0) { $orders = get_category_preferred_image_orders(); $conf['order_by'] = str_replace( 'ORDER BY ', 'ORDER BY '.$orders[ $_COOKIE['pwg_image_order'] ][1].',', $conf['order_by'] ); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | category | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (is_numeric($page['cat'])) { $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON id = image_id WHERE category_id = '.$page['cat'].' 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'include/category_default.inc.php' : 'include/category_subcats.inc.php', ) ); } // special section else { if (!empty($user['forbidden_categories'])) { $forbidden = ' category_id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')'; } else { $forbidden = ' 1=1'; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | search section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' ) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE '.get_sql_search_clause($_GET['search']).' AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['search_result'], 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | favorite section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['cat'] == 'fav') { check_user_favorites(); $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id = id WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' 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'.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['recent_pics_cat'], 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | recently updated categories section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['cat'] == 'recent_cats') { $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['recent_cats_cat'], 'cat_nb_images' => 0, 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_recent_cats.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | most visited section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['cat'] == 'most_visited') { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE hit > 0 AND '.$forbidden.' ORDER BY hit DESC, file ASC LIMIT 0, '.$conf['top_number'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $conf['top_number'].' '.$lang['most_visited_cat'], 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | calendar section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['cat'] == 'calendar') { $page['cat_nb_images'] = 0; $page['title'] = $lang['calendar']; if (isset($_GET['year']) and preg_match('/^\d+$/', $_GET['year'])) { $page['calendar_year'] = (int)$_GET['year']; } if (isset($_GET['month']) and preg_match('/^(\d+)\.(\d{2})$/', $_GET['month'], $matches)) { $page['calendar_year'] = (int)$matches[1]; $page['calendar_month'] = (int)$matches[2]; } if (isset($_GET['day']) and preg_match('/^(\d+)\.(\d{2})\.(\d{2})$/', $_GET['day'], $matches)) { $page['calendar_year'] = (int)$matches[1]; $page['calendar_month'] = (int)$matches[2]; $page['calendar_day'] = (int)$matches[3]; } if (isset($page['calendar_year'])) { $page['title'] .= ' ('; if (isset($page['calendar_day'])) { if ($page['calendar_year'] >= 1970) { $unixdate = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $page['calendar_month'], $page['calendar_day'], $page['calendar_year'] ); $page['title'].= $lang['day'][date("w", $unixdate)]; } $page['title'].= ' '.$page['calendar_day'].', '; } if (isset($page['calendar_month'])) { $page['title'] .= $lang['month'][$page['calendar_month']].' 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'.$lang['best_rated_cat'], 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | list section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['cat'] == 'list') { $query =' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE image_id IN ('.$_GET['list'].') AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['random_cat'], 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } if (!isset($page['cat_nb_images'])) { $page['cat_nb_images'] = count($page['items']); } } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | root category | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else { $page['title'] = $lang['no_category']; $page['thumbnails_include'] = 'include/category_subcats.inc.php'; } ?>