Category options

This screen lets the administrator manage categories option for many categories at once.

Make categories uploadable for gallery visitors. Only non virtual and non remote categories are shown.
Authorize users to add comments on selected categories. By inheritance, an element is commentable if it belongs at least to one commentable category.
Selected categories will temporary been disabled for maintenance. If you lock a category, all its child categories become locked. If you unlock a category, all its parent categories become unlocked.
Public / private
Manage authorizations for selected categories. Selected categories are private : you will need to authorize users and/or groups to access to them. If you make a category private, all its child categories becomes private. If you make a category public, all its parent categories becomes public
This option can be managed only if you set configuration parameter allow_random_representative (see include/ to true. Each category can be randomly represented or singly represented (by a unique picture).