Remote sites
PhpWebGallery offers the possibility to use several servers to store the
images which will compose your gallery. It can be useful if your gallery is
installed on one limited space and that you have a big quantity of images to
be shown.
- edit file tools/create_listing_file.php,
by modifying parameters section such as
- place file tools/create_listing_file.php
modified on your distant website, in the same directory than your category
directories (as the directory galleries of
this website) by ftp. For the example, let's say that you can access
- go to administration panel, Categories, Site
manager. Ask to create a new site, for example
- a new remote site is registered. You can perform 4 actions :
- generate listing : launches a distant request to
generate a distant file listing
- synchronize : reads the distant listing.xml file and synchronizes with
database informations.
- clean : removes distant listing.xml file.
- delete : deletes the site (and all related
categories and elements) in the database.