Sellel leheküljel saab administraator teha põhilisi muudatusi galeriis. Kuigi siin on võimalik muuta lihtsamaid parameetreid, peaks see olema piisav enamusele administraatoritele. Kui soovid näha paljusid teisi (ja edasijõudnumaid) seadistamis parameetreid, vaata vaikimisi seadistuste faili include/
Lehekülg on jaotaud erinevateks sektsioonideks, grupeerides seadistusparameetreid teemade järgi.
- Galerii nimi: kasutatakse RSS voos ja teadetes emailile.
- Lehekülje päistiitel: näidatakse iga avaliku lehe päises.
- Galerii URL: kasutatakse RSS voos.
- Lukusta galerii: Lukusta kogu galerii. Ainult administraatori staatuses kasutajad näevad galeriid selle seade puhul.
- Hindamine: Fotode hindamise lubamine.
- Hindamine külastajate poolt: Ka mitteregistreeritud kasutajad saavad pilte hinnata.
- Luba kasutajate registreerimine: Igaüks võib registreeruda.
- Meiliaadress on kohustuslik kõigile kasutajatele: meiliaadressi kontrollitakse registreerumisel või profiili uuendamisel, välja arvatud, kui neid toiminguid tehakse administraatori poolt.
- Saada email administraatorile, kui uus kasutaja registreerub: administraatorid saavad meilile teate igast uuest registreerumisest.
- Fotode vaikimisi järjestus: saad määrata fotode järjekorra nende rippmenüüde abil.
Külastused lehtedel category.php and picture.php salvestatakse history
Visits will be shown in Administration » Tools » History.
- Save page visits by guests: page visits by guests will be recorded.
- Save page visits by users: visits by registrered users will be recorded.
- Save page visits by administrators: page visits by administrators will be recorded.
- Comments for all: Even unregistered guest can post comments.
- Number of comments per page.
- Validation: an administrator must validate users comments before they become visible on the site. User comments validation
takes place in screen Administration » Tools » Pending Comments.
- Email admins when a valid comment is entered: Sends an email to the administrators when a user enters a comment and this comment is validated.
- Email admins when a comment requires validation:
Sends an email to the administrators when a user enters a comment that requires validation by the admin.
User comments validation takes place in the screen Administration » Tools » Pending Comments.
Default display
Here you can change display options used by guest, the default user that is not connected. Once connected, these options are overridden by the user's own options
(modifiable in profile).
It is possible to change the display options for all existing users on the Administration »
Users » Manage screen where you can select a list of users.
- Language: Apply to Piwigo labels only. Album names, photo names and all descriptions fields are not localized.
- Number of photos per row
- Number of rows per page
- Interface theme
- Recent period: By days. Period during which a photo is shown as new. Must be greater than 1 day.
- Expand all albums: Expand all albums by
default in the menu Warning: this option is resources intensive and may generate a huge menu if your album tree contains many albums.
- Show number of comments: Show the number of comments for each photo on the thumbnails page. Resource intensive.
- Show hits count: Display hits observed on photo just under its thumbnail on the thumbnails page. Only when advanced configuration parameter is:
$conf['show_nb_hits'] = true;
Notice: false by default.
- Maximum width of the photos: maximum displayed width. Photos larger than this setting will be resized on display. Rather than choosing this option, you might consider modifying the width of your photos; that would be a better practice.
- Maximum height of the photos: Same as for the maximum width setting.