<h2>Extend for templates configuration</h2> <h3>Goal</h3> <p>Define replacement conditions for each template from template-extension (template called "replacer").</p> <p>"original template" from ./template/yoga (or any other than yoga) will be replaced by a "replacer" if the replacer is linked to this "original template" (and optionally, when the requested URL contains an "optional URL keyword").</p> <p>"Optional URL keywords" are those you can find after the module name in URLs.</p> <p>Therefore "Optional URL keywords" can be an active "permalink" (see permalinks in our documentation for further explanation).</p> <p>Read: `<a href="#warnings">Warning</a>` usage conditions.</p> <h3>What are template extensions?</h3> <p>This configuration tool is powerfull for beginners and advanced users. By FTP, in the template-extension folder, the Webmaster can duplicate a lot of the distributed .tpl files ("original template") with a different name ("replacer"). "Original templates", current original supported templates are:</p> <ul> <li><span class="filename">index.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">mainpage_categories.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">thumbnails.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">menubar.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">header.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">footer.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">picture_content.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">picture.tpl</span></li> <!-- <li><span class="filename">slideshow.tpl</span></li> --> <li><span class="filename">profile.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">profile_content.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">tags.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">upload.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">about.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">popuphelp.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">search.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">search_rules.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">nbm.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">notification.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">identification.tpl</span> and/or <span class="filename">register.tpl</span></li> <li><span class="filename">redirect.tpl</span></li> </ul> <h3>Where can I find "original templates"?</h3> <p>Distributed original templates are in template/yoga/ (don't edit them in place for upgrade perspectives). So with "original templates", any webmaster can create his "replacers (customized templates)".</p> <h3>Where should I save "replacers"?</h3> <p><strong>Replacers (customized templates)</strong> must be placed in the template-extension folder (or its subfolders). Replacers can have any filename with the .tpl extension. For example: <span class="filename">template-extension/my-extension/video.tpl</span>.</p> <h3>How can I activate my "replacers"?</h3> <p>An <strong>original template</strong> should be assigned to each <strong>replacer (customized templates)</strong> to activate the related replacements. This is the goal of "Extend for templates" in the Configuration Administration menu.</p> <p>If you select an <strong>optional URL keyword</strong> then replacements will be operate only on pages with this keyword. For example: <span class="pwgScreen">index.php?/<strong>most_visited</strong></span></p> <p>Advanced users will use permalinks as <strong>optional URL keyword</strong>. </p> <p>If you select a <strong>Bound template</strong> then replacements will be operate only on this template.</p> <h3>How can I deactivate my "replacers"?</h3> <ul> <li>Unselect related "Original templates".</li> <li>By FTP delete of "replacers".</li> </ul> <a name="warnings"></a> <h3>Warnings</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Original template</strong> must be the "original" template otherwise you could have unpredictable results!</li> <li>On several <strong>replacers (customized templates)</strong> with the same<strong>Original template</strong> and the same <strong>optional URL keyword</strong> only the last replacer is active.</li> <li>Unselected <strong>optional URL keyword</strong> will active the replacer on any template usage. As previous point, order can override previous selected replacers.</li> <li>Subfolders: Subfolders are ignored but they are usefull to change current order.<br /> distributed-samples: for test purpose are distributed! <strong>Don't edit them</strong> create your own ones. </li> <li>On delete of a replacer the <strong>Original template</strong> is immediately reactivated.</li> </ul>