var $html_head_elements = array();
private $html_style = '';
var $scriptLoader;
const COMBINED_CSS_TAG = '';
var $css_by_priority = array();
function Template($root = ".", $theme= "", $path = "template")
global $conf, $lang_info;
$this->scriptLoader = new ScriptLoader;
$this->smarty = new Smarty;
$this->smarty->debugging = $conf['debug_template'];
$this->smarty->compile_check = $conf['template_compile_check'];
$this->smarty->force_compile = $conf['template_force_compile'];
if (!isset($conf['data_dir_checked']))
$dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf['data_location'];
if (!is_writable($dir))
l10n('Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'),
l10n('an error happened'),
false // show trace
if (function_exists('pwg_query')) {
conf_update_param('data_dir_checked', 1);
if (!isset($conf['combined_dir_checked']))
if (!is_writable($dir))
l10n('Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'),
l10n('an error happened'),
false // show trace
if (function_exists('pwg_query')) {
conf_update_param('combined_dir_checked', 1);
$compile_dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf['data_location'].'templates_c';
mkgetdir( $compile_dir );
$this->smarty->compile_dir = $compile_dir;
$this->smarty->assign_by_ref( 'pwg', new PwgTemplateAdapter() );
$this->smarty->register_modifier( 'translate', array('Template', 'mod_translate') );
$this->smarty->register_modifier( 'explode', array('Template', 'mod_explode') );
$this->smarty->register_modifier( 'get_extent', array(&$this, 'get_extent') );
$this->smarty->register_block('html_head', array(&$this, 'block_html_head') );
$this->smarty->register_block('html_style', array(&$this, 'block_html_style') );
$this->smarty->register_function('combine_script', array(&$this, 'func_combine_script') );
$this->smarty->register_function('get_combined_scripts', array(&$this, 'func_get_combined_scripts') );
$this->smarty->register_function('combine_css', array(&$this, 'func_combine_css') );
$this->smarty->register_function('define_derivative', array(&$this, 'func_define_derivative') );
$this->smarty->register_compiler_function('get_combined_css', array(&$this, 'func_get_combined_css') );
$this->smarty->register_block('footer_script', array(&$this, 'block_footer_script') );
$this->smarty->register_prefilter( array('Template', 'prefilter_white_space') );
if ( $conf['compiled_template_cache_language'] )
$this->smarty->register_prefilter( array('Template', 'prefilter_language') );
$this->smarty->template_dir = array();
if ( !empty($theme) )
$this->set_theme($root, $theme, $path);
$this->set_prefilter( 'header', array('Template', 'prefilter_local_css') );
$this->smarty->assign('lang_info', $lang_info);
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN') and isset($conf['extents_for_templates']))
$tpl_extents = unserialize($conf['extents_for_templates']);
$this->set_extents($tpl_extents, './template-extension/', true, $theme);
* Load theme's parameters.
function set_theme($root, $theme, $path, $load_css=true, $load_local_head=true)
$themeconf = $this->load_themeconf($root.'/'.$theme);
if (isset($themeconf['parent']) and $themeconf['parent'] != $theme)
isset($themeconf['load_parent_css']) ? $themeconf['load_parent_css'] : $load_css,
isset($themeconf['load_parent_local_head']) ? $themeconf['load_parent_local_head'] : $load_local_head
$tpl_var = array(
'id' => $theme,
'load_css' => $load_css,
if (!empty($themeconf['local_head']) and $load_local_head)
$tpl_var['local_head'] = realpath($root.'/'.$theme.'/'.$themeconf['local_head'] );
$themeconf['id'] = $theme;
$this->smarty->append('themes', $tpl_var);
$this->smarty->append('themeconf', $themeconf, true);
* Add template directory for this Template object.
* Set compile id if not exists.
function set_template_dir($dir)
$this->smarty->template_dir[] = $dir;
if (!isset($this->smarty->compile_id))
$real_dir = realpath($dir);
$compile_id = crc32( $real_dir===false ? $dir : $real_dir);
$this->smarty->compile_id = base_convert($compile_id, 10, 36 );
* Gets the template root directory for this Template object.
function get_template_dir()
return $this->smarty->template_dir;
* Deletes all compiled templates.
function delete_compiled_templates()
$save_compile_id = $this->smarty->compile_id;
$this->smarty->compile_id = null;
$this->smarty->compile_id = $save_compile_id;
file_put_contents($this->smarty->compile_dir.'/index.htm', 'Not allowed!');
function get_themeconf($val)
$tc = $this->smarty->get_template_vars('themeconf');
return isset($tc[$val]) ? $tc[$val] : '';
* Sets the template filename for handle.
function set_filename($handle, $filename)
return $this->set_filenames( array($handle=>$filename) );
* Sets the template filenames for handles. $filename_array should be a
* hash of handle => filename pairs.
function set_filenames($filename_array)
if (!is_array($filename_array))
return false;
while(list($handle, $filename) = each($filename_array))
if (is_null($filename))
$this->files[$handle] = $this->get_extent($filename, $handle);
return true;
* Sets template extention filename for handles.
function set_extent($filename, $param, $dir='', $overwrite=true, $theme='N/A')
return $this->set_extents(array($filename => $param), $dir, $overwrite);
* Sets template extentions filenames for handles.
* $filename_array should be an hash of filename => array( handle, param) or filename => handle
function set_extents($filename_array, $dir='', $overwrite=true, $theme='N/A')
if (!is_array($filename_array))
return false;
foreach ($filename_array as $filename => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$handle = $value[0];
$param = $value[1];
$thm = $value[2];
elseif (is_string($value))
$handle = $value;
$param = 'N/A';
$thm = 'N/A';
return false;
if ((stripos(implode('',array_keys($_GET)), '/'.$param) !== false or $param == 'N/A')
and ($thm == $theme or $thm == 'N/A')
and (!isset($this->extents[$handle]) or $overwrite)
and file_exists($dir . $filename))
$this->extents[$handle] = realpath($dir . $filename);
return true;
/** return template extension if exists */
function get_extent($filename='', $handle='')
if (isset($this->extents[$handle]))
$filename = $this->extents[$handle];
return $filename;
/** see smarty assign */
function assign($tpl_var, $value = null)
$this->smarty->assign( $tpl_var, $value );
* Inserts the uncompiled code for $handle as the value of $varname in the
* root-level. This can be used to effectively include a template in the
* middle of another template.
* This is equivalent to assign($varname, $this->parse($handle, true))
function assign_var_from_handle($varname, $handle)
$this->assign($varname, $this->parse($handle, true));
return true;
/** see smarty append */
function append($tpl_var, $value=null, $merge=false)
$this->smarty->append( $tpl_var, $value, $merge );
* Root-level variable concatenation. Appends a string to an existing
* variable assignment with the same name.
function concat($tpl_var, $value)
$old_val = & $this->smarty->get_template_vars($tpl_var);
if ( isset($old_val) )
$old_val .= $value;
$this->assign($tpl_var, $value);
/** see smarty append */
function clear_assign($tpl_var)
$this->smarty->clear_assign( $tpl_var );
/** see smarty get_template_vars */
function &get_template_vars($name=null)
return $this->smarty->get_template_vars( $name );
* Load the file for the handle, eventually compile the file and run the compiled
* code. This will add the output to the results or return the result if $return
* is true.
function parse($handle, $return=false)
if ( !isset($this->files[$handle]) )
fatal_error("Template->parse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
$this->smarty->assign( 'ROOT_URL', get_root_url() );
$save_compile_id = $this->smarty->compile_id;
global $conf, $lang_info;
if ( $conf['compiled_template_cache_language'] and isset($lang_info['code']) )
$this->smarty->compile_id .= '.'.$lang_info['code'];
$v = $this->smarty->fetch($this->files[$handle], null, null, false);
$this->smarty->compile_id = $save_compile_id;
if ($return)
return $v;
$this->output .= $v;
* Load the file for the handle, eventually compile the file and run the compiled
* code. This will print out the results of executing the template.
function pparse($handle)
$this->parse($handle, false);
function flush()
if (!$this->scriptLoader->did_head())
$pos = strpos( $this->output, self::COMBINED_SCRIPTS_TAG );
if ($pos !== false)
$scripts = $this->scriptLoader->get_head_scripts();
$content = array();
foreach ($scripts as $script)
$this->output = substr_replace( $this->output, "\n".implode( "\n", $content ), $pos, strlen(self::COMBINED_SCRIPTS_TAG) );
} //else maybe error or warning ?
global $conf;
$css = array();
if ($conf['template_combine_files'])
$combiner = new FileCombiner('css');
foreach ($this->css_by_priority as $files)
foreach ($files as $file_ver)
$combiner->add( $file_ver[0], $file_ver[1] );
if ( $combiner->combine( $out_file, $out_version) )
$css[] = array($out_file, $out_version);
foreach ($this->css_by_priority as $files)
$css = array_merge($css, $files);
$content = array();
foreach( $css as $file_ver )
$href = embellish_url(get_root_url().$file_ver[0]);
if ($file_ver[1] !== false)
$href .= '?v' . ($file_ver[1] ? $file_ver[1] : PHPWG_VERSION);
// trigger the event for eventual use of a cdn
$href = trigger_event('combined_css', $href, $file_ver[0], $file_ver[1]);
$content[] = '';
$this->output = str_replace(self::COMBINED_CSS_TAG,
implode( "\n", $content ),
$this->output );
$this->css_by_priority = array();
if ( count($this->html_head_elements) || strlen($this->html_style) )
$search = "\n";
$pos = strpos( $this->output, $search );
if ($pos !== false)
$rep = "\n".implode( "\n", $this->html_head_elements );
if (strlen($this->html_style))
$this->output = substr_replace( $this->output, $rep, $pos, 0 );
} //else maybe error or warning ?
$this->html_head_elements = array();
$this->html_style = '';
echo $this->output;
/** flushes the output */
function p()
if ($this->smarty->debugging)
global $t2;
'AAAA_DEBUG_TOTAL_TIME__' => get_elapsed_time($t2, get_moment())
require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.display_debug_console.php');
echo smarty_core_display_debug_console(null, $this->smarty);
* translate variable modifier - translates a text to the currently loaded
* language
static function mod_translate($text)
return l10n($text);
* explode variable modifier - similar to php explode
* 'Yes;No'|@explode:';' -> array('Yes', 'No')
static function mod_explode($text, $delimiter=',')
return explode($delimiter, $text);
* This smarty "html_head" block allows to add content just before
* element in the output after the head has been parsed. This is
* handy in order to respect strict standards when