trim( stripslashes(@$_POST['author']) ), 'content' => trim( stripslashes($_POST['content']) ), 'image_id' => $page['image_id'], ); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); $comment_action = insert_user_comment($comm, @$_POST['key'], $infos ); switch ($comment_action) { case 'moderate': array_push( $infos, l10n('comment_to_validate') ); case 'validate': array_push( $infos, l10n('comment_added')); break; case 'reject': set_status_header(403); array_push($infos, l10n('comment_not_added') ); break; default: trigger_error('Invalid comment action '.$comment_action, E_USER_WARNING); } $template->assign( ($comment_action=='reject') ? 'errors' : 'infos', $infos ); // allow plugins to notify what's going on trigger_action( 'user_comment_insertion', array_merge($comm, array('action'=>$comment_action) ) ); } elseif ( isset($_POST['content']) ) { set_status_header(403); die('ugly spammer'); } if ($page['show_comments']) { // number of comment for this picture $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_comments'; $query.= ' FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$page['image_id']; $query.= " AND validated = 'true'"; $query.= ';'; $row = mysql_fetch_array( pwg_query( $query ) ); // navigation bar creation if (!isset($page['start'])) { $page['start'] = 0; } $navigation_bar = create_navigation_bar( duplicate_picture_url(array(), array('start')), $row['nb_comments'], $page['start'], $conf['nb_comment_page'], true // We want a clean URL ); $template->assign( array( 'COMMENT_COUNT' => $row['nb_comments'], 'COMMENT_NAV_BAR' => $navigation_bar, ) ); if ($row['nb_comments'] > 0) { $query = ' SELECT id,author,date,image_id,content FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$page['image_id'].' AND validated = \'true\' ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT '.$page['start'].', '.$conf['nb_comment_page'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query( $query ); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $tpl_comment = array( 'AUTHOR' => trigger_event('render_comment_author', empty($row['author']) ? l10n('guest') : $row['author']), 'DATE' => format_date( $row['date'], 'mysql_datetime', true), 'CONTENT' => trigger_event('render_comment_content',$row['content']), ); if (is_admin()) { $tpl_comment['U_DELETE'] = add_url_params( $url_self, array( 'action'=>'delete_comment', 'comment_to_delete'=>$row['id'] ) ); } $template->append('comments', $tpl_comment); } } if (!is_a_guest() or (is_a_guest() and $conf['comments_forall'])) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); $key = get_comment_post_key($page['image_id']); $content = ''; if ('reject'===@$comment_action) { $content = htmlspecialchars($comm['content']); } $template->assign('comment_add', array( 'F_ACTION' => $url_self, 'KEY' => $key, 'CONTENT' => $content, 'SHOW_AUTHOR' => !is_classic_user() )); } } ?>