Edit a category



If the category is virtual, you can move it. Moving a category means changing its parent category.


You can also manage these options on the "Properties" management screen (screens Upload, Comments, Lock, Public/Private, Representative available from Administration, Categories, Properties).

Sort order

Use the default images sort order.

Indicate whether this sort order will apply to subcategories also.

Select specific sorting criteria to be used with this category.

(*)Warning: Be sure to test these sort orders by yourself as they can give unexpected results.


The category representative is the thumbnail displayed on the main page (category.php) to represent the category when it contains only sub-categories and no direct element (just as the root category).

There are 4 different ways to set the representative picture of a category :

The choice of a representative depends on the allow_random_representative configuration parameter (see include/config_default.inc.php).

In default mode (allow_random_representative set to false), each category containing at least one element is represented by a fixed element. Once set (at category creation), the representative changes only when an administrator ask for it. If the representative is not appropriate, you can ask to Find a new representant by random.

If the allow_random_representative configuration parameter is set to true, a category containing elements may have no fixed representant. Just use Delete representant button.

If the category contains only sub-categories and no element, it can nonetheless be represented by any element thanks to Modify informations about a picture screen. The only option on the current screen is the Delete representant button.

Link all album elements to a new album

Link all category elements to existing categories

Send an information email to group members