source->handler->recompiled && ($_template->smarty->resource_cache_mode & Smarty::RESOURCE_CACHE_ON) ) { $_cache_key = $_template->source->unique_resource . '#'; if ($_template->caching) { $_cache_key .= 'caching#'; } $_cache_key .= $_template->compile_id; if (isset($_template->source->compileds[$_cache_key])) { return $_template->source->compileds[$_cache_key]; } } $compiled = new Smarty_Template_Compiled(); if ($_template->source->handler->hasCompiledHandler) { $_template->source->handler->populateCompiledFilepath($compiled, $_template); } else { $compiled->populateCompiledFilepath($_template); } // runtime cache if (!$_template->source->handler->recompiled && ($_template->smarty->resource_cache_mode & Smarty::RESOURCE_CACHE_ON) ) { $_template->source->compileds[$_cache_key] = $compiled; } return $compiled; } /** * populate Compiled Object with compiled filepath * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object **/ public function populateCompiledFilepath(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template) { $_compile_id = isset($_template->compile_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w]+!', '_', $_template->compile_id) : null; if ($_template->source->isConfig) { $_flag = '_' . ((int) $_template->smarty->config_read_hidden + (int) $_template->smarty->config_booleanize * 2 + (int) $_template->smarty->config_overwrite * 4); } else { $_flag = '_' . ((int) $_template->smarty->merge_compiled_includes + (int) $_template->smarty->escape_html * 2); } $_filepath = $_template->source->uid . $_flag; // if use_sub_dirs, break file into directories if ($_template->smarty->use_sub_dirs) { $_filepath = substr($_filepath, 0, 2) . DS . substr($_filepath, 2, 2) . DS . substr($_filepath, 4, 2) . DS . $_filepath; } $_compile_dir_sep = $_template->smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^'; if (isset($_compile_id)) { $_filepath = $_compile_id . $_compile_dir_sep . $_filepath; } // caching token if ($_template->caching) { $_cache = '.cache'; } else { $_cache = ''; } $_compile_dir = $_template->smarty->getCompileDir(); // set basename if not specified $_basename = $_template->source->handler->getBasename($_template->source); if ($_basename === null) { $_basename = basename(preg_replace('![^\w]+!', '_', $_template->source->name)); } // separate (optional) basename by dot if ($_basename) { $_basename = '.' . $_basename; } $this->filepath = $_compile_dir . $_filepath . '.' . $_template->source->type . $_basename . $_cache . '.php'; $this->exists = is_file($this->filepath); if (!$this->exists) { $this->timestamp = false; } } /** * load compiled template or compile from source * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template * * @throws Exception */ public function process(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template) { $_smarty_tpl = $_template; if ($_template->source->handler->recompiled || !$_template->compiled->exists || $_template->smarty->force_compile || ($_template->smarty->compile_check && $_template->source->getTimeStamp() > $_template->compiled->getTimeStamp()) ) { $this->compileTemplateSource($_template); $compileCheck = $_template->smarty->compile_check; $_template->smarty->compile_check = false; if ($_template->source->handler->recompiled) { $level = ob_get_level(); ob_start(); try { eval("?>" . $this->content); } catch (Exception $e) { while (ob_get_level() > $level) { ob_end_clean(); } throw $e; } ob_get_clean(); $this->content = null; } else { $this->loadCompiledTemplate($_template); } $_template->smarty->compile_check = $compileCheck; } else { $_template->mustCompile = true; @include($_template->compiled->filepath); if ($_template->mustCompile) { $this->compileTemplateSource($_template); $compileCheck = $_template->smarty->compile_check; $_template->smarty->compile_check = false; $this->loadCompiledTemplate($_template); $_template->smarty->compile_check = $compileCheck; } } $_template->smarty->ext->_subTemplate->registerSubTemplates($_template); $this->processed = true; } /** * Load fresh compiled template by including the PHP file * HHVM requires a work around because of a PHP incompatibility * * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $_template */ private function loadCompiledTemplate(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template) { if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { opcache_invalidate($_template->compiled->filepath); } $_smarty_tpl = $_template; if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $_template->smarty->ext->_hhvm->includeHhvm($_template, $_template->compiled->filepath); } else { include($_template->compiled->filepath); } } /** * render compiled template code * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template * * @return string * @throws Exception */ public function render(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template) { if ($_template->smarty->debugging) { $_template->smarty->_debug->start_render($_template); } if (!$this->processed) { $this->process($_template); } if (isset($_template->cached)) { $_template->cached->file_dependency = array_merge($_template->cached->file_dependency, $this->file_dependency); } $this->getRenderedTemplateCode($_template); if ($_template->caching && $this->has_nocache_code) { $_template->cached->hashes[$this->nocache_hash] = true; } if (isset($_template->parent) && $_template->parent->_objType == 2 && !empty($_template->tpl_function)) { $_template->parent->tpl_function = array_merge($_template->parent->tpl_function, $_template->tpl_function); } if ($_template->smarty->debugging) { $_template->smarty->_debug->end_render($_template); } } /** * compile template from source * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template * * @return string * @throws Exception */ public function compileTemplateSource(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template) { $_template->source->compileds = array(); $this->file_dependency = array(); $this->tpl_function = array(); $this->includes = array(); $this->nocache_hash = null; $this->unifunc = null; // compile locking if (!$_template->source->handler->recompiled) { if ($saved_timestamp = $_template->compiled->getTimeStamp()) { touch($_template->compiled->filepath); } } // call compiler try { $_template->loadCompiler(); $code = $_template->compiler->compileTemplate($_template); } catch (Exception $e) { // restore old timestamp in case of error if (!$_template->source->handler->recompiled && $saved_timestamp) { touch($_template->compiled->filepath, $saved_timestamp); } throw $e; } // compiling succeeded if ($_template->compiler->write_compiled_code) { // write compiled template $this->write($_template, $code); $code = ''; } // release compiler object to free memory unset($_template->compiler); return $code; } /** * Write compiled code by handler * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object * @param string $code compiled code * * @return boolean success */ public function write(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template, $code) { if (!$_template->source->handler->recompiled) { if ($_template->smarty->ext->_writeFile->writeFile($this->filepath, $code, $_template->smarty) === true) { $this->timestamp = $this->exists = is_file($this->filepath); if ($this->exists) { $this->timestamp = filemtime($this->filepath); return true; } } return false; } else { $this->content = $code; } $this->timestamp = time(); $this->exists = true; return true; } /** * Read compiled content from handler * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object * * @return string content */ public function read(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template) { if (!$_template->source->handler->recompiled) { return file_get_contents($this->filepath); } return isset($this->content) ? $this->content : false; } }