Edit a category

Modify informations and options of a single category.

Action links

This page offers you link to modification page of parent categories and action links :


If the category is virtual, you can move it. Moving a category means changing its parent category.


You can also manage these options with multi-categories options management screen (screens Upload, Comments, Lock, Public/Private, Representative in Administration, Categories).


The representant of the category is the thumbnail displayed to represent the category on main page (category.php) when a category contains only sub-categories (just as the root category).

There are 4 ways to set the representative picture of a category :

The representation depends on configuration parameter allow_random_representative (see include/config_default.inc.php).

In default mode (allow_random_representative set to false) each category containing at least one element is represented by a fixed element. Once set (at category creation), the representative changes only when an administrator ask for it. If the representant is not appropriate, you can ask to Find a new representant by random.

If configuration parameter allow_random_representative is set to true, a category containing elements can have no fixed representant. Just use Delete representant button.

If the category contains no element (but only sub-categories) it can be represented by any element thanks to screen Modify informations about a picture. The only option on the current screen is to Delete representant button, after using this button, no representant option to set anymore.