Leave date empty if you want to make a "before" query.
The year must be entered in the last field in the following format : 0000 (i.e. 2004)'; $lang['search_date_from'] = 'Date'; $lang['search_date_to'] = 'End-Date'; $lang['search_date_type'] = 'Kind of date'; $lang['search_date_available'] = 'Availability'; $lang['search_date_creation'] = 'Creation'; $lang['search_sort'] = 'Sort results by'; $lang['search_ascending'] = 'Ascending'; $lang['search_descending'] = 'Descending'; $lang['search_one_clause_at_least'] = 'Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'; $lang['search_result'] = 'Search results'; $lang['Look_up_user'] = 'Seek user'; $lang['Find_username'] = 'Find a username'; $lang['No_match'] = 'No match'; $lang['Select_username'] = 'Select a username'; $lang['Close'] = 'Close the window'; $lang['Select'] = 'Select'; $lang['only_members'] = 'Only members can access this page'; $lang['invalid_pwd'] = 'Invalid password!'; $lang['access_forbiden'] = 'You are not authorized to access this page'; $lang['diapo_default_page_title'] = 'No category selected'; $lang['hint_category'] = 'shows images at the root of this categry'; $lang['total_images'] = 'total'; $lang['title_menu'] = 'Menu'; $lang['change_login'] = 'change login'; $lang['hint_login'] = 'identification enables site\'s appareance customization'; $lang['hint_customize'] = 'customize the appareance of the gallery'; $lang['hint_search'] = 'search'; $lang['no_category'] = 'Home'; $lang['page_number'] = 'page number'; $lang['previous_page'] = 'Previous'; $lang['next_page'] = 'Next'; $lang['recent_image'] = 'Image within the'; $lang['days'] = 'days'; $lang['title_send_mail'] = 'A comment on your site'; $lang['sub-cat'] = 'subcategories'; $lang['images_available'] = 'images in this category'; $lang['total'] = 'images'; $lang['upload_picture'] = 'Upload a picture'; $lang['generation_time'] = 'Page generated in'; $lang['favorites'] = 'Favorites'; $lang['about_page_title'] = 'About PhpWebGallery'; $lang['about_title'] = 'About...'; $lang['about_message'] = '
Information about PhpWebGallery
'; $lang['ident_page_title'] = 'Identification'; $lang['ident_title'] = 'Identification'; $lang['ident_register'] = 'Register'; $lang['ident_forgotten_password'] = 'Forget your password ?'; $lang['ident_guest_visit'] = 'Go through the gallery as a visitor'; $lang['previous_image'] = 'Previous'; $lang['next_image'] = 'Next'; $lang['info_image_title'] = 'Image information'; $lang['link_info_image'] = 'Modify information'; $lang['true_size'] = 'Real size'; $lang['comments_title'] = 'Comments from the users of the site'; $lang['comments_del'] = 'delete this comment'; $lang['comments_add'] = 'Add a comment'; $lang['add_favorites_alt'] = 'Add to favorites'; $lang['add_favorites_hint'] = 'Add this picture to your favorites'; $lang['del_favorites_alt'] = 'Delete from favorites'; $lang['del_favorites_hint'] = 'Delete this picture from your favorites'; $lang['register_page_title'] = 'Registration'; $lang['register_title'] = 'Registration'; $lang['reg_err_login1'] = 'Please, enter a login'; $lang['reg_err_login2'] = 'login mustn\'t end with a space character'; $lang['reg_err_login3'] = 'login mustn\'t start with a space character'; $lang['reg_err_login4'] = 'login mustn\'t contain characters " and \''; $lang['reg_err_login5'] = 'this login is already used'; $lang['reg_err_pass'] = 'please enter your password again'; $lang['reg_confirm'] = 'confirm'; $lang['reg_err_mail_address'] = 'mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)'; $lang['upload_forbidden'] = 'You can\'t upload pictures in this category'; $lang['upload_file_exists'] = 'A picture\'s name already used'; $lang['upload_filenotfound'] = 'You must choose a picture fileformat for the image'; $lang['upload_cannot_upload'] = 'can\'t upload the picture on the server'; $lang['upload_title'] = 'Upload a picture'; $lang['upload_advise'] = 'Choose an image to place in the category : '; $lang['upload_advise_thumbnail'] = 'Optional, but recommended : choose a thumbnail to associate to '; $lang['upload_advise_filesize'] = 'the filesize of the picture must not exceed : '; $lang['upload_advise_width'] = 'the width of the picture must not exceed : '; $lang['upload_advise_height'] = 'the height of the picture must not exceed : '; $lang['upload_advise_filetype'] = 'the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png'; $lang['upload_err_username'] = 'the username must be given'; $lang['upload_username'] = 'Username'; $lang['upload_successful'] = 'Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible'; $lang['guest'] = 'guest'; $lang['mail_address'] = 'mail address'; $lang['add'] = 'add'; $lang['dissociate'] = 'dissociate'; $lang['mandatory'] = 'obligatory'; $lang['err_date'] = 'wrong date'; $lang['IP'] = 'IP'; $lang['errors_title'] = 'Errors'; $lang['infos_title'] = 'Informations'; $lang['category_representative'] = 'representative'; $lang['visited'] = 'visited'; $lang['times'] = 'times'; $lang['slideshow'] = 'slideshow'; $lang['period_seconds'] = 'seconds per picture'; $lang['slideshow_stop'] = 'stop the slideshow'; $lang['download'] = 'download'; $lang['download_hint'] = 'download this file'; $lang['comment_added'] = 'Your comment has been registered'; $lang['comment_to_validate'] = 'An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'; $lang['comment_anti-flood'] = 'Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'; $lang['comment_user_exists'] = 'This login is already used by another user'; $lang['invalid_search'] = 'Searched words must be grater than 3 characters and must not contain punctuation mark'; $lang['upload_name'] = 'Name of the picture'; $lang['upload_author'] = 'Author (eg "Pierrick LE GALL")'; $lang['upload_creation_date'] = 'Creation date (DD/MM/YYYY)'; $lang['upload_comment'] = 'Comment'; $lang['mail_hello'] = 'Hi,'; $lang['mail_new_upload_subject'] = 'New picture on the website'; $lang['mail_new_upload_content'] = 'A new picture has been uploaded on the gallery. It is waiting for your validation. Let\'s meet in the administration panel to authorize or refuse this picture.'; $lang['mail_new_comment_subject'] = 'New comment on website'; $lang['mail_new_comment_content'] = 'A new comment has been registered on the gallery. If you chose to validate each comment, you first have to validate this comment in the administration panel to make it visible in the gallery.'."\n\n".'You can see last comments in the administration panel'; $lang['connected_user'] = 'connected user'; $lang['title_comments'] = 'Users comments'; $lang['stats_last_days'] = 'last days'; $lang['hint_comments'] = 'See last users comments'; $lang['menu_login'] = 'login'; $lang['update_wrong_dirname'] = 'The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, figures, "-", "_" or "."'; $lang['hello'] = 'Hello'; $lang['picture_show_metadata'] = 'Show file metadata ?'; $lang['picture_hide_metadata'] = 'Hide file metadata'; $lang['to_rate'] = 'Rate'; $lang['update_rate'] = 'Update your rating'; $lang['element_rate'] = 'rate'; $lang['already_rated'] = 'You\'ve already rated this item'; $lang['never_rated'] = 'You\'ve never rated this item'; $lang['no_rate'] = 'no rate'; $lang['rates'] = 'rates'; $lang['standard_deviation'] = 'STD'; $lang['random_cat'] = 'random pictures'; $lang['random_cat_hint'] = 'Displays a set of random pictures'; $lang['picture_high'] = 'Click on the picture to see it in high definition'; ?>