_elementStack = array(); $this->_lastTagOpen = false; $this->_indentLevel = 0; $this->_encodedXml = ''; $this->_indent = true; $this->_indentStr = "\t"; } function &getOutput() { return $this->_encodedXml; } function start_element($name) { $this->_end_prev(false); if (!empty($this->_elementStack)) { $this->_eol_indent(); } $this->_indentLevel++; $this->_indent(); $this->_output( '<'.$name ); $this->_lastTagOpen = true; array_push( $this->_elementStack, $name); } function end_element($x) { $close_tag = $this->_end_prev(true); $name = array_pop( $this->_elementStack ); if ($close_tag) { $this->_indentLevel--; $this->_indent(); // $this->_eol_indent(); $this->_output('"); } } function write_content($value) { $this->_end_prev(false); $value = (string)$value; $need_cdata = (strpos($value, "\r")!==false)?true:false; if ($need_cdata) { $this->_output( '' ); } else { $this->_output( htmlspecialchars( $value ) ); } } function write_attribute($name, $value) { $this->_output(' '.$name.'="'.$this->encode_attribute($value).'"'); } function encode_attribute($value) { return htmlspecialchars( (string)$value); } function _end_prev($done) { $ret = true; if ($this->_lastTagOpen) { if ($done) { $this->_indentLevel--; $this->_output( ' />' ); //$this->_eol_indent(); $ret = false; } else { $this->_output( '>' ); } $this->_lastTagOpen = false; } return $ret; } function _eol_indent() { if ($this->_indent) $this->_output("\n"); } function _indent() { if ($this->_indent and $this->_indentLevel > count($this->_elementStack) ) { $this->_output( str_repeat( $this->_indentStr, count($this->_elementStack) ) ); } } function _output($raw_content) { $this->_encodedXml .= $raw_content; } } class PwgRestEncoder extends PwgResponseEncoder { function encodeResponse($response) { global $lang_info; $respClass = strtolower( get_class($response) ); if ($respClass=='pwgerror') { $ret = ' '; return $ret; } //parent::flattenResponse($response); $this->_writer = new PwgXmlWriter(); $this->encode($response); $ret = $this->_writer->getOutput(); $ret = ' '.$ret.' '; return $ret; } function getContentType() { return 'text/xml'; } function encode_array($data, $itemName, $xml_attributes=array()) { foreach ($data as $item) { $this->_writer->start_element( $itemName ); $this->encode($item, $xml_attributes); $this->_writer->end_element( $itemName ); } } function encode_struct($data, $skip_underscore, $xml_attributes=array()) { foreach ($data as $name => $value) { if (is_numeric($name)) continue; if ($skip_underscore and $name[0]=='_') continue; if ( is_null($value) ) continue; // null means we dont put it if ( $name==WS_XML_ATTRIBUTES) { foreach ($value as $attr_name => $attr_value) { $this->_writer->write_attribute($attr_name, $attr_value); } unset($data[$name]); } else if ( isset($xml_attributes[$name]) ) { $this->_writer->write_attribute($name, $value); unset($data[$name]); } } foreach ($data as $name => $value) { if (is_numeric($name)) continue; if ($skip_underscore and $name[0]=='_') continue; if ( is_null($value) ) continue; // null means we dont put it if ($name!=WS_XML_CONTENT) $this->_writer->start_element($name); $this->encode($value); if ($name!=WS_XML_CONTENT) $this->_writer->end_element($name); } } function encode($data, $xml_attributes=array() ) { switch (gettype($data)) { case 'null': case 'NULL': $this->_writer->write_content(''); break; case 'boolean': $this->_writer->write_content($data ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'integer': case 'double': $this->_writer->write_content($data); break; case 'string': $this->_writer->write_content($data); break; case 'array': $is_array = range(0, count($data) - 1) === array_keys($data); if ($is_array) { $this->encode_array($data, 'item' ); } else { $this->encode_struct($data, false, $xml_attributes); } break; case 'object': switch ( strtolower(get_class($data)) ) { case 'pwgnamedarray': $this->encode_array($data->_content, $data->_itemName, $data->_xmlAttributes); break; case 'pwgnamedstruct': $this->encode_array( array($data->_content), $data->_name, $data->_xmlAttributes); break; default: $this->encode_struct(get_object_vars($data), true); break; } break; default: trigger_error("Invalid type ". gettype($data)." ".get_class($data), E_USER_WARNING ); } } } ?>