=400 and $code<600) { set_status_header($code, $codeText); } $this->_code = $code; $this->_codeText = $codeText; } function code() { return $this->_code; } function message() { return $this->_codeText; } } /** * Simple wrapper around an array (keys are consecutive integers starting at 0). * Provides naming clues for xml output (xml attributes vs. xml child elements?) * Usually returned by web service function implementation. */ class PwgNamedArray { /*private*/ var $_content; /*private*/ var $_itemName; /*private*/ var $_xmlAttributes; /** * Constructs a named array * @param arr array (keys must be consecutive integers starting at 0) * @param itemName string xml element name for values of arr (e.g. image) * @param xmlAttributes array of sub-item attributes that will be encoded as * xml attributes instead of xml child elements */ function PwgNamedArray($arr, $itemName, $xmlAttributes=array() ) { $this->_content = $arr; $this->_itemName = $itemName; $this->_xmlAttributes = array_flip($xmlAttributes); } } /** * Simple wrapper around a "struct" (php array whose keys are not consecutive * integers starting at 0). Provides naming clues for xml output (what is xml * attributes and what is element) */ class PwgNamedStruct { /*private*/ var $_content; /*private*/ var $_xmlAttributes; /** * Constructs a named struct (usually returned by web service function * implementation) * @param name string - containing xml element name * @param content array - the actual content (php array) * @param xmlAttributes array - name of the keys in $content that will be * encoded as xml attributes (if null - automatically prefer xml attributes * whenever possible) */ function PwgNamedStruct($content, $xmlAttributes=null, $xmlElements=null ) { $this->_content = $content; if ( isset($xmlAttributes) ) { $this->_xmlAttributes = array_flip($xmlAttributes); } else { $this->_xmlAttributes = array(); foreach ($this->_content as $key=>$value) { if (!empty($key) and (is_scalar($value) or is_null($value)) ) { if ( empty($xmlElements) or !in_array($key,$xmlElements) ) { $this->_xmlAttributes[$key]=1; } } } } } } /** * Abstract base class for request handlers. */ class PwgRequestHandler { /** Virtual abstract method. Decodes the request (GET or POST) handles the * method invocation as well as response sending. */ function handleRequest(&$server) { assert(false); } } /** * * Base class for web service response encoder. */ class PwgResponseEncoder { /** encodes the web service response to the appropriate output format * @param response mixed the unencoded result of a service method call */ function encodeResponse($response) { assert(false); } /** default "Content-Type" http header for this kind of response format */ function getContentType() { assert(false); } /** * returns true if the parameter is a 'struct' (php array type whose keys are * NOT consecutive integers starting with 0) */ static function is_struct(&$data) { if (is_array($data) ) { if (range(0, count($data) - 1) !== array_keys($data) ) { # string keys, unordered, non-incremental keys, .. - whatever, make object return true; } } return false; } /** * removes all XML formatting from $response (named array, named structs, etc) * usually called by every response encoder, except rest xml. */ static function flattenResponse(&$value) { self::flatten($value); } private static function flatten(&$value) { if (is_object($value)) { $class = strtolower( @get_class($value) ); if ($class == 'pwgnamedarray') { $value = $value->_content; } if ($class == 'pwgnamedstruct') { $value = $value->_content; } } if (!is_array($value)) return; if (self::is_struct($value)) { if ( isset($value[WS_XML_ATTRIBUTES]) ) { $value = array_merge( $value, $value[WS_XML_ATTRIBUTES] ); unset( $value[WS_XML_ATTRIBUTES] ); } } foreach ($value as $key=>&$v) { self::flatten($v); } } } class PwgServer { var $_requestHandler; var $_requestFormat; var $_responseEncoder; var $_responseFormat; var $_methods = array(); function PwgServer() { } /** * Initializes the request handler. */ function setHandler($requestFormat, &$requestHandler) { $this->_requestHandler = &$requestHandler; $this->_requestFormat = $requestFormat; } /** * Initializes the request handler. */ function setEncoder($responseFormat, &$encoder) { $this->_responseEncoder = &$encoder; $this->_responseFormat = $responseFormat; } /** * Runs the web service call (handler and response encoder should have been * created) */ function run() { if ( is_null($this->_responseEncoder) ) { set_status_header(400); @header("Content-Type: text/plain"); echo ("Cannot process your request. Unknown response format. Request format: ".@$this->_requestFormat." Response format: ".@$this->_responseFormat."\n"); var_export($this); die(0); } if ( is_null($this->_requestHandler) ) { $this->sendResponse( new PwgError(400, 'Unknown request format') ); return; } $this->addMethod('reflection.getMethodList', array('PwgServer', 'ws_getMethodList'), null, '' ); $this->addMethod('reflection.getMethodDetails', array('PwgServer', 'ws_getMethodDetails'), array('methodName'),''); trigger_action('ws_add_methods', array(&$this) ); uksort( $this->_methods, 'strnatcmp' ); $this->_requestHandler->handleRequest($this); } /** * Encodes a response and sends it back to the browser. */ function sendResponse($response) { $encodedResponse = $this->_responseEncoder->encodeResponse($response); $contentType = $this->_responseEncoder->getContentType(); @header('Content-Type: '.$contentType.'; charset='.get_pwg_charset()); print_r($encodedResponse); trigger_action('sendResponse', $encodedResponse ); } /** * Registers a web service method. * @param methodName string - the name of the method as seen externally * @param callback mixed - php method to be invoked internally * @param params array - map of allowed parameter names with optional default * values and parameter flags. Example of $params: * array( 'param1' => array('default'=>523, 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY) ) . * Possible parameter flags are: * WS_PARAM_ALLOW_ARRAY - this parameter can be an array * WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY - if this parameter is scalar, force it to an array * before invoking the method * @param description string - a description of the method. */ function addMethod($methodName, $callback, $params=array(), $description, $include_file='') { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } if ( range(0, count($params) - 1) === array_keys($params) ) { $params = array_flip($params); } foreach( $params as $param=>$options) { if ( !is_array($options) ) { $params[$param] = array('flags'=>0); } else { $flags = isset($options['flags']) ? $options['flags'] : 0; if ( array_key_exists('default', $options) ) { $flags |= WS_PARAM_OPTIONAL; } $options['flags'] = $flags; $params[$param] = $options; } } $this->_methods[$methodName] = array( 'callback' => $callback, 'description' => $description, 'signature' => $params, 'include' => $include_file, ); } function hasMethod($methodName) { return isset($this->_methods[$methodName]); } function getMethodDescription($methodName) { $desc = @$this->_methods[$methodName]['description']; return isset($desc) ? $desc : ''; } function getMethodSignature($methodName) { $signature = @$this->_methods[$methodName]['signature']; return isset($signature) ? $signature : array(); } /*static*/ function isPost() { return isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) or !empty($_POST); } /*static*/ function makeArrayParam(&$param) { if ( $param==null ) { $param = array(); } else { if (! is_array($param) ) { $param = array($param); } } } /** * Invokes a registered method. Returns the return of the method (or * a PwgError object if the method is not found) * @param methodName string the name of the method to invoke * @param params array array of parameters to pass to the invoked method */ function invoke($methodName, $params) { $method = @$this->_methods[$methodName]; if ( $method==null ) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_METHOD, 'Method name is not valid'); } // parameter check and data coercion ! $signature = $method['signature']; $missing_params = array(); foreach($signature as $name=>$options) { $flags = $options['flags']; if ( !array_key_exists($name, $params) ) {// parameter not provided in the request if ( !($flags&WS_PARAM_OPTIONAL) ) { $missing_params[] = $name; } else if ( array_key_exists('default',$options) ) { $params[$name] = $options['default']; if ( ($flags&WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY)==WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY ) { $this->makeArrayParam( $params[$name] ); } } } else {// parameter provided - do some basic checks $the_param = $params[$name]; if ( is_array($the_param) and ($flags&WS_PARAM_ACCEPT_ARRAY)==0 ) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, $name.' must be scalar' ); } if ( ($flags&WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY)==WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY ) { $this->makeArrayParam( $the_param ); } if ( isset($options['maxValue']) and $the_param>$options['maxValue']) { $the_param = $options['maxValue']; } $params[$name] = $the_param; } } if (count($missing_params)) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_MISSING_PARAM, 'Missing parameters: '.implode(',',$missing_params)); } $result = trigger_event('ws_invoke_allowed', true, $methodName, $params); if ( strtolower( @get_class($result) )!='pwgerror') { if ( !empty($method['include']) ) { include_once( $method['include'] ); } $result = call_user_func_array($method['callback'], array($params, &$this) ); } return $result; } /** * WS reflection method implementation: lists all available methods */ static function ws_getMethodList($params, &$service) { return array('methods' => new PwgNamedArray( array_keys($service->_methods),'method' ) ); } /** * WS reflection method implementation: gets information about a given method */ static function ws_getMethodDetails($params, &$service) { $methodName = $params['methodName']; if (!$service->hasMethod($methodName)) { return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'Requested method does not exist'); } $res = array( 'name' => $methodName, 'description' => $service->getMethodDescription($methodName), 'params' => array(), ); $signature = $service->getMethodSignature($methodName); foreach ($signature as $name => $options) { $param_data = array( 'name' => $name, 'optional' => ($options['flags']&WS_PARAM_OPTIONAL)?true:false, 'acceptArray' => ($options['flags']&WS_PARAM_ACCEPT_ARRAY)?true:false, ); if (isset($options['default'])) { $param_data['defaultValue'] = $options['default']; } if (isset($options['info'])) { $param_data['info'] = $options['info']; } $res['params'][] = $param_data; } return $res; } } ?>