '按等级';
$lang['Manual order'] = '手工排序';
$lang['Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = 'Piwigo最新消息公告';
$lang['Subscribe %s'] = '订阅%s';
$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = '订阅%s Piwigo中国最新消息公告';
$lang['Purge search history'] = '清除查寻历史记录';
$lang['Hide'] = '隐藏';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = '所有项目已被更新.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = '此主题并未设计为直接激活';
$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = '查看权限';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = '审核评论';
$lang['Menu Management'] = '菜单';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = '在您的 php.ini 文件, 如果 upload_max_filesize (%sB) 大于 post_max_size (%sB), 那么您需要修改此项';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif 扩展不能使用,管理员应该禁用 exif 功能。';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = '上传文件超过了在 php.ini 文件里的 upload_max_filesize 限制: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = '上传文件超过了在 php.ini 文件里的 post_max_size 限制: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = '上传文件超过了在 HTML 表单指定的 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = '上传文件只上传了一部分';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = '没有文件被上传';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = '缺少临时文件目录';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = '文件写入失败';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = '扩展使文件上传停止';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = '未知上传错误';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = '文件上的错误 "%s" : %s';
$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d 张图片被选中 / 共 %d 张';
$lang['Action'] = '操作';
$lang['Add a filter'] = '添加一个过滤器';
$lang['Album photos associated to the following albums: %s'] = '图片已关联到以下相册: %s';
$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = '相册已自动排序';
$lang['All %d photos are selected'] = '全部 %d 张图片已选中';
$lang['Apply action'] = '应用动作';
$lang['automatic order'] = '自动排序';
$lang['Batch Manager'] = '批量管理';
$lang['Choose an action'] = '选择一项操作';
$lang['Delete orphan tags'] = '删除没被关联的标签';
$lang['delete photo'] = '删除图片';
$lang['Duplicates'] = '重复';
$lang['include child albums'] = '包含子相册';
$lang['manual order'] = '手工排序';
$lang['No photo in the current set.'] = '当前集合没有图片.';
$lang['No photo selected, %d photos in current set'] = '没有选择图片, 当前集合有 %d 张图片';
$lang['No photo selected, no action possible.'] = '没有选择图片,不会执行任何动作.';
$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = '在 %d 张已选图片上';
$lang['Orphan tags deleted'] = '无关联标签已被删除';
$lang['Refresh photo set'] = '刷新图片集';
$lang['Remove all filters'] = '删除所有过滤器';
$lang['remove author'] = '删除作者';
$lang['remove creation date'] = '删除创建日期';
$lang['remove this filter'] = '删除此过滤器';
$lang['remove title'] = '删除标题';
$lang['Selection'] = '选择';
$lang['Set author'] = '设置作者';
$lang['Set creation date'] = '设置创建日期';
$lang['Set title'] = '设置标题';
$lang['The whole page'] = '整张图片';
$lang['The whole set'] = '整个集合';
$lang['Type here the author name'] = '在此输入作者名称';
$lang['Type here the title'] = '在此输入标题';
$lang['Week starts on'] = '星期起始于';
$lang['You have %d orphan tags: %s.'] = '您有 %d 个无关联标签: %s.';
$lang['Remove from caddie'] = '从标记图片库中移除';
$lang['Themes which need upgrade'] = '需更新的主题';
$lang['Languages which need upgrade'] = '需要更新的语言';
$lang['All themes are up to date.'] = '所有主题已更新.';
$lang['All plugins are up to date.'] = '所有插件已更新.';
$lang['All languages are up to date.'] = '所有语言已更新.';
$lang['Visit theme site'] = '浏览主题网站';
$lang['Visit language site'] = '浏览语言网站';
$lang['New Version'] = '新版本';
$lang['Obsolete Plugins'] = '过期插件';
$lang['WARNING! This plugin does not seem to be compatible with this version of Piwigo.'] = '警告,此插件并不适用于这个版本的Piwigo。';
$lang['Do you want to activate anyway?'] = '您还是想激活吗?';
$lang['THIS PLUGIN IS NOW PART OF PIWIGO CORE! DELETE IT NOW.'] = '这个插件现在已经是Piwigo核心的一部分,请马上删除它。';
$lang['ERROR: THIS PLUGIN IS MISSING BUT IT IS INSTALLED! UNINSTALL IT NOW.'] = '错误:这个插件的实际内容已丢失但记录中它已被安装,请马上卸载它。';
$lang['new'] = '新的';
$lang['No results'] = '没有结果';
$lang['Searching...'] = '搜索中...';
$lang['Type in a search term'] = '输入搜索关键字';
$lang['display'] = '显示';
$lang['Average rate'] = "平均分";
$lang['Rate'] = "比率";
$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = '启用相册和图片旁边的"new"图标';
$lang['Add a criteria'] = '添加一个条件';
$lang['Deactivate all'] = '解除所有';
$lang['Default photos order'] = '默认图片排序';
$lang['Restore'] = '恢复';
$lang['Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!'] = '恢复默认的配置,您将失去插件的配置!';
$lang['You can\'t define a default photo order because you have a custom setting in your local configuration.'] = '您不能设置默认图片的排序,因为您已在本地配置文件里有自定义设置';
$lang['You have specified $conf[\'order_by\'] in your local configuration file, this parameter in deprecated, please remove it or rename it into $conf[\'order_by_custom\'] !'] = '您已在本地配置文件里定义了 $conf[\'order_by\'] , 此参数已不再使用了, 请在 $conf[\'order_by_custom\'] 里移除或者改名 !';
$lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...'] = '正在生成缩略图...';
$lang['Photos generation in progress...'] = '正在生成图片...';
$lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s张图片已生成';
$lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '%s张图片不能被生成';
$lang['Update in progress... Please wait.'] = '正在更新... 请稍等.';
$lang['Ignore this update'] = '忽略此更新';
$lang['Reset ignored updates'] = '重置忽略更新';
$lang['Update All'] = '更新所有';
$lang['ERROR'] = '错误';
$lang['Update Complete'] = '更新完毕';
$lang['Piwigo Update'] = 'Piwigo 更新';
$lang['Extensions Update'] = '扩展更新';
$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = '所有扩展已更新.';
$lang['Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = '以下插件可能与新版 Piwigo 不兼容:';
$lang['Following themes may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = '以下主题可能与新版 Piwigo 不兼容:';
$lang['I decide to update anyway'] = '不管怎样,我决定更新';
$lang['Update to Piwigo %s'] = '更新到 Piwigo %s';
$lang['Two updates are available'] = '有2个可用更新';
$lang['This is a minor update, with only bug corrections.'] = '这是一个次要更新,只是对错误的修正.';
$lang['This is a major update, with new exciting features.'] = '这是一个重大更新, 和 令人兴奋的新功能.';
$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = '一些主题和插件可能还不能使用.';
$lang['You can update to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = '您可以直接更新到 Piwigo %s, 不需先更新到 Piwigo %s (推荐).';
$lang['Save Template Directory'] = '保存到模板目录';
$lang['Dump Database'] = '转存数据库';
$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'] = '包括历史数据(注意:可能会超过服务器内存限制)';
$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = '不能转存数据库.';
$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = '一些可用的扩展更新.';
$lang['Ignore All'] = '忽略所有';
$lang['Width'] = '宽度';
$lang['Height'] = '高度';
$lang['Follow Orientation'] = '按照方向';
$lang['Graphics Library'] = '图形库';
$lang['Show menubar'] = '显示菜单栏';
$lang['Updates'] = '更新';
$lang['Crop'] = '剪裁';
$lang['... or '] = '...或 ';
$lang['Create'] = '创建';
$lang['Start Upload'] = '开始上传';
$lang['You are using the Flash uploader. Problems? Try the Browser uploader instead.'] = '您在使用Flash上传工具,出问题了?请尝试网页上传。';
$lang['You are using the Browser uploader. Try the Flash uploader instead.'] = '您在使用网页上传方式,出问题了?请尝试Flash上传工具。';
$lang['Maximum file size: %sB.'] = '文件最大尺寸: %sB.';
$lang['Allowed file types: %s.'] = '允许的文件类型: %s.';
$lang['Approximate maximum resolution: %dM pixels (that\'s %dx%d pixels).'] = '最大的分辨率约: %dM 像素 (即 %dx%d 像素).';
$lang['Manage Permissions'] = '管理查看权限';
$lang['Learn more'] = '了解更多';
$lang['Photo %s of %s'] = ' %s中的%s图片';
$lang['show details'] = '显示详情';
$lang['hide details'] = '隐藏详情';
$lang['Merge tags'] = '合并标签';
$lang['Select the destination tag'] = '选择目标标签';
$lang['(this tag will be deleted)'] = '(此标签将被删除)';
$lang['Confirm merge'] = '确认合并';
$lang['Merge selected tags'] = '合并已选择的标签';
$lang['No destination tag selected'] = '没有选中的目的标签';
$lang['Tags %s merged into tag %s'] = '标签%s与标签 %s已合并';
$lang['Select at least two tags for merging'] = '请选择2个以上的标签合并';
$lang['Select an album'] = '选择一个相册';
$lang['By default, Piwigo will create a new websize from the HD (high definition) version of your photo.'] = '默认情况下,Piwigo将根据您的图片的HD(高清)版本为图片创建一个新的网页尺寸。';
$lang['If no HD is available and if the current websize is bigger than resize dimensions, Piwigo will move it as HD and create a downsized websize photo from it.'] = '若无高清图片或当前网页尺寸大于重置标准,Piwigo会自动将其作为高清图片进行尺寸重置。';
$lang['An error has occured during upgrade.'] = '在升级过程中出现了一个错误.';
$lang['An error has occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.
Click here to show log error.'] = '在解压程序时出现了一个错误。请检查您 piwigo 安装文件的读写权限.
$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo 不能从服务器中获取升级文件';
$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '成功更新了%s';
$lang['Activate comments'] = '启用评论';
$lang['Add tags'] = '添加标签';
$lang['Add to caddie'] = '添加到标记图片库';
$lang['Default comments order'] = '默认评论顺序';
$lang['Last import'] = '最后导入';
$lang['Original Size'] = '源大小';
$lang['Photo name'] = '图片名称';
$lang['Predefined filter'] = '预定义过滤器';
$lang['Resize after upload'] = '上传后修改尺寸';
$lang['Send connection settings by email'] = '发送注册信息到邮箱';
$lang['The original image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = '源图片质量必须是在%d和%d之间的数字';
$lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = '源图片最大高度必须是在%d和%d之间的数字';
$lang['The original maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = '源图片最大宽度必须是在%d和%d之间的数字';
$lang['With no album'] = '没有相册';
$lang['With no tag'] = '没有标签';
$lang['With no virtual album'] = '没有虚拟相册';
$lang['Zoom'] = '缩放';
$lang['A locked gallery is only visible to administrators'] = '被锁定的相册只有管理员能够访问';
$lang['administrators'] = '管理员';
$lang['Center of interest'] = '兴趣中心';
$lang['Gallery unlocked'] = '相册已解锁';
$lang['modified'] = '已修改';
$lang['Move to album'] = '移动到相册';
$lang['Not cropped correctly?'] = '剪裁不正确?';
$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = '需要通知管理员的评论';
$lang['pending validation'] = '待验证';
$lang['registered users'] = '注册用户';
$lang['Save visits in history for'] = '保存访问记录';
$lang['simple visitors'] = '游客';
$lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = '这个相册包含%d张图片,添加于%s和%s之间';
$lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = '这个相册包含%d张图片,添加于%s';
$lang['This album contains no photo.'] = '相册中没有图片';
$lang['Unlock gallery'] = '解锁相册';
$lang['Piwigo for Android application empowers you to connect your Android phone or table to your Piwigo gallery, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = 'Piwigo Android版 允许您从Android手机或平板电脑连接到您的Piwigo相册,方便您随时随地创建相册和上传照片。';
$lang['Piwigo for iOS application empowers you to connect to your Piwigo gallery from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = 'Piwigo iOS版 允许您从iPhone、iPad或iPod Touch连接到您的Piwigo相册,方便您随时随地创建相册和上传照片。';
$lang['Applications'] = '应用程序';
$lang['apply automatic sort order'] = '应用自动排序';
$lang['Automatic sort order'] = '自动排序';
$lang['Available on'] = '可用在';
$lang['Available versions for'] = '可用版本';
$lang['cancel manual order'] = '取消手动排序';
$lang['Cancel'] = '取消';
$lang['List'] = '列表';
$lang['Piwigo for Android'] = 'Piwigo Android版';
$lang['Piwigo for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)'] = 'Piwigo iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)版';
$lang['Save manual order'] = '保存手动排序';
$lang['Web Form'] = 'Web窗体';
$lang['You can activate only one mobile theme.'] = '你只能激活一套手机版主题';
$lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.'] = '用户 %u 因为在有权限的组中, 所以自动获得权限。';
$lang['Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photography software designed to manage large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.'] = 'Adobe公司的Photoshop Lightroom是一款图片处理软件,用于管理大量的数字图像和后期制作工作。';
$lang['any visitor can see this album'] = '任何游客都可以访问此相册';
$lang['Aperture is a powerful tool to refine images and manage massive libraries on Mac.'] = 'Aperture是Mac上一个功能强大的图片管理、编辑工具。';
$lang['Aperture is designed for professional photographers with iPhoto simplicity.'] = 'Aperture用于在iPhoto上进行专业的图片处理。';
$lang['Delete multiple size images'] = '删除多尺寸图片';
$lang['digiKam is an advanced digital photo management free software for Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.'] = 'digiKam是Linux,Windows和MacOSX平台上免费的高级数码照片管理软件。';
$lang['digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organize, tag, and share photographs.'] = 'digiKam可以查看,管理,编辑,增强,组织,标记和共享照片。';
$lang['Features include gallery browsing, album creation and photo upload.'] = '其特点包括浏览画廊,创作相册和上传照片。';
$lang['Generate multiple size images'] = '生成多尺寸图片';
$lang['Groups and users'] = '组和用户';
$lang['include photos with lower privacy level'] = '包括隐私级别较低的图片';
$lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'iPhoto是在MacOSX的默认照片管理器。 Piwigo的导出插件可以让您创建新的相册和照片,并直接从iPhoto输出到您的Piwigo相册。';
$lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.'] = '在您的Linux上,只需用安装软件包管理器安装Shotwell并激活Piwigo的发布选项。';
$lang['Permission granted for groups'] = '为组授予的权限';
$lang['Permission granted for users'] = '为用户授予的权限';
$lang['Piwigo export plugin for Aperture'] = 'Piwigo Aperture导出插件';
$lang['Piwigo export plugin for iPhoto'] = 'Piwigo iPhoto导出插件';
$lang['Piwigo publish plugin for digiKam'] = 'Piwigo digiKam发布插件';
$lang['Piwigo Publish plugin for Lightroom'] = 'Piwigo Lightroom发布插件';
$lang['Piwigo publish plugin for Shotwell'] = 'Piwigo Shotwell发布插件';
$lang['ReGalAndroid (RemoteGallery client for Android) is an open source (GPL v3) Piwigo client for the Android platform.'] = 'ReGalAndroid(Android RemoteGallery客户端)是一个开源(GPL V3)的Piwigo Android平台客户端。';
$lang['Select groups...'] = '选择组';
$lang['Select users...'] = '选择用户';
$lang['Shotwell is an open source digital photo organizer that runs on Linux. It is the default photo manager in Ubuntu and Fedora.'] = 'Shotwell是一个运行在Linux上开源的数码照片管理软件。它是Ubuntu和Fedora的默认照片管理软件。';
$lang['The Piwigo export plugin allows you to create albums and export photos.'] = 'Piwigo的导出插件允许你创建相册和导出照片。';
$lang['The Piwigo publish Plug-in allows you to export and synchronize photos from Lightroom directly to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'Piwigo发布插件允许你从Lightroom直接导出和同步照片到您的Piwigo相册。';
$lang['There is no group in this gallery.'] = '这个画廊中还没有组';
$lang['To export your photos from digiKam to Piwigo, simply install digiKam and the Kipi-plugins.'] = '只要安装digiKam和Kipi插件, 就可以从digiKam中导出照片到Piwigo';
$lang['visitors need to login and have the appropriate permissions to see this album'] = '游客需要登录,并有适当的权限才访问这个相册';
$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = '如果高度大于此值则添加水印';
$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = '如果宽度大于此值则添加水印';
$lang['By default, the center of interest is placed in the middle of the photo.'] = '默认情况下,兴趣中心置于图片的中心。';
$lang['For photo sizes with crop, such as "Square", Piwigo will do its best to include the center of interest.'] = '对于剪裁照片大小,如“正方形”,Piwigo将竭尽所能的包括兴趣中心。';
$lang['No group is permitted to see this private album'] = '没有可以访问这个私有相册的权限组';
$lang['Opacity'] = '不透明';
$lang['Permission management'] = '权限管理';
$lang['Photo sizes with crop'] = '图片剪裁大小';
$lang['Select a file'] = '选择文件';
$lang['Select a zone with your mouse to define a new center of interest.'] = '用鼠标选择一个区域,定义一个新的兴趣中心。';
$lang['The center of interest is the most meaningful zone in the photo.'] = '兴趣中心(焦点)是照片中最有意义的区域。';
$lang['X Position'] = 'X位置';
$lang['X Repeat'] = 'X轴平铺';
$lang['Y Position'] = 'Y位置';
$lang['add a new watermark'] = '添加新水印';
$lang['bottom left corner'] = '左下角';
$lang['bottom right corner'] = '右下角';
$lang['custom'] = '自定义';
$lang['middle'] = '中间';
$lang['top left corner'] = '左上角';
$lang['top right corner'] = '右上角';
$lang['Multiple Size'] = '多尺寸';
$lang['%d days'] = '%d天';
$lang['%d day'] = '%d天';
$lang['%d hours'] = '%d小时';
$lang['%d hour'] = '%d小时';
$lang['%d minutes'] = '%d分';
$lang['%d minute'] = '%d分';
$lang['%d months'] = '%d月';
$lang['%d month'] = '%d月';
$lang['%d seconds'] = '%d秒';
$lang['%d second'] = '%d秒';
$lang['%d years'] = '%d年';
$lang['%d year'] = '%d年';
$lang['%s ago'] = '%s以前';
$lang['%s in the future'] = '%s之后';
$lang['Added by %s'] = '由%s添加';
$lang['Numeric identifier : %d'] = '数字ID: %d';
$lang['Original file : %s'] = '原文件:%s';
$lang['Posted %s on %s'] = '发布 %s到 %s';
$lang['Rated %d times, score : %.2f'] = '评分: %d次,得分:%.2f';
$lang['Sharpen'] = '锐化';
$lang['Visited %d times'] = '访问数: %d';
$lang['Watermark'] = '水印';
$lang['%d weeks'] = '%d周';
$lang['%d week'] = '%d周';
$lang['Edit photo'] = '编辑图片';
$lang['create a new site'] = '新建网站';
$lang['No order field selected'] = '未选择排序字段';
$lang['Duplicate selected tags'] = '复制选定的标签';
$lang['Name of the duplicate'] = '重复的名称';
$lang['Source tag'] = '源标签';
$lang['Tag "%s" is now a duplicate of "%s"'] = '标签 "%s" 已是 "%s" 的复制版本';
$lang['Format'] = '格式';
$lang['Invalid dimension'] = '无效的尺寸';
$lang['Landscape'] = '风景';
$lang['Manage photos'] = '管理相片';
$lang['Minimum height'] = '最小高度';
$lang['Minimum width'] = '最小宽度';
$lang['Number of albums per page'] = '每页的相册数量';
$lang['Panorama'] = '全景图';
$lang['Portrait'] = '人像';
$lang['View in gallery'] = '在相册中查看';