Album options

Options management for several categories at once.

Make categories uploadable for gallery visitors. The option ia available for physical local categories only.
Authorize users to add comments on selected albums. Selects the categories which are commentable. An image is commentable if it belongs to at least one category that is commentable.
Selected categories will be temporaly disabled for maintenance. If you lock a category, all its child categories become locked. If you unlock a category, all its parent categories become unlocked.
Public / private
Authorizations exist for private categories only. When categories are private, you will have to grant users and/or groups access to them. If you make a category private, all its child categories becomes private. If you make a category public, all its parent categories becomes public
This option can be managed only if you set allow_random_representative (see include/ configuration parameter to true. Each category can be represented by a random picture or by a picture chosen as unique representative.