loopNesting ++; // init $this->isNamed = false; // check and get attributes $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args); $from = $_attr['from']; $item = $compiler->getId($_attr['item']); if ($item === false) { $item = $compiler->getVariableName($_attr['item']); } $attributes = array('item' => $item); if (isset($_attr['key'])) { $key = $compiler->getId($_attr['key']); if ($key === false) { $key = $compiler->getVariableName($_attr['key']); } $attributes['key'] = $key; } if (isset($_attr['name'])) { $this->isNamed = true; $attributes['name'] = $compiler->getId($_attr['name']); } foreach ($attributes as $a => $v) { if ($v === false) { $compiler->trigger_template_error("'{$a}' attribute/variable has illegal value", null, true); } } $fromName = $compiler->getVariableName($_attr['from']); if ($fromName) { foreach (array('item', 'key') as $a) { if (isset($attributes[$a]) && $attributes[$a] == $fromName) { $compiler->trigger_template_error("'{$a}' and 'from' may not have same variable name '{$fromName}'", null, true); } } } $itemVar = "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$item}']"; $local = '$__foreach_' . (isset($attributes['name']) ? $attributes['name'] : $attributes['item']) . '_' . $this->counter ++ . '_'; $needIteration = false; // search for used tag attributes $itemAttr = array(); $namedAttr = array(); $this->scanForProperties($attributes, $compiler); if (!empty($this->matchResults['item'])) { $itemAttr = $this->matchResults['item']; } if (!empty($this->matchResults['named'])) { $namedAttr = $this->matchResults['named']; } if (isset($itemAttr['last'])) { $needIteration = true; } if (isset($namedAttr['last'])) { $needIteration = true; } $keyTerm = ''; if (isset($itemAttr['key'])) { $keyTerm = "{$itemVar}->key => "; } elseif (isset($attributes['key'])) { $keyTerm = "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$key}']->value => "; } $saveVars = array(); $restoreVars = array(); if ($this->isNamed) { $foreachVar = "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['__smarty_foreach_{$attributes['name']}']"; if (!empty($namedAttr)) { $saveVars['saved'] = "isset({$foreachVar}) ? {$foreachVar} : false;"; $restoreVars[] = "if ({$local}saved) {\n{$foreachVar} = {$local}saved;\n}\n"; } } foreach (array('item', 'key') as $a) { if (isset($attributes[$a])) { $saveVars['saved_' . $a] = "isset(\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$attributes[$a]}']) ? \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$attributes[$a]}'] : false;"; $restoreVars[] = "if ({$local}saved_{$a}) {\n\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$attributes[$a]}'] = {$local}saved_{$a};\n}\n"; } } $this->openTag($compiler, 'foreach', array('foreach', $compiler->nocache, $local, $restoreVars, $itemVar, true)); // maybe nocache because of nocache variables $compiler->nocache = $compiler->nocache | $compiler->tag_nocache; // generate output code $output = " $code) { $output .= "{$local}{$k} = {$code}\n"; } $output .= "{$itemVar} = new Smarty_Variable();\n"; $output .= "{$local}total = \$_smarty_tpl->smarty->ext->_foreach->count(\$_from);\n"; if (isset($itemAttr['show'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->show = ({$local}total > 0);\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['total'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->total= {$local}total;\n"; } if ($this->isNamed) { $prop = array(); if (isset($namedAttr['total'])) { $prop['total'] = "'total' => {$local}total"; } if (isset($namedAttr['iteration'])) { $prop['iteration'] = "'iteration' => 0"; } if (isset($namedAttr['index'])) { $prop['index'] = "'index' => -1"; } if (isset($namedAttr['show'])) { $prop['show'] = "'show' => ({$local}total > 0)"; } if (!empty($namedAttr)) { $_vars = 'array(' . join(', ', $prop) . ')'; $output .= "{$foreachVar} = new Smarty_Variable({$_vars});\n"; } } $output .= "if ({$local}total) {\n"; if (isset($attributes['key'])) { $output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$key}'] = new Smarty_Variable();\n"; } if (isset($namedAttr['first']) || isset($itemAttr['first'])) { $output .= "{$local}first = true;\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['iteration'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->iteration=0;\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['index'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->index=-1;\n"; } if ($needIteration) { $output .= "{$local}iteration=0;\n"; } $output .= "foreach (\$_from as {$keyTerm}{$itemVar}->value) {\n"; if (isset($attributes['key']) && isset($itemAttr['key'])) { $output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['{$key}']->value = {$itemVar}->key;\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['iteration'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->iteration++;\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['index'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->index++;\n"; } if ($needIteration) { $output .= "{$local}iteration++;\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['first'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->first = {$local}first;\n"; } if (isset($itemAttr['last'])) { $output .= "{$itemVar}->last = {$local}iteration == {$local}total;\n"; } if ($this->isNamed) { if (isset($namedAttr['iteration'])) { $output .= "{$foreachVar}->value['iteration']++;\n"; } if (isset($namedAttr['index'])) { $output .= "{$foreachVar}->value['index']++;\n"; } if (isset($namedAttr['first'])) { $output .= "{$foreachVar}->value['first'] = {$local}first;\n"; } if (isset($namedAttr['last'])) { $output .= "{$foreachVar}->value['last'] = {$local}iteration == {$local}total;\n"; } } if (isset($namedAttr['first']) || isset($itemAttr['first'])) { $output .= "{$local}first = false;\n"; } $output .= "{$local}saved_local_item = {$itemVar};\n"; $output .= "?>"; return $output; } } /** * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreachelse Class * * @package Smarty * @subpackage Compiler */ class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachelse extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase { /** * Compiles code for the {foreachelse} tag * * @param array $args array with attributes from parser * @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object * @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter * * @return string compiled code */ public function compile($args, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $parameter) { // check and get attributes $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args); list($openTag, $nocache, $local, $restoreVars, $itemVar, $foo) = $this->closeTag($compiler, array('foreach')); $this->openTag($compiler, 'foreachelse', array('foreachelse', $nocache, $local, $restoreVars, $itemVar, false)); $output = ""; return $output; } } /** * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreachclose Class * * @package Smarty * @subpackage Compiler */ class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachclose extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase { /** * Compiles code for the {/foreach} tag * * @param array $args array with attributes from parser * @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object * @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter * * @return string compiled code */ public function compile($args, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $parameter) { $compiler->loopNesting --; // must endblock be nocache? if ($compiler->nocache) { $compiler->tag_nocache = true; } list($openTag, $compiler->nocache, $local, $restoreVars, $itemVar, $restore) = $this->closeTag($compiler, array('foreach', 'foreachelse')); $output = ""; return $output; } }