$next_id, $conf['user_fields']['username'] => mysql_escape_string($login), $conf['user_fields']['password'] => $conf['pass_convert']($password), $conf['user_fields']['email'] => $mail_address ); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); mass_inserts(USERS_TABLE, array_keys($insert), array($insert)); // Assign by default groups { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.GROUPS_TABLE.' WHERE is_default = \''.boolean_to_string(true).'\' ORDER BY id ASC ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $inserts = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push ( $inserts, array ( 'user_id' => $next_id, 'group_id' => $row['id'] ) ); } if (count($inserts) != 0) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); mass_inserts(USER_GROUP_TABLE, array('user_id', 'group_id'), $inserts); } } create_user_infos($next_id); } return $errors; } function setup_style($style) { return new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'template/'.$style); } function build_user( $user_id, $use_cache ) { global $conf; $user['id'] = $user_id; $user = array_merge( $user, getuserdata($user_id, $use_cache) ); if ( $user['id'] == $conf['guest_id']) { $user['is_the_guest']=true; $user['template'] = $conf['default_template']; $user['nb_image_line'] = $conf['nb_image_line']; $user['nb_line_page'] = $conf['nb_line_page']; $user['language'] = $conf['default_language']; $user['maxwidth'] = $conf['default_maxwidth']; $user['maxheight'] = $conf['default_maxheight']; $user['recent_period'] = $conf['recent_period']; $user['expand'] = $conf['auto_expand']; $user['show_nb_comments'] = $conf['show_nb_comments']; $user['enabled_high'] = $conf['newuser_default_enabled_high']; } else { $user['is_the_guest']=false; } // calculation of the number of picture to display per page $user['nb_image_page'] = $user['nb_image_line'] * $user['nb_line_page']; // include template/theme configuration if (defined('IN_ADMIN') and IN_ADMIN) { list($user['template'], $user['theme']) = explode ( '/', isset($conf['default_admin_layout']) ? $conf['default_admin_layout'] : $user['template'] ); // TODO : replace $conf['admin_layout'] by $user['admin_layout'] } else { list($user['template'], $user['theme']) = explode('/', $user['template']); } return $user; } /** * find informations related to the user identifier * * @param int user identifier * @param boolean use_cache * @param array */ function getuserdata($user_id, $use_cache) { global $conf; $userdata = array(); $query = ' SELECT '; $is_first = true; foreach ($conf['user_fields'] as $pwgfield => $dbfield) { if ($is_first) { $is_first = false; } else { $query.= ' , '; } $query.= $dbfield.' AS '.$pwgfield; } $query.= ' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user_id.'\' ;'; $row = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); while (true) { $query = ' SELECT ui.*, uc.* FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' AS ui LEFT JOIN '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' AS uc ON ui.user_id = uc.user_id WHERE ui.user_id = \''.$user_id.'\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { break; } else { create_user_infos($user_id); } } $row = array_merge($row, mysql_fetch_array($result)); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { // If the field is true or false, the variable is transformed into a // boolean value. if ($value == 'true' or $value == 'false') { $userdata[$key] = get_boolean($value); } else { $userdata[$key] = $value; } } } if ($use_cache) { if (!isset($userdata['need_update']) or !is_bool($userdata['need_update']) or $userdata['need_update'] == true) { $userdata['forbidden_categories'] = calculate_permissions($userdata['id'], $userdata['status']); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(image_id)) as total FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id NOT IN ('.$userdata['forbidden_categories'].') ;'; list($userdata['nb_total_images']) = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); // update user cache $query = ' DELETE FROM '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$userdata['id'].' ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' INSERT INTO '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' (user_id,need_update,forbidden_categories,nb_total_images) VALUES ('.$userdata['id'].',\'false\',\'' .$userdata['forbidden_categories'].'\','.$userdata['nb_total_images'].') ;'; pwg_query($query); } } return $userdata; } /* * deletes favorites of the current user if he's not allowed to see them * * @return void */ function check_user_favorites() { global $user; if ($user['forbidden_categories'] == '') { return; } // retrieving images allowed : belonging to at least one authorized // category $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT f.image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' AS f INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON f.image_id = ic.image_id WHERE f.user_id = '.$user['id'].' AND ic.category_id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $authorizeds = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($authorizeds, $row['image_id']); } $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $favorites = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($favorites, $row['image_id']); } $to_deletes = array_diff($favorites, $authorizeds); if (count($to_deletes) > 0) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $to_deletes).') AND user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * calculates the list of forbidden categories for a given user * * Calculation is based on private categories minus categories authorized to * the groups the user belongs to minus the categories directly authorized * to the user. The list contains at least -1 to be compliant with queries * such as "WHERE category_id NOT IN ($forbidden_categories)" * * @param int user_id * @param string user_status * @return string forbidden_categories */ function calculate_permissions($user_id, $user_status) { global $user; $private_array = array(); $authorized_array = array(); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE status = \'private\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($private_array, $row['id']); } // retrieve category ids directly authorized to the user $query = ' SELECT cat_id FROM '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; $authorized_array = array_from_query($query, 'cat_id'); // retrieve category ids authorized to the groups the user belongs to $query = ' SELECT cat_id FROM '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' AS ug INNER JOIN '.GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE.' AS ga ON ug.group_id = ga.group_id WHERE ug.user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; $authorized_array = array_merge( $authorized_array, array_from_query($query, 'cat_id') ); // uniquify ids : some private categories might be authorized for the // groups and for the user $authorized_array = array_unique($authorized_array); // only unauthorized private categories are forbidden $forbidden_array = array_diff($private_array, $authorized_array); // if user is not an admin, locked categories are forbidden if (!is_admin($user_status)) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE visible = \'false\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($forbidden_array, $row['id']); } $forbidden_array = array_unique($forbidden_array); } if ( empty($forbidden_array) ) {// at least, the list contains 0 value. This category does not exists so // where clauses such as "WHERE category_id NOT IN(0)" will always be // true. array_push($forbidden_array, 0); } return implode(',', $forbidden_array); } /** * returns the username corresponding to the given user identifier if exists * * @param int user_id * @return mixed */ function get_username($user_id) { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.intval($user_id).' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { list($username) = mysql_fetch_row($result); } else { return false; } return $username; } /** * returns user identifier thanks to his name, false if not found * * @param string username * @param int user identifier */ function get_userid($username) { global $conf; $username = mysql_escape_string($username); $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' = \''.$username.'\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { return false; } else { list($user_id) = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $user_id; } } /** * search an available feed_id * * @return string feed identifier */ function find_available_feed_id() { while (true) { $key = generate_key(50); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.USER_FEED_TABLE.' WHERE id = \''.$key.'\' ;'; list($count) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if (0 == $count) { return $key; } } } /** * add user informations based on default values * * @param int user_id */ function create_user_infos($user_id) { global $conf; list($dbnow) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); if ($user_id == $conf['webmaster_id']) { $status = 'webmaster'; } else if ($user_id == $conf['guest_id']) { $status = 'guest'; } else { $status = 'normal'; } $insert = array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'status' => $status, 'template' => $conf['default_template'], 'nb_image_line' => $conf['nb_image_line'], 'nb_line_page' => $conf['nb_line_page'], 'language' => $conf['default_language'], 'recent_period' => $conf['recent_period'], 'expand' => boolean_to_string($conf['auto_expand']), 'show_nb_comments' => boolean_to_string($conf['show_nb_comments']), 'maxwidth' => $conf['default_maxwidth'], 'maxheight' => $conf['default_maxheight'], 'registration_date' => $dbnow, 'enabled_high' => boolean_to_string($conf['newuser_default_enabled_high']), ); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); mass_inserts(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array_keys($insert), array($insert)); } /** * returns the groupname corresponding to the given group identifier if * exists * * @param int group_id * @return mixed */ function get_groupname($group_id) { $query = ' SELECT name FROM '.GROUPS_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.intval($group_id).' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { list($groupname) = mysql_fetch_row($result); } else { return false; } return $groupname; } /** * return the file path of the given language filename, depending on the * availability of the file * * in descending order of preference: user language, default language, * PhpWebGallery default language. * * @param string filename * @return string filepath */ function get_language_filepath($filename) { global $user, $conf; $directories = array(); if ( isset($user['language']) ) { $directories[] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language/'.$user['language']; } $directories[] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language/'.$conf['default_language']; $directories[] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language/'.PHPWG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; foreach ($directories as $directory) { $filepath = $directory.'/'.$filename; if (file_exists($filepath)) { return $filepath; } } return false; } /* * Performs all required actions for user login * @param int user_id * @param bool remember_me * @return void */ function log_user($user_id, $remember_me) { global $conf, $user; if ($remember_me) { // search for an existing auto_login_key $query = ' SELECT auto_login_key FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.$user_id.' ;'; $auto_login_key = current(mysql_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query))); if (empty($auto_login_key)) { $auto_login_key = base64_encode(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))); $query = ' UPDATE '.USERS_TABLE.' SET auto_login_key=\''.$auto_login_key.'\' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.$user_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); } $cookie = array('id' => $user_id, 'key' => $auto_login_key); setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], serialize($cookie), time()+$conf['remember_me_length'], cookie_path() ); } else { // make sure we clean any remember me ... setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], '', 0, cookie_path()); } if ( session_id()!="" ) { // this can happpen when the session is expired and auto_login session_regenerate_id(); } else { session_start(); } $_SESSION['pwg_uid'] = $user_id; $user['id'] = $_SESSION['pwg_uid']; } /* * Performs auto-connexion when cookie remember_me exists * @return true/false */ function auto_login() { global $conf; if ( isset( $_COOKIE[$conf['remember_me_name']] ) ) { // must remove slash added in include/common.inc.php $cookie = unserialize(stripslashes($_COOKIE[$conf['remember_me_name']])); $query = ' SELECT auto_login_key FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.$cookie['id'].' ;'; $auto_login_key = current(mysql_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query))); if ($auto_login_key == $cookie['key']) { log_user($cookie['id'], true); return true; } else { setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], '', 0, cookie_path()); } } return false; } /* * Return access_type definition of uuser * Test does with user status * @return bool */ function get_access_type_status($user_status = '') { global $user; if (($user_status == '') and isset($user['status'])) { $user_status = $user['status']; } $access_type_status = ACCESS_NONE; switch ($user_status) { case 'guest': case 'generic': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_GUEST; break; } case 'normal': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_CLASSIC; break; } case 'admin': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR; break; } case 'webmaster': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_WEBMASTER; break; } } return $access_type_status; } /* * Return if user have access to access_type definition * Test does with user status * @return bool */ function is_autorize_status($access_type, $user_status = '') { return (get_access_type_status($user_status) >= $access_type); } /* * Check if user have access to access_type definition * Stop action if there are not access * Test does with user status * @return none */ function check_status($access_type, $user_status = '') { if (!is_autorize_status($access_type, $user_status)) { access_denied(); } } /* * Return if user is an administrator * @return bool */ function is_admin($user_status = '') { return is_autorize_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR, $user_status); } /* * Return if current user is an adviser * @return bool */ function is_adviser() { global $user; return ($user['adviser'] == 'true'); } /* * Return mail address as display text * @return string */ function get_email_address_as_display_text($email_address) { global $conf; if (!isset($email_address) or (trim($email_address) == '')) { return ''; } else { if (is_adviser()) { return 'adviser.mode@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else { return $email_address; } } } ?>